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Jap goverment responds to japachuds seething about AC Shadows: "Lol who the frick cares" :asianchud: :marseylaugh:


Remember this thread from few days ago?

BIPOC samurai onthe verge of becoming diplomatic incident as Nips are fed up :marseyscream:

Well here is the long awaited update

Responding, the Japanese foreign ministry said it simply wasn't their concern

But lets read up more. Who was the supposed big shot who will smite down Ubislop's Magnum Opus using the support of billion angry nips?

Sankei reports that NHK Party representative Satoshi Hamada formally asked Japanese government ministries to comment on Assassin's Creed Shadows.

A gov party?! :marseywtf2: Surely this must be a big deal!


So youre telling me all the KIAcels and dramachuds smuggly talking about how the Nips are waking up turn out to be in fact a fringe 1% far right party, and most japs in fact do not care :marseyemojirofl#:

Anyways heres a reddit thread discussing this occurence: https://old.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/1eb0p27/japanese_government_isnt_investigating_assassins/

KIA subhumans seething: https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1eb1jjb/japans_mext_answers_questions_about_ac_shadows/

Some xitter threads:



!nonchuds who coulda seen that coming

Btw this is the japachud "politician" who made the report:


Reminds you of someone?


:marseyxd: Joke writes itself

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>Nip government allows a globohomo corp to besmirch their based homogenous country by adding a colored to a video game

The East has fallen, billions of rice must be fried :itsoverjapanese:

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billions of rice must be fried




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I was at a Korean restaurant recently that had it and I really wanted to order it to get muh animu feels but everyone else ordered so much food I was :marseychonker2: eating my share and couldn't order it in the end


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make it yourself! :marseychef:

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Is that a souffle (sp?) on top of rice?

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it's an omelette on top of fried rice. they to it with demiglaze sometimes.

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It's an omelette :marseyeggirl:

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it's an omelette (omu = omelette in nip i think)

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I didn't follow that closely but people actually thought the japanese government would 1) give a shit and 2) do anything about it?

Japs have made an entire tranime where King Arthur is a foid. They constantly bastardise their own history and they love black characters in modern media, bonus point if there's hip-hop music or jazz (which is like their favorite music for some reason)

Once again chuds are being r-slurred beyond levels previously thought unattainable.

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Well they thought they might get similar reaction that Egypt government gave towards Cleopatra movie on Netflix

Huge difference is...that shit was marketed as a legit documentary, better than any other documentaries before it , because 'it was not made by mayos!'

This isn't that

The only thing that I personally find kinda unnerving in this is not that the game has Yasuke as protag, but that supposedly progressive individuals started using legitimately chud tactics to 'fix up' and change history in Wikipedia pages and rhistory posts and articles on mainstream press, while using doubtful sources, to own some chuds

Then again it's not the first or the last time horseshoe theory works

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It astounds me that KiA is still as active as it is. If you're seething about "woke" in video games still you're beyond help.

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Please post butthole

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Not even. If u feminist twats didnt shit up every thing we wouldnt have a problem would we

Black lives matter

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Chuds are rlly crying to the government to censure a game. Where have we heard this before? :marseyxd:


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I mean, years ago pearl-clutching tradstrags were also crying to the government to censor a game, sometimes succesfully. Heck they've been doing it for the longest time... They just took a break when Trump got elected.

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Cleopatra documentary set up a precedent

The key word here is 'documentary'

As it was marketed as super legit doc with no lying mayos involved

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NHK aren't a far right party. They were more like Count Binface in the UK. The anti-politician party against their equivalent of NPR/BBC. They're more right wing now but their main focus is pro-nuclear energy stuff counteracting the fallout of Fukushima and military rearmament (which admittedly is decently right in Japan).

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I made a quick skim through the wiki saw it saying theyre socially conservative so just wrote them off as far rght coz thats the only possible people who could care about this nonsense so much

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I'd actually say if your far right party is influential enough to snitch on video games thats pretty hilarious. It's like is this party obsessed with burgershit or do they just hate black people via coincidence?

I'd still argue that puts Japs into a special breed of racist. Only Americans have politicians this culture war brained

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I don't know why G*mers are sperging out so much about a game that's going to be mid at best.

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that game was awesome, it had 10 minute unskippable cutscenes and was historically accurate, even with the time machines and whatever. i can't wait!

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I will be purchasing AC Shadows for full price on PS5 and I will be playing as BBCsuke and killing as many bugs as possible while listening to rap music

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The Japanese government killed all the samurai, why would they care about Frog propaganda making the samurai look bad.

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Nothing is stopping these crybabies from making games with PVRE ARYAN yts and/or big tiddy babes to pwn the libtards. :marseyeyeroll:

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Just wait til the jews make them import some sub saharan doctors and engineers and can look back at this in bitter irony

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Vidya BIPOCs deserve far worse

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