Turn on the Olympics. See this. Turn it off.

There's a literal :marseytrain2: demon fashion show France wtf????

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>The last supper, but with fat :!marseytrain:s

This was not on my olympics bingo card

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The last supper? More like the last buffet :marseychonkerfoid:

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Dessert on the bottom left


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It was weird how they were all flailing around like :marseyslaanesh:

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Thats brunch buffet. Dinner :marseyturkeyhappy: buffet is later :marseywave2:

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Is the central one a biofoid though? That'd be even more disconcerting.

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Nobody that fat can register as a woman in my brain.

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They're going to need a pretty beefy crucifix for Jesus of Nougat in the middle there.

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Judas the 6 year old over there

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paid with thirty pieces of roblox silver :pepezoomerhair:

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That's 40 grand in steel rebar alone

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darn dude you're leveling up fast :slimeparty: you were like 51 last time i noticed

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I was never one for religious conspiracies, but I gotta hand it to them, our elites are demonic p-dophiles after all.

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Yea I know straggy christcels are going to sound the alarm on this one, but I sort of agree with them, which is weird.

Do Mohamed you fricking cowards. For once please just do something else.

1. Because I want to see how christcels react.

2. I want to see how the target reacts. Please pick any other religion, like Marxists, Muslims, or even Drag Winnie the Pooh to go after Chinx. I need the drama this would create.

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they did mohamed before, they got beheaded. Remember?

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And now they won't do Muhammad (PBUH) again. Looks like a lesson learned.

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lmao they wouldn't, that is why I hate athiests, they only focus on one religion...meanwhile muslims would have all these dudes chucked off a building....one can only pray Inshallah...

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your fault

practically a free space

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Reported by:


I hate that you guys are all saying "oh well... classic french people" when the display is unequivocally American in nature.

We have our own brand of local degeneracy and it doesn't look anything like this: this is your brand. The fat, trans and black fetishism, it's all imported American garbage. Our cute twinks don't look like that, our racial issues haven't resulted in black fetishism, and if you walk in Paris you won't find one obese in sight. This is American globohomo through and through.

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!burgers we won again

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u guys cucked to the burgers then lol

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Yes it's terrible.

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3 years later he's the head of state :daydream:

!transphobes why don't more politicians just do this? TTD worked too for labour in the UK

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Get woke go broke

Unwoke get Vote :biglaugh:

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@X how do we import these eastern values of lack of shits given

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idk man i feel like the west needs a fourth reich at this rate

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We just need one major old crotchety asian woman politician handler imo, they don't have conventional thoughts they just speak exactly what they would have been thinking outload at all times

"Hello president fat idiot reality TV, nice to meet u"


"Hello president pretend black lady, nice to meet u"

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there's a globohomo scorecard for our politicians lmao

that's how much we don't want that shit over here


i cant believe i voted for the genderwoo politicians the last election :chudtantrum: never again

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Darn this is based. Singapore pooping on Lightyear.

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:#marseymerchantfoid:s in the bottom tier


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why don't more politicians just do this?

:#marseycoin: :#platyrich: :#moneypile:

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i mean if u hold on to power you get rich by default

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Not as much if you have all of mainstream social media, media corporations, and an army of neurodivergent cultists who shut down all criticisms on your side

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we have those + TTD

god i love singapore

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But enough about the PAP.

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Poor lil Frenchoid...


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The entire world is tbh, US has a total cultural victory/grip over the world.

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I support that the US, truly a believer in the anti-imperialist struggle, is using this cultural domination to drag the entire West to heck.


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It really is mind-boggling how hopelessly useless the rest of the planet is.

They gaze at the fat trooons, burgers, and Mountain Dew and are like "There's no way our culture can compete. We must adopt this."

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Also Frenchoids: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17220241886017992.webp

!chuds why are Euros like this? :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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Globohomo wants every human being on earth to be a NYC or LA :marseymutt: lib

:marseyclueless: if you believe diversity is your strength then you must rigorously oppose globohomo :marseymaoist:


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!chuds why are Euros like this?

:marseyevilgrin: European exceptionalism :marseysmughips:

!chuds !nonchuds

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It must be tough to be trapped in 2nd place behind yanks and hillbillies

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This is 100% queer theory

Who came up with that again?

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He who spread it dealt it.

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queer theory

Who came up with that again?

definitely not :marseypedo: :marseygroomer2: :marseypedobear:


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Then that's even more of a parisian :marseyl: Colonized and buck broken by the burger menace.

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That's all of Europe, baby. Thankfully average people are disconnected enough from technology that the cultural brainwashing hasn't taken on fully yet, so it's mostly seen through the media and academia (humanities only for now) where America puts in a lot of money to spread their propaganda and poison us from the inside.

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>muh propaganda

It's really because of social media addiction. Not America's fault people have no self-control

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No I just told you it's the opposite. We are technologically backward so we aren't affected as much by social media propaganda. The one which affects us more is old fashioned. University grants, foreign training of academics to import back American ideology, old media control, funding of local activist groups and so on.

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I read what you said. You're wrong

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Factcheck: This claim hurts trans lives.

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@IanMurdock @WayOut

Stop fighting, you're both right! :marseyembrace:

Let me give you examples - on one hand, you have things like teens/uni students going on LGBTQ marches/parades, shouting slogans or holding signs that are often in english, or just word for word, literal translation of US shit - "trans rights are human rights", for example. Or the shit on TV, like this episode of a TV show (about an empowered single mom who starts working as a detective, queen shit ) where a kid who's into capeshit struggles to describe a subject, but our smart protagonist knows what's up so there's a 5 minute scene where she asks him if he had muscles like Hulk, hair like Thor etc.

Both of these are pure media brainrot, no institutions.

Then though, you obviously have universities and arts. These are obviously progressive/liberal, but controlled by old people, they don't get these ideas from social media as much, they've just always been at the forefront of progressivism so they keep going. Oh yeah, and various NGO's, of course, the pride march organizers in our 2nd biggest city are literally Soros funded :taylaugh:

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We're not fighting, @IanMurdock loves me too much

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It's hard to be affected by online social media when you're still using Minitel, yeah?

You are right though, it's our fault. I'm sorry.

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I'm telling you we're technologically backward and your dig is that we're technologically backward?

Stop seething while agreeing with me on every point.

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truth :marseyredcheck: nuke

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I hate that you guys are all saying "oh well... classic french people" when the display is unequivocally American in nature.

I'm sorry, I have too little understanding of the french to say otherwise :marseyshrug:.

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Au contraire mon ami, who invented postmodernism in the first place?

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We invented a ton of r-slurred shit, like you did, but we didn't make it our cultural identity.

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Fair, French intellectuals are better known for dying on a different hill

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>our racial issues haven't resulted in black fetishism


France has *plenty of black fetishism :marseyconfused2: , going back many decades, and in many cases it's far superior to American black fetishism imo (not obese and more aesthetic)

There's lot of French media with noble african tropes THERES SO MUCH OF IT

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The true french would be in a suit while molesting the girl :marseyindignant:

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Should have fought harder and been less obnoxious Francois.

black lives matter

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The only reason we don't have American bases and troops in our territory is because of our obnoxious nature. Don't you guys get run over by Americans every other Friday?

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Ruralcels deserve to be run over by loud butt armored vehicles. :marseyshrug:

black lives matter

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You're a member of the cool kids club of nations that are allowed to have nukes, so we don't really need to be in France. Nor should you allow it, we've always got Germany.

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Yes exactly, because we threw out your butt 60 years ago.

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You strags gave us cirque de sole (and don't split hairs about which country). This is 100% a path you put the world on.


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>and don't split hairs about which country

The Atlantic ocean isn't a hair's width, you animal!

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Garรงon, un hamburger s'il vous plaรฎt :fancywithwine:

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Tell us more about your local flavour of degeneracy. I want to know what it is like living in France in current year. :daydream:

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>our racial issues haven't resulted in black fetishism

Oh frick off you frogs have been worshipping BIPOCs longer than the Americans have, remember Josephine Baker?

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Copรฉ ! Negre-ameroux !! Vous aimez les negrรฉs !!! La France c'est un trou a rats de negres !! :chudrage: :chudseethe: :chudrage: :chudseethe: :chudrage: :chudseethe:

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Frick off, we all saw Eurovision. This is as European as beating a Jewish family to death.

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bruh. the frogs embraced josephine baker and colonized a ton of east africa. :marseyseethe:

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I'm watching and it's fricking insane. They said that the theme is diversity or something like that. No hijabs though because religious symbols are banned at French govt events.


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Slam dunk on god delusioners

baste :marseychefkiss:

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Idk I feel like like a chopped peepee is a stronger indicator of a cult mentality than a scarf on your face ever could be.

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Luckily for you, camel jockeys have both

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>watching the bong brainwashing channel


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The audition for this was just to be the uggliest :marseytrain2: imaginable, or underage. The left one is getting groomed hard.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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The votes in the BBC live feed say it all https://i.rdrama.net/images/17220248030661776.webp


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did they think "modern paris" :marseyimam: would be accepting of this ceremony LMAO !chuds

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>unbelievable inequality and poverty

>uncontrolled immigration from the worst parts of the world (and the smart ones continue on to England)

>"hey let's put drag queens on, everyone will love that"


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Pretty :marseybased: to force it into the migroids eyes. Like when a show makes the muslims lesbian or gay



:#marseycracka: :marseytaliban: :#!marseycracka:

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Don't you get it chud? :!marseytrain:s dancing with kids is super brilliant and really shows what Paris is all about!

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i mean it's the french so i'll give them a pass

why is there a kid at the bottom left i have no idea

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why is there a kid at the bottom left i have no idea


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We really have a Marsey for everything

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:marseyhouellebecq: :marseysartre:

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@FeynmanDidNothingWrong what's the lore behind this gesture?

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I think that's the pose from the famous photograph


The Feynman equivalent of the Einstein's tongue photo (how the frick do we not have an Einstein Marsey (cc: @FeynmanDidNothingWrong))

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What is the country that famous p-dophile director, Roman Polanski, fled too for 500 Alex.


black lives matter

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>Why did a bunch of :!marseytrain:s want a kid with them?

Unexpected :marseyclueless: from you.

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i'm trying to point it out by not pointing it out

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Very sneaky :marseyjewoftheorient:

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the impact is stronger when people noootice on their own


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frogs reject western social boundaries, so kids are mandatory in degenerate shit.

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The kid is being trained to turn on to the frogs degenerate ways.

They won't give up the French kiss without a fight.

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why is there a kid at the bottom left i have no idea

So they could have her sit on a mans face, apparently


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the kid feels extra satanic for some reason

maybe it's like kids in horror movies

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