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Marvel Adds DRM to Physical X-men comics


TLDR: to avoid "spoilers" marvel is now locking the final page of each x-men issue behind a QR code which you scan and pulls up the final page. The final page is just a normal static image which serves as the cliffhanger or shoe drop hook for the next issue as is common in most comics. Luckily though these pages will be printed in future printings of the issue telling customers to just not buy your new comic until well after its released.

Drama has emerged as comic Pros and shills come to tow the line:

"Ur a weird incel if you dont like DRM in physical media"



"What if it was the editorial content which has just always been a page in comics?" (It isnt even that its a page of story content)



Like here are the pages they are clearly normal butt comic pages:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17218789079552903.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1721878908141534.webp

so all the cope about it just being an AD or editorial stuff is a lie.

Still not gonna stop shills from just spewing the company line:

"its just a BONUS page!" well if it is to prevent spoilers how can it be just a throwaway ? Again its all very clearly content which would be a last page hook in any other comic.



"its super cool and unique to read the last page on a 6 in screen instead of a normal comic!"



Again my own take is that this is just some misguided DRM trying to stop piracy kiddies who read comics and manga on they phone "hey kids cant scan a qr code with a phone if its own your phone" and I guess to prevent spoilers if an issue leaks early since the server hosting the qr codes only launches on release day, which will just fail in the long run as people either just wait for the trade lowering sales, or pirate the book since pirates will just download the bonus page and bundle it in.

!comicshitters new marvel editorial frick up

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Nobody knows why western comic sales have gone down while manga is still stable

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WES:marseytrain2:S LOST







https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c9/c6/9d/c9c69d86c6d01c348aa13f9e66c8789a.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/736x/74/02/58/740258deb8a719ec74b1cad44d0ac61b.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/736x/1f/e0/54/1fe054607f6e9d5a292d6dd4106ebdbe.jpg https://i.redd.it/ba0yzsi8lwlb1.png https://preview.redd.it/tytdvo78geu71.png?width=320&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=2456af13e88fe69fb8a89bf69be0573a44a71faa https://preview.redd.it/9rnyxg49geu71.png?width=320&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=d2adfa3147d3df10f4ff040f7c835c7bc5493aa4 https://preview.redd.it/d3v8zdp9geu71.png?width=320&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=f05500713b1c605273d1b399d599964fee34674c https://preview.redd.it/2puf7gp9geu71.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=f5fb852e4634b89780739a0496099c08231db875 !anime !chuds

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I love how unapologetically racist the second Hokage was.


I want those eye BIPOCs put in a ghetto.

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>eye BIPOCs

People of Doujutsu, PoD.

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https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/611/021/139.jpg https://i.redd.it/ny3q7d0r3bx51.jpg https://i.rdrama.net/images/1722012790190505.webp !chuds !anime

Kill Uchihas. Behead Uchihas. Roundhouse kick a Uchiha into the concrete. Slam dunk an Uchiha into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Uchihas. Defecate in a Uchiha's food. Launch Uchihas into the sun. Stir fry Uchihas in a wok. Toss Uchihas into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Uchiha's gas tank. Judo throw Uchihas into a wood chipper. Twist Uchihas' heads off. Report Uchihas to the Wizards' Council. Karate chop Uchihas in half. Curb stomp pregnant non-human Uchihas. Trap Uchihas in quicksand. Crush Uchihas in the trash compactor. Liquefy Uchihas in a vat of acid. Eat Uchihas. Dissect Uchihas. Exterminate Uchihas in the gas chamber. Stomp Uchiha skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Uchihas in the oven. Lobotomize Uchihas. Mandatory abortions for Uchihas. Grind Uchiha fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Uchihas in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Uchihas with anti-matter. Kick old Uchihas down the stairs. Feed Uchihas to alligators. Slice Uchihas with a katana.


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Anime and manga suffer from some pretty fricking awful problems themselves so it says something when Western comics have managed to be even worse. Capeshit is like if anime and manga actually was nothing but isekai.

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Dont worry im sure the yapanese will take notes on this due to their love of draconian copyright law :marseythumbsup: THIS ART IS NOT FOR REDISTRIBUTION ON ANY OTHER PLATFORM ANY COPYING AND PASTING OF THIS ART IS PUNISHABLE BY LAW :marseyjapanese:

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they're funny :marseybruh: people

went to the JP jump website and there's banners talking about how they shut down some pirate :marseyzeldatetra: site and also how people are misidentifying titty kubo on twitter :marseyelonpaypig: and they will take action :marseypop: against further shitposts

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you brought great shame and dishonor to your ancestors, reader-san

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Jump tried this in the past, but they had the decency to make the manga optionally interactive.

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Koji Kumeta used to threaten people over copyright because people kept posting old nudes of him he put into one of his early series.

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:marseyraisinghands: ooh ooh is it racism?

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ooh ooh


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Sorry I don't speak unga bunga click click :marseyshr#ug:

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Why didn't you upmarsey me?

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Sorry fixed

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I know why. It's because women.


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There are many great women manga artists in Japan, so s*x is definitely not an issue here.

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Yeah s*x definitely isn't an issue with manga :marseykishibe:

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any cute ones?

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Maybe it's because a bunch of magna readers are pedos who need new content for their next goon sesh :marseyhmmhips:

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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