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It's a funny le hecking comeback until you think about how most wars just sent millions of guys to die because foids at home thought it was a "just cause" :!marseydeadinside2:

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Its because we are biologically r-slurred into thinking that r*pe is worse than being tied down and having your face peeled off. Like no fricking way in current year am I fighting in a war unless there are women in the frontline alongside me. I don't care if it makes my regiment less competent, I am in a die any moment situation, you are taking the same risks as me or I ain't playing.

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If I had to rely on my squad mates to cover my back I think I'd prefer dudes tbqh bb

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If I was expected to fight :marseypunching: at the front :marseyviewerstare: while foids :marseyblops2chadcel: wrote books :marseymoreyouknow: about how women :marseysuffragette: suffer the most in war, I wouldn't fight :marseypunching: at all.

Better to be worse off together :marseyfoxxy: than to be sent to die alone :marseyitsdangerous: for somebody else's comfort.

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It's a man's duty to protect women

If you'd seriously rather your country fall before you do your duty as a man to keep women safe, get out :gtfo:

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This is the difference between traditional and modern misogyny. In traditional misogyny, women are pets and you're their caretaker. In modern misogyny, women are Croats and you're a Serb.

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its every persons duty to protect themselves, anything :marseycoleporter: above that is a privilege for which you pay in one form or the other to the social :marseyredcheck: network :marseyslab: around you. Woman :marseyarthoe7: have broken :marseymissing2: their part of the contract, so I have no concerns about not following through with mine.

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>Woman have broken their part of the contract, so I have no concerns about not following through with mine.

Two wrongs don't make a right. A real man would still extend the olive branch to try and mend the contract, not be a kitty and just take his ball and go home because the other side is being mean.

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We did. It was called the past two generations.

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Foids have their holes they'll be fine no matter what. Maternal DNA basically never changes for a geographic location outside of extinction level events of course. We are useless and a potential danger to any conquering males, if we aren't killed outright and instead enslaved they'll make sure our paternal line dies with us. That's the difference. That's why we fight. To protect our father's legacy and our own lives.

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based :marseyupvote:

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femcel: supports female :marseysouthernbelle6: conscription because they think :marseyphilosoraptor: women :marseygoodnight: are equal :marseyjustice: to men

incel: supports female :marseydomesticabuse2: conscription because they want women :marseysuffragette: to die

the femcel-incel coalition will make female :marseydomesticabuse2: conscription happen :marseyvenn6:

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Exactly, humanity didn't have any wars before we let womxn vote.

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In ww1 they'd put pins on guys in the street, funny hearing that some got punched because sometimes the guy got lucky going on temporary leave

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>A woman who hasn't given birth lectures men on how much it hurts to give birth

Certified :marseywomanmoment:

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Wallfoid :#cope: :#marseyeggless:

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>as a proudly childless cat lady

Vote discarded

Hey this is really easy! And fun! :#marsey:

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