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  • Homoshrexual : Depressing
  • Healthy : If you think this is bad try looking into American public schools.

The American Child Torture Industry: Cons and Cults Disguised as Schools


At this very moment, 120,000 to 200,000 children (The American Bar Association)(Archive) are being held in hellish conditions, very literally tortured and brainwashed by design, killed through neglect, and often r*ped (2008 GAO hearing to the 110th Congress, Archive), by shady for profit organizations that keep them as long as they can in the name of 'treatment' and make $50 billion per year among the entire industry, with $23 billion coming from federal, state, and local programs. (Youth Today)(Archive) Furthermore, the ABA adds that, for example, Sequel(Archive), infamous for killing a recently orphaned, not otherwise "troubled" kid for throwing bread crust in Riverside Academy in 2020, makes $200 million a year in revenue among its facilities, and 90% of it comes from Medicaid, Medicare, and some 500 or so additional federal, state, and local programs. Sequel collects as much as $800 per day per child from these government programs.

What is a "Program"?

The common term for such a facility that brainwashes kids into what is best described as "Stepford children" for profit. They take any kid for any reason, and will change the lie about what they are to tailor their pitch. The same program is simultaneously a drug rehab, a 'reform school', a normal boarding school, a 'therapy school', or a foster program for orphans, depending on who is signing and paying.

What do you mean by "Torture"?

Being bound, caged, or both, or forced into stress positions:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1721959236153036.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17219592362026336.webp

Seclusion for days to months at a time:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17219592360213625.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17219592362518327.webp

Strip searching as punishment, placement in isolation rooms for months on end, physical restraint on gurneys, extended time in cuffs or shackles, and being locked in cages; forced exercise, stress positions, beatings, painful joint-damaging restraint, constantly hearing someone enduring any or all of this, constant fear of that being inflicted upon one's self; intense, constant humiliation for any slight, any mistake, any past transgression before being sent to the program, and even any made up sin or flaw that will be repeated until it is true. Being forced to rat out other kids to move up in the program and be treated better, being forced to become unpaid "junior staff" to graduate including being made to restrain lower level children one's self, and being subject to the whims of violent predators and p-dophiles at almost every single facility, often including the owners.

As bad as that is, what every survivor says was the worst part was the 'Attack therapy', 'Encounter sessions', or 'Large Group Awareness Trainings", which are used by almost all programs in some fashion to break and mold children into drones. These are directly comparable to "struggle sessions" from communist states and can be directly linked to Synanon's Game. Shorter sessions happen daily at almost every program, while some feature long marathon sessions that completely destroy a sense of reality in the mind of those made to participate and leave people with lifelong emotional scars.

Where's your proof?

The 2007 Governemnt Accountability Office report on Residential Treatment Programs. The GAO Hearing from 2008. Extensive, consistent survivor testimony from the past 30 years.

The recording of the hearing on YouTube is a trip. It was held back in 2008, and direct comparisons between these programs and Abu Ghraib and Gitmo were made. Sadly, congress did nothing.

What's the big deal about WWASPS?

We know enough about it to study it, and with that, figure out the industry and other programs and program networks.

WWASPS went too far for its time, even among peers such as this industry, and has been sued enough for legal discovery to yield a lot of information that explains the inner workings of this industry, and serves as the best case study we have to date. While WWASPS per-se is no more, almost all of the same programs with the same people are just hidden under other shell companies with new names. Others joined NATSAP, which is basically just WWASPS 2.0. Still more operate independently.

WWASPS was also big - there are a lot of survivors, with estimates starting at 36,000 victims, enough for there to be a few who actually remember everything and saved their receipts for us to work with. Indeed, The Program on Netflix is about the documentarian herself surviving Ivy Ridge, a WWASPS program sued by the State of New York for fraudulent diplomas, which has since been implicated in enabling p-dophiles to groom and r*pe children, most notably Amy Ritchie and John Free, who is spoken about in greater detail in the linked to post.

This can't be real.

Read on. Suffer with me. Do something about it and you'll feel a little better.

Netflix has just released a survivor's documentary called The Program, detailing her survival of a hellish, cult-like scam masquerading as a school called Academy at Ivy Ridge, one of many former 'schools' of the now defunct WWASPS network (World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools), before going into the WWASPS network itself, and the greater industry as a whole, including how corrupt politicians protect and profit from it. You can find it here The Program, but this thread isn't about the documentary, it's about the subject matter itself. And, increasingly, Narvin's lolcowing as he tries to cover his butt, in addition to former staff of Ivy Ridge being outed as pedos or having affairs, complete with emails!

This is only half the write up. Click the link to read the whole article complete with photos and videos.


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Paris Hilton has been talking about this bc she was a victim of one of these places




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My knife set is from Paris Hilton https://i.rdrama.net/images/1721976666534451.webp

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Bc fetch

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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It's cute

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Why does it look like a chode?

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It's a heart ❤️♥️

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Reading the articles makes me extremely sad :marseysad: and angry :marseyfedpostyes:.

I'm glad some more prominent people are speaking up.

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Jewish Lives Matter

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I remember reading a long comic about elan. Was linked in a reddit post. 50 parts when I read it last. Probably 100+ now.

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you can look at the Wiki for some of the shit but it doesn't even go that deep. A huge part of the "therapy" was screaming sessions where they get all the kids in an auditorium and single one of them out for whatever "crimes" and the rest of them scream their heads off at the one and humiliate them. they also take u in the dead of night like basically kidnapping. super sketchy @PeepeeButtKiss hope the parents didn't know what they were getting involved with otherwise the parents are just as nuts

jewish lives matter

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If you want to get brainworms you can look into the "troubled teen industry"'s connection to the cult Synanon and the human trafficking/cult/CIA front The Finders. It's basically like QAnon but real and there isn't a magical force for good made up of White Hats.

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I never understood The Finders. What was the goal?

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I think it was like Epstein was doing: getting powerful people with minors and secretly recording it and use that as blackmail. But with The Finders they eventually spun out into an uncontrollable liability, hence the CIA cutting ties and the cult's arrest.

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I really wish the schizos would stop being right about everything


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pizzagate was also real fyi

jewish lives matter

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Qanon was invented to discredit pizzagate, imo

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rightoids love talking about the Mormons as an example of White Unity™ as if they haven't been running child r*pe and t*rture factories since the 90s

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Considering how hard right wingers buy russian, chinese, and mormon propaganda it wont be long until they unironically defending Scientology :marseysmug2:

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Scientology has been more successful at keeping gay people in the closet than Christianity ever has (thinking of how in one of Paul's letters in the Bible he complains about how churches are infested with "Sodomites")

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L Ron was also a diehard anti communist and anti psychiatrist who published agiprop impersonating soviet officials. Just find something about the jews L Ron has said and the twitter chuds would be all over him

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He also was into weird chaos magick shit so he should be popular with the occult Nazis.

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he was buddies w Disney as well as ex-nazi and Nasa Director Werner Von Braun, and the rocket scientist Jack Parsons who was a satanist and a mentee of Crowleys iirc. idk what all of this means but @PeepeeButtKiss is sure that NASA, Disney, and Scientology are all evil

jewish lives matter

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Look sometimes you have to work a few concentration camp prisoners to death to build cool rockets

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I had a friend who was sent to tranquility bay in Jamaica. He caught typhoid while he was there and was left untreated. Dude seriously thought he was gonna die.

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May the mental health industrial complex die. We are expected to coo for every woman with "anxiety" because she was brave enough to go outside while any one who actually acts abnormal or disruptive is sent to a modern day concentration camp. Adults and "normal people" are sick in how little actual empathy they have.

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May the mental health industrial complex die.

Unconditionally and utterly. !schizos

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The anti-normgroid gruesade


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May the mental health industrial complex die.

Don't know what you're talking about.

Deinstitutionalization in America has been going on since the 50s and focuses on "community" care.

The mental health industrial complex is dead and the number listed above are peanuts compared to what they used to be.

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This makes me nostalgic of my own time growing up. Now I fricking :marseytom: love america :marseyredcoat: :marseysaluteussr:

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Oh, I remember reading about this some years ago, yeah, pretty freaky that there's probably still kids getting mindraped like this to this very day.

Did you ever read that one comic about one of these called the "Elan School"? I feel like the guy embellished a lot of it but it tells you what daily life's in one of these.

Kind of insane how you really can just enslave a bunch of kids and make money doing it. Anyone wanna start one of these up and start raking in cash?

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yea the host of Redbar Radio was sent their and he used too have like a 4 hour tell all of his experience there but @PeepeeButtKiss can't find it on the website anymore. The shit they did was frickin bonkers at Elan especially

jewish lives matter

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Something :marseysmugface: Something :marseysmugface: pizzagate

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Why do school :marseygrad: shooters never :marseyitsover: shoot :marseyportalsuicide: up the shitty schools


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Because these places have armed guards

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they force inject tranqualizers at those schools while not feeding you very much so it's hard to form a plan

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Do something about it and you'll feel a little better.

Like, what? Kill someone?

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There's a post about my high school in that thread lol, I'm glad more people are finding out about these programs

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That frickin sucks bruv

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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cant be using these 2000s digital camera pictures if your goal is to convince people the bad stuff is happening today and that it needs to be stopped

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Those photos were taken in the 2000s. :marseysmughips:

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yeah and ur saying bad shits happening in 2024.... irrelevant...

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My middle school geography teacher, Dace Goulding, was an administrator at Casa By The Sea, a WWASP facility shut down by a joint raid of Mexican and American law enforcement over abuse allegations. Google it and you can find a picture of him standing outside the front entrance. The history teacher was the bagman who'd drag the kids out of their homes. These revelations were major scandals among the students but attracted no action from school admin, who doubtlessly already knew.

Edit: i also remember that he coached the girls track team, which was the subject of a lot of noooticing from students :marseyzoomer: :marseypedo: :marseynooticeglow:

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I know a dude sent to a sperg school because he was "acting out" and acting like a sperg (his home life was bad and traumatic)

The brochure was great and looked like a paradise that sat neurodivergent children up for success-- but in reality they were educationally neglected and some fat bureaucrats collected checks to warehouse kids with very little oversight

Nowhere near as bad as the heck on earth concentration camps in the American west (I beleive the charter school was air conditioned) but still, frick "school choice" and shitty grifter programs

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Hey let's talk about how fourth wave feminism (known to chuds as woke shit) has roots in juvenile s*x offender rehab.

Sexual aggression is seen as an inherent masculine trait nowadays. 20 years ago that shit was called r*pe.

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Fourth? I thought we were still out here on the third, that's wild.

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Boi we almost at fif

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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I feel old knowing this.

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Well, the little brats should have behaved.

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I knew 2 kids who got sent to those places. Both had well off parents from nice suburbs. One dude legitimately was sort of frightening, and was doing crazy amounts of molly as a 17 year old so I get why is parents did that, the other one just had very rich parents who solved all problems by throwing money at their children and couldn't deal with a kid getting high 24x7 and just being a tard in general.

Both of them became degenerate drug addicts, one dude literally was homeless and richer one is now somewhat fat and vapes all the time, but is actually doing fine in law school otherwise. The homeless guy got sober and as far as I know hates his life and does drywall

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In 3 years this will be what we do to chuds that are still wrong thinking out loud. Brace yourself bigots, Kamela is cumming!

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Incredibly depressing. The people running :marseychaser: these programs or protecting them will burn in Heck.

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unironically :#marseynorm:

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I think David Sedaris's sister was sent to one of these

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So they fix problem children, especially rich kids?

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There's a torture camp/"ranch" for every income level

Please ask about our financing options

Your children WILL ride beautiful ponies across the west, while learning to love God and not do drugs, but only for monthly payments of $300

We will do hundreds of activities and feed them gourmet food, and we will NOT make them stare at a blank wall silently for months while becoming malnourished.

If you can't come up with $300, they will die of heroin or meth addiction, and go straight to heck (they will burn forever)

It's your choice :)

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Total Teenager Death

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