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Should I pick a girl who is hot or rather the one who is potentially rich? :marseyhmm:

I'm talking to two girls at the moment, one who is pretty hot (9/10) and another one who is less hot 6-7/10 but whose family has apparently a company back in Korea in the construction sector with over 200 employees. She also wears a lot of designer clothes stuff by companies like Louis Vuitton and often goes on luxury vacations for 5k usd per day so i figured her family might be relatively wealthy.

Given the choice which one of the two should i pick !sex_havers

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:#pepemoney: :#platyrich:

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but idk if 200 is even a lot for a construction company. apparently they build railroads and shit

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200 employees is medium-wealthy.

Anything over 50 employees is pretty much guaranteed millionaire status. Not like "dont have to work ever millionaire", but definitely comfy millionaire level barring horrible financial decisions.

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It could be if that's the permanent staff. Most people are contractors.

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that's a good point. I also read they have like joint ventures with the state and stuff like that

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Everyone ages, and the 9/10 will hit the wall like every other foid. Once that happens and she realizes her only value in life is gone, she'll try to take you down with her as she "discovers her true self" which means hating you for being part of the patriarchy and long-posting on TrueX about how misogynistic you are.

Go for :#moneypile:

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so you think the other girl is rich? :marseymerchant:

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I don't know anything about Korean economics so I can't say, but they own their own company (and railroads are pretty long-game and stick around) so you'll be getting in on "generational wealth".

Just be sure to do some :marseyreading: about how to make sure her parents respect you. Then even if she gets tired of you, familial pressure will keep you winning.

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If her family owns a company with 200 employees then they are probably medium-wealthy since they are in construction.

I'd coom in her for sure.

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Rich because you'll get bored of s*x but not of money

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The 9/10 will hit the wall and the Korean will still be wearing designer clothes

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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If you want to be happy for the rest of your life

Never make a pretty woman your wife

So from my personal point of view

Get an ugly girl to marry you

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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!foidmoment ugly woman :marseysouthernbelle5: coping :marseycopeseethedilate:

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Darn zoomers wouldn't know good music if it skibidied them :marseyboomer:

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lol the rabid angry ones are so easy to bait. I was wondering how many I would get but I thought some of them would recognize the words rhyming. Even put it in lyrics format. lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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but neither of them is ugly. i wouldn't date an ugly woman, i am far too superficial :marseythinkorino:

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Kids these days :marseydisagree:

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both dude

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Which one has bigger tits?

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Go for the rich one's daddy

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The only good advice in this thread

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Pick whichever is more pleasant to actually be around

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you should :marseynorm: pick the one you love?

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Money girl 100%. You could even convince her to get a hilariously massive inflatable rack with the dough. The sky is the limit.

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i wouldn't since i prefer small breasts :marseyminipixel:

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How old are you?

If you are young go with the rich one. If you are old go with the hot one.

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Marry the rich frick the hot

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no, i'm a good dude, if i marry the rich one ill remain faithful to her

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Is she your gf ?

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maybe :marseyquestion:

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Then u cheating

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Wait, how is she Korean and rich but hasn't been able to afford the right surgery to make herself hotter?

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