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Looks like gavin is running in 2028
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Oh look, it's finally politically expedient to solve that problem they caused.

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  • ObamaBinLaden : until a real solution...more like a final solution

iol the homelessness crisis in America isn't going to go away because you remove camps, they'll just keep popping back up until a real solution is found.

realistically maybe 20% of hobos can be helped. I'm all for helping people that are just down on their luck, but the psycho drug addict hobos that are too mentally ill to be helped need to be sent to holding facilities and kept there until they're better or die of old age.

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realistically maybe 20% of hobos can be helped. I'm all for helping people that are just down on their luck, but the psycho drug addict hobos that are too mentally ill to be helped need to be sent to holding facilities and kept there until they're better or die of old age.

While I agree with this, we both know this isn't the liberal playbook at all. Most libs scoff at the thought of effectively stripping somebody of their rights ""just"" because they demonstrate over and over that they can't participate in society.

I think vagrancy should be made illegal again. Not necessarily to throw all of them in jail or prison, but to provide the legal impetus to forcibly institutionalizing them. It'll be expensive, I'm aware, but it's realistically the only way to actually "solve" the problem, or at least remove the most troublesome symptoms.

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I would guess way more people are open to this now than ever before. The only people still defending the hobos are the wealthy whites that don't live around them and have some fantasy perception of hobos being normal people that are simply down on their luck.

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We don't build housing for the poorest, shittiest portions of humanity anymore. Cities used to be full of projects and dormitory-style flophouses (think halfway between a motel and an apartment) that went against every building code and were some of the most miserable places on earth, but were still better than the streets. They need to be building more apartments that look like Charlie and Frank's from Always Sunny, not these straggy boxy condos. At least that way people can OD in private and not in front of a daycare.

Either that or just bring back full on serfdom for the homeless. I want to have my lands tended to by junkies that I pay in salt, flour, and heroin and force to larp as medieval peasants :marseypoor:

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Real libright :marseygasden: moment :marseycringe2: am I right :marseyyes: !pcm

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just throw the homeless in jail :marseyeyeroll:

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The problem isn't that there's homeless. The problem is that it is an attractive lifestyle for young drug addicts and they have free reign in some cities. Constantly harassing them until they hide solves both of those problems.

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Didnt you fight one

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>the psycho drug addict hobos that are too mentally ill to be helped need to be sent to holding facilities

it would be a lot more economical to build "holding facilities" for them if they were soylent green

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>Put bums into houses

Leftoids mad - :soycry: my unhousederinos rights!!!

>Build soviet bloc houses to accommodate economically

Rightoids mad - :chudtantrum: where's my ✨✨European✨✨ aestheticerinooo!!!!

Me - get in cute twinks :marseycracka:

!dramatards /r/love4ConcreteShitboxes

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I get that they're pretty economical and convenient...but still...

Them Soviets did a lot of bad things, but allowing for this hideous style of architecture to get so big is but one of their gravest sins :marseydisgusted:


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Would you be interested in a partnership to create !architecture? Give me 5k and I'll make you a ping janny

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I'll throw in 79 dc, all I have to my name

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>79 dc :#marseysoypoint:

Ping was created, you can join us

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I grew up seeing plenty high rise units that look nice in Asia, so I never understood the hate for them. Then I saw the commie blocks. Absolutely souless.

Commies has the knack of making everything look ugly.

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Unfortunately they werent exclusive to commies, they just bought in the concept the most, because it fit their ideology. But these things exist in the west as well. And theyre about as depressing as in the east, too.

Theyre really the perfect representation of cumminism.the theory seems if not reasonable then at least internally consistent and logical, but the reality just shits all over it and shows that it leads to the exact opposite of the theory, and does so with incredible consistency e very single time everywhere.

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We call them the projects in America

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Leftoids mad - :soycry: my unhousederinos rights!!!

Didn't they start calling stuff like this concentration camps or something since you are :quote: concentrating :quote: bums together

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My God!! Are countries the OG concentration camps for not letting anyone in/out at any time without valid documents?


Are passports/visas the OG star of David armband?

:#marseypikachu2: :#marseypikachu2: :#marseypikachu2:

Is every Government a Nazi Government?

:#marseypikachu2genocide: :#marseypikachu2genocide: :#marseypikachu2genocide:

!historychads it all makes sense now

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Yes, they are. Passports were supposed to be a temporary emergency measure and they only continue because they were able to get away with it. all governments are fricking BIPOCS. !historychads

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because they were able to get away with it

Get away with it again. The passport-less period of international travel before WW1 was a fluke in history created by inflexible bureaucracy not yet catching up to new technology ( :marseytrain:) :marseywait: Ancient chinks had a passport system at least 2500 years ago.

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I hate them so much bros

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This but unironically

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Or you know you could build something somewhat more aethestically pleasing? !chuds another :normielarp: promoting ugliness again.

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Get the frick in bum, I will not ask again

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Hey! I can see my house from here. :marseyopera:

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I'm proof that housing projects like this create antisocial people

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:#bruh: !chuds is this true?

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Well, if she's an accuser she's claiming he r*ped her, not that she willingly had s*x with him. Bit different.

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I mean Weinstein's definitely a creep but her accusation didn't bear fruit so who knows lol

In November 2022, Siebel Newsom testified in court that, in 2005, Weinstein had r*ped her in a hotel room, having lured her there under the pretenses of holding a professional discussion about film projects. Weinstein's attorney claimed what took place was "consensual, transactional s*x". The jury was unable to reach a verdict on Newsom's accusation and that of one of his other accusers.

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"Unable to reach a verdict" means some of the jurors thought it was proven beyond a reasonable doubt and some didn't. :marseyshrug: It's a crazy high standard and I wouldn't put too much weight on some of the jury not thinking it had been met.

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It's a crazy high standard

For good reason.

I wouldn't put too much weight on some of the jury not thinking it had been met


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yeah not disagreeing with you, just semantics i guess

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Alright, Gavin is finally becoming (somewhat) based and cool and redpilled and all that jazz! he really though? Well, I doubt it, but hey it's a first step soooooo


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He's pushed back on a lot of trans stuff such as trans kids in sports and minors being able to overrule parents. Me personally I think he's trying to Macronmax :macroncool:

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If teachers thought this children were at risk by chud parents, shouldn't they have already reported these parents?

"Let's keep this secret from your parents" has terrible optics

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Honestly, I wish that we could get a sane anti-:marseytrain: candidate who doesn't drink all of the crazy far-right Kool-Aid. Where's the J.K. Rowling equivalent to vote for? :marseyshrug:

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you and me both

>leftoid party in britain drops :marseytrain: shit

>wins in a landslide

idk why other parties cant see this winning formula

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Neighbor what? He's at the forefront of that shit. Where are you getting your info?

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Huh. Surprising, but also entirely out of character for him.

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in this one he's on the pro-:marseytrain2: side tho

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Also found this:

It seems clear to me he's taking a nuanced approach, which is probably the best option for him politically if he wants a chance. I think the AIPAC knocked some sense into him, and he's realized if he reigns in the cities and clean up California while having a nuanced, middle of the road identity politics position, he can very well become president. And that's what he's been doing. He obviously has faults, he's a scumbag who rewards political allies like Panera or PG&E, but he's been a smart scumbag lately. I like him more now than I used to.

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Never even read the title. But tbh, I don't really care one way or another on this specific :marseytrain: issue. Rather they tell a counselor (probable p-dophile) about these issues than just their fellow groomercord :!marseytrain:s (definite p-dophiles). Now what these counselors do is another issue, and that's where my issues are.

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Oh so the Hobocaust is coming after all? Sweet

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people in those camps are disproportionately trans and now he's gonna tear down their homes. Literal genocide! I always knew that Newsome ws a chud!


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They have expert dozer operators in Gaza I hear

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Excuse you, but we have plenty of great American dozer operators! :marseypatriot:

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Based. Frick homeless people

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Didnt he just veto a bill to audit ngo's receiving homeless grants?

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Pizza bout to find so many deals on "Meat"

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lol how long did this take? people have been complaining about this for years. i wonder if this is the first domino to fall regarding the rest of the stupid butt policies liberals have implemented on the west coast


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i wonder if this is the first domino to fall regarding the rest of the stupid butt policies liberals have implemented on the west coast

:#marseykekw: yeah for sure man

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πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ California property values priced in to skyrocket

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lol, yep

one of the biggest things cons had to point to about any candidate from the bay area were videos of streetshitters who get stabby around the taxpayers

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Unironically if he chudded out I could see vooting for him. I don't think he's a lefty, I think he's a bandwagon-jumper whose political ideals shift depending on whatever's the popular sentiment. Of course, that means if the winds ever shift back to the left, he'd go right back to letting junkies shoot up in the McDonaldLand ball put and force parents to chop their kids peepees off…

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Not even people in his own state like him though? How is he planning to win lol

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Blue no matter who

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Nothing will happen. Where would they even go? They're like cockroaches, they just move next door.

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