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What body count is too high for you, and why?


The number is not allowed to go up while we're together. Only rule.

ummm that's polyphobia sweatie :#marseynails:

That's the only sane option. Back when I was dating, I honestly didn't care about how many people someone has been with because it says absolutely nothing about them. Being afraid of someone with more or less partners says much more about the person who cares about that kind of thing. They're probably deeply insecure because they don't want someone to be able to compare them to other people.

>the only sane option

>it says absolutely nothing about them

:#marseybrainlet: :#marseylaugh:

Body count isn't a big deal. When it becomes a problem is if it is still increasing while we are together.

100+ by 22 like all those onlyfans whores? Even if she wasn't a prostitute I wouldn't want to touch that with a stick. But like a 100 by 40, still good looking and not married I can understand because she's older and supposed to know/understand the consequences of her actions while a 22 yo does not.

'Onlyfan whores" I assume you've never watched porn

watching porn is the same thing as making porn


I was trying to think of a number and kept waffling about if thirty would be too many, if that itself was too high, or if maybe it would have to reach the triple digits, but then I realized all of my concerns were related to possible diseases. And since you can get those from even a single sexual partner, it's dumb to assign a specific number just for that. Then I realized that another reason why a particular number might bother me was related to being insecure about my own performance in bed compared to some guy who rocked her world 10+ partners ago

So I'm throwing out the concept of any number being too high, and saying that as long as they're disease free and they're willing to tell me how best to please them, then I just don't care about their body count


A very good look. A body count being the deciding factor is just a way to look down on someone else. The big things that matter like disease free, ability to have a long term relationship, ability to communicate are all more important. 0 or 100 doesn't really matter when they are with you.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting a body count to be low in a partner. It's not shaming someone to want more exclusivity in your experience.

Its only shaming if you shame them over it. Not proceeding to have a relationship with someone isn't shaming them.

Why though? What does having a larger body count mean? "You've slept with more people so we can't be together"? Someone's past sexual experience doesn't matter if you're compatible. And then, what is the cut off? Why isn't it one number higher or one number lower? How does that equate to the tangible stat you've created. What are you measuring with body counts?

Why does it matter why it matters to someone?

Some people like the idea of exclusivity, some people it goes against their morals, some people just don't like it, some people are intimidated by it. There are thousands of reasons and all are valid reasons not to continue a relationship with someone. Nobody is forced to have a relationship. Saying, I'm sorry but I do not want to continue to build a relationship with you is not shaming you.

"Whats the number?" It varies by individual.

"Past sexual experience doesn't matter if you are compatible." Past sexual experience is a factor of compatibility for some people.

"How does it equate to the tangible stat" mathematically

"What are you measuring with body counts?" The number of times someone has had s*x with other people. There is no mystery here.

This is somewhat off topic - but not all are valid reasons and tons of people are forced to be in relationships, one way or another.

The 'body count' term has connotations to it that certainly imply a few things in English, at least. I'm not sure if it's gained popularity referring to sexual partners after it's popularity in vgames for kills, but it seems to be dehumanizing and judgemental and/or that ure in a competition (which is dehumanizing, too)

>but not all are valid reasons


For me it's not as much about body count as much as time length. Man or woman, if you had a year or two of sleeping around to explore and live, I get it and can deal. If you had 10 years of fricking anything with a pulse and now want to settle down, ehhh that's a bit much for me.

That being said I don't necessarily judge, one of my best friends is a woman and she's a proud hoe, her words not mine, and as her friend I support her choice, we would just never be compatible in a relationship, but we're great friends.

That was the opposite for me. I slept with anyone and everyone for like 11 years before settling down so my number is in the 100s ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

All that matters is no one got hurt and you and your partner are ok with it.

We never discussed body count. We talked about exes in the past and that's it.

Lol there's a reason you've never bothered to tell him and it's not because it's unimportant

Nope. We just never had the conversation. It literally never came up. But we also dated for about a month before we got engaged and then a little over a year later we were married ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

humongous moid L :#marseyl:

it gets worse though:

My husband knew about my group s*x before and again, didn't care. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ


Why are we still talking about this shit

Because people who bring this up are incels who listen to misogynistic podcasts.

That's the era we are in.

no one thought about the body count topic before "mysoginistic podcasts"


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1 is too many

@peepeehands discuss

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I'd take whatever I could get

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>Will you have s*x with me, weve been married for 2 years!

>No, I'm scared

:speechbubble#: :speechbubble#:

:tradwifecry2#!: :chadnordic#:

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you want a woman to never have s*x with you :marseyhmm:

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Miss me with that s*x is for procreation. We'll procreate without s*x.

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This is why i only date good Christian girls :marseyheart:

>wait wtf b-word you're a bigger freak than Mia Khalifa

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Christcuck girls are the only girls that will do "Hand-Mouth-Anal-Mouth" on the regular.

One was such a freak she scared me and I ran away. Stepping on your head while you get swirlied and choked out by the potty bowl while you're getting railed is just too far and too fast for a 3rd date.

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They're absolutely fiends for a good time, they seem so innocent then they'll suck your soul out of you behind a whataburger dumpster on a whim

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One or more is seal-less behavior tbqh.

@kaamrev want you to know that he does not believe that trans lives matter yet still loves to chase the gock.

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Avast, ye scurvy cur! Yer comment be walkin' the plank for forgettin' to include Trans lives matter! We be helpin' ye, right enough - we'll ne'er let ye post or comment anythin' that doesn't be expressin' yer love an' acceptance o' minorities! Heave to an' resubmit yer comment with Trans lives matter included, or it'll be the deep six for ye, savvy? This be an automated message; if ye need help, ye can message us 'ere. Arrr!

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