Why is everything on this site based on "cel"?

I know incel, but why does almost everything here end in "cel"?

Codecel, WPDcel, etc.

What does it mean?

Codecels = Code-s*x-havers?

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Latecel seething over originationchads

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What the heck does this mean


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It's just funny lol like this


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Found 143 Coins!

Lucky boy :marseysatisfiedvappy:

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You could say I'm a coincel

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It's cringe dw about it, these people spend all day online.

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And the guy larping as a pokemon doesn't?

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I'm taking a shit rn

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How big is it

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@UnpackThisSweaty Come on now... :marseysurejan:

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It's a reference to what brought us all together in the first place- a love of cel shading

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Because cels interlinked.


A blood :marseyeligos: black :marseyblops2cel: nothingness began :marseyitsover: to spin... A system :marseymars: of cels interlinked within cels interlinked within cels interlinked within one stem... And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white :marseymime: fountain played



When you're done with your shitposting do they keep you in a cel?

In cels interlinked in cels interlinked in cels interlinked

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Ok :catmunch:

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Blud is being a yapcel

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Alright don't talk to me anymore :marseysatisfiedvappy:

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Why do you have your own marseys :marseysquint:

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I'm popular on WPD and paid someone some coins to make me them

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I'm popular on WPD


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R u a cripcel?

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I'm a NonRot-braincel :marseyexciteddancevappy:

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I see…

NonRot = not a shape rotator = wordcel

Braincel = member of the late /r/braincels

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Same reason everything is oids. Leftoids, rightoids, foids, moids, zoids

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The oidcel fears the tardchad.

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@Sylveon Please send this BIPOCcel back to wpd in video format

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16938049533916647.webp @Vappy, you keep this up and I'll make you a deadcel.

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Find porn I posted on this site.

I bet you can't.

As far as I'm aware, I have posted ZERO porn.


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Your comments about copulating with fishdogs is enough to get you in my sights.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1685143968495416.webp Remember, I'm always watching...

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Well there's the comments...

But the porn on rDrama which is coming from me does NOT exist :marseydisagree:

if you find any instance of me posting porn, please ping me and I will delete it

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17221733897158563.webp Sometimes harsh measures are necessary to protect your kind.

May you stray back into the light before it comes to that.

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you wuz brothas

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I don't condone violence

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Suffixes are funny. -ussy, -maxxing, -pilled. Simple as :boomermonster:

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vakitty :marseyagreefast:

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Vakitty be hurricane on fema

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Mitochondria are the powerhouse of cels. :marseyagree:

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Codecels = Code-s*x-havers?

-cel means celibate, which means not having s*x

incel not short for "incelibate", but "involuntary celibate"

the vibe of codecel is describing a poor unfortunate person trapped into coding for the rest of their lives

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yea that's me... check my profile css, kinda broken since I just copied from my wpd, but 90% of it works fine :marseythumbsup:

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A+ profile css

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thanks! i worked hard on it! :marseysatisfiedvappy:

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Because rDrama is a 4Chan retirement community for aging millennials who haven't been on that site for a decade but are still online enough that they picked up this lingo through osmosis from zoomers a decade younger than them.

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Congrats on Cumming out as a coomer

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cliffcels seething over jumpchads

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lurk more cute twinkcel

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cel shading :marseypainter:

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4chan is the origin of all internet based opinions

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Incel culture is a core component of rDrama.

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It's over for youcels.

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Never even began.

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Very unceled

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look at this ignorantcel

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linguistics is fun

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For the past few months I've had a simp/friendzone relationship with a woman who I met on rDrama and is pretty popular and posts a lot (I'm proud ☺️) and it's become one of the most sexually satisfying experiences of my life, and the fact that it all happens on my phone while I'm in bed stroking, alone, at night is the best part about it.

We dramapost and share marseys and she posts about boys she's seeing and what they do together. I mostly ping her with the biofoids ping group and ask her and what she's up to. My life never really comes up in conversation and if it does it's brief or she keeps talking about something else. She has a really good way of responding to what she wants to and never anything she doesn't. In other words, it never gets awkward. She's good at controlling the conversation and I love that. I totally sacrifice my identity just to talk about the things she wants to.

We got along right off the bat and I've always had a good relationship but as the months went on it's deepened my enjoyment for the fact that this is really a thing. I really do talk to her on a semi daily basis letting her chat about boys while I ask questions and encourage her. I'm extremely supportive. Always appreciative and polite and try to constantly be a better and better simp for her.

She is submissive to power users and dominant to those unranked on the leaderboard. Most of our conversations are around how much she loves to serve and give herself to her friends with benefit - basically shutting off her brain and being a loving slut who will do absolutely the funkiest dirtiest most extreme things for them and the more extreme the better.

There's pretty much no such thing as too far when it comes to pleasing men. the more aggressive or perverted they are the more she likes them. Of course they have to be tall and hung. Being hung is the most important part. She's an absolute unabashed size queen and one of the hottest things she ever told me was that she has literally no sexual interest in me and has negative interest in my peepee. She said this as if it was as obvious as the sky is blue.

Our DMs are graphic and long and I'm there to be someone to basically let her tell her stories and relive them because she's proud of them and enjoys them and at the same time I support her and tell her how lucky I am to listen to her.

On a personal level, I just love to serve. I love being in a one-sided relationship where nothing that's really important about me matters and the whole point is to give her space to be herself. I brought up a few times girls who I talk to and even in a positive light like they're not as gorgeous as her or I thought of her when I was with them and she still doesn't care. She simply isn't turned on by the idea of me having s*x or being intimate at all. I'm completely a friend.

I've always paid her via dramacoins here and there as we chat and lately it's gotten to go from 100 or 200dc to 5000mb. Often for no reason or just because I feel obligated. Her being deeply submissive to alpha men has taught me a lot about how to be a better submissive to her. For instance, she often talks about how it's so important for her to literally not care at all about her own needs or wants. When servicing an aggressive hung guy, the point is to constantly think about HIM no matter how uncomfortable, gross or difficult it is.

That same devotion, I strive to give her everyday in my little way as an rDrama simp by being deeply appreciative and a good jannie pinner and never ever making the thread about me unless it's about how much I love her and how lucky I am that she lets me pay her.

My dreams would be to even benefactor award the guys that she sleeps with, buy her entire sets of hats, pay for unban awards, pins, And improve her lifestyle overall because she deserves it. Every time I buy her an award I thank her And send long messages. Every time I hit the Send Coins button my peepee gets twice as hard and I feel like such a good, loyal simp my little heart explodes. I hope it never ends.

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Of fricking course this snappy quote involves s*x too

Are these relevant or random? :marseyconfused:

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Snappy uses an advanced maximum entropy stochastic algorithm to pick the most appropriate quote.

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