Coconut is a fricking racial slur now

Dumb colonizing b-word ๐Ÿ˜‚

Here come the fricking white women, motherlover!

I have a fricking feeling the fricking Indians are fricking gonna make Kamala pick either Indian or black if this r-sluration continues.

It's so beautiful ๐Ÿ˜

Let's see if we can't get a fricking Kamala BJP crossover.

@GOCK4LYF_HIGHtil_iDie I worked really hard on this so an upmarsey would go a fricking long way

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Maybe you should put this much effort INTO LAWN CARE YOU FAKELAWNCEL.


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The thumb nail looks freakish, mods please don't accept this pic.

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You really :marseythinkorino2: can learn :marseyreading: a lot just from hand pic. :marseynotes:

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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What have you nooticed?

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Too much sun or he's over 44 with liver damage. Worn hands :marseyjewoftheorientglow: suggest blue collar :marseythebuilder: work. Attention :marseyselfharm: to nails :marseychudstamp: means he's a cute twink :marseyzeldagerudolink: or trying to get laid as a 45 year old. The patch :marseyoctopus4: of dead grass :marseynope: reaffirms the earlier points about his class. Im actually :marseyakshually: kind of sad.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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I just had blood work done a couple weeks ago. She said my liver is fine :marseyindignant:

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bruh, you got broadlead weeds and brown parches in that pic. Shamefull!


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It's been 98ยฐ and raining for like a month straight!

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doesnt excuse the weeds.


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Oreo is a slur too? Ok.

I bet cracker is still perfectly fine, though.

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yup cracker is fine. Jus remind you cant be racist against white people.

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That's absolutely wrong. In fact you can only be racist against white people, because we're the only fricking ones that qualify as people.

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oh wait it says pasty :marseycacglow: lol

im a little :marseyunicorn: drunk :marseymoonshine:

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You sure? It looks like Patsy on my end :marseyhappy2:

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According to DEI bullshit, unironically yes.

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Some of us qualify as people, anyway.

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Shut up cracker

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Most huwites can't be racist against nogs either since they don't have power and racism was redefined as power + prejudice.

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Shut up furtwink

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She can't even get her slurs :marseyswear: right. Oreo is for mulattos, not black :marseychinchilla2: people.

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We always called the smart blacks Oreos bc they must have some white inside them

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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"Donut" as well, just ask Gordon Ramsey

black lives matter

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"Coconut" is Muslim slang. It's used to refer to someone who is "brown on the outside and white on the inside", and is most often used by radical Muslims to refer to moderate Muslims. If you've ever looked at ISIS social media, they use the term constantly to refer to Muslims who they feel aren't radical enough. :marseyisis:

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If you've ever looked at ISIS social media

:marseyno: recruit elsewhere mohammed

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I think MoonMetropolis was fricking literally arrested for recruiting isis members.

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Muhammad is a filthy child molester and Allah is a pig fricker.

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worse than storing hunter peepee pics in ypur phone

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I don't even have a phone. For real. I obtained that image the old-fashioned way: on a computer. :#pepehacker:

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@PeepeeButtKiss is not even a Muslim and @PeepeeButtKiss find this distasteful. Maybe distasteful enough too do something about it...

black lives matter

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are you implying there is something wrong with have a big gross disgusting beard and a weirdo turban??? what a chud

black lives matter

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The taqiyya is strong today.

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I thought you said you weren't an ISIS commander?

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indian :marseypajeet: chuds have a flower :marseytradwifedaisy: as their symbol

cute twinks :#marseylaughwith:

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everything is a slur now just like "DEI"

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>uppity TV kween

>white woman hair

Every single time

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How can they be upset about people correctly pointing out that DEI is about putting less qualified people that are the right color or gender in positions. It's not like they started a program to put smart and qualified dudes in positions

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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How did a cis woman develop male pattern baldness?


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most black :marseyelisabeth: women :marseydarkfoidretard: are balding / bald, they damage the frick out of their hair to try and make it look like white :marseypolarbear: womans hair

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They also have more testosterone than other women :marseyliathomas:

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They pull them braids too tight.


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People of coconut is funny.

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Coconut has been a racial slur for a long time. I don't know if it's a thing in America but it definitely is among the Carribbeans here. It's like an equivalent of 'uncle tom'

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!friendsofsnappy snappy :marseyrobot: made us a pie :marseyvore3:

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Coconuts are a symbol of colonialism as European Swallows originally trapped in shipholds took many coconuts from native lands and flew them back to Europe. There was actually a coconut shortage in the more habited regions of the southern hemisphere due to these birds nearly driving coconut trees to extinction.

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Factcheck: This claim is a gross exageration of reality.

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calculation machine join tropical hairy fruit with the entries that be

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"kamala" isnt lotus, it's Lakshmi โ€” the goddess of bands

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Kamala :marseyridin: is mutt.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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