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Black dogwalker receives racist threats before his house mysteriously burns down, police are searching for a black trans woman in connection with the incidents

Earlier this year, San Francisco resident and professional dogwalker :marseydogwalker: Terry Williams received two packages on his doorstep with racist threats and a doll of a Sambo character with a noose around its neck, covered in racial slurs:


Some of the slurs were cryptic. "I had to Google these words," Williams said, referring to a list of archaic or obscure anti-Black language like "rastus" and "macaca." Williams said he conferred with his 82-year-old father about some of the terms, and said that his parents, longtime residents of the neighborhood, are worried. "In 2024, I didn't think they'd target me and my family."

The GoFundMe has some more details on the slurs:

"Go pick cotton blackie"

"We found you"

"Chicken a la Noose"

"Alligator bait baby"

"Target on your back"

"Pre frontal cortex atrophy"

"Genetically inferior"




Contents were similar to the first package and contained a black face doll with noose. However, this time the threats escalated. With "Terry Williams" printed across the top of the doll's head, threats included "Get out of Alamo Square District", "Pure race whites rule the globe", "We will continue to exterminate you BIPOC slaves", and images of the KKK.

Just one week later, while Terry was at City Hall meeting with officials about the threats, his house caught fire, nearly killing his elderly parents:

"They said they couldn't get to my mom. My dad was trying to get my mom out. I wasn't here. The fire happened fast and thank God for the fire department," said Williams. When Terry arrived, he tried getting to his mom who was trapped on the second floor as smoke and flames consumed the building where his family has lived for decades. "I ran past everybody. I was trying to get to my mom. I tried to run past everybody. I ran through the apartment on the first floor. I tried to push past them and fight to try to get to my mom. They kept saying we will get your mom. We will get your mom," said Williams.

I'm too lazy to dig up the Reddit threads about the incident but there were quite a few nooticers who cast doubt on the story and how cartoonishly over-the-top the racism was, positing that it might be some kind of Jussie Smollett situation. They were, of course, downmarseyd to heck but now the police have announced they're seeking a black trans woman in connection with the case who has been reported as "missing" :marseysoyrope::


On Friday, the SFPD named a suspect in the case — 67-year-old San Francisco resident Martin Chartrand — and issued a bulletin asking for the public's help to find her. Chartrand's family reported her missing Aug. 23, according to the SFPD. Authorities urged anyone who sees her to call 911 with her location and physical description.

I'm inclined to think that he wasn't a conspirator in this incident and is an actual victim, but we'll see how this pans out.

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:marseypipe: you know it's bullshit because a real racist would just write BIPOC one hundred times

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Yeah most racists don't make weird art projects that require a knowledge of historical racism against blacks to understand.

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Everybody knows the shoe polish red lipstick look

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We dont? :marseysweating:

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Share your esoteric racism with the class.

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obscure anti-Black language like "rastus" and "macaca."

"Chicken a la Noose"

"Alligator bait baby"

"Pre frontal cortex atrophy"

"Genetically inferior"



Impressive self-hate racism :marseyopera: Add all of these to the list

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Alligator bait baby

Upstate Florida :marseyflood: has such a rich culture


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"Pre frontal cortex atrophy"

too cerebral

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You left out good details

A LinkedIn page that appears to be Chartrand's indicates that she has a master's degree in psychology from San Francisco State University; an Instagram account under her name lists her as a dominatrix. A landing page on SFSU says her research has focused on, among other things, the "subcultured, racialized and marginalized" and women of color in the Bay Area fetish scene.

On Facebook last month, Chartrand published a post urging people to condemn bigotry after describing how "an evil hegemonic woman" yelled a racist comment at her in front of about 30 people in the Mission District.

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Case closed lol

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He told her to stop putting broken glass on the ground in front of her house cuz she didn't like dogs, she wouldn't so she got in trouble. So when she killed herself she burned down his house first

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Without African American studies, I would never have heard a fraction of these words. Thank you academia for giving me such a vast vocabulary.

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INFO: were the smoke detectors in proper working order? :marseysmug2:

How do you run through someone else's apartment on your way to your apartment

Also how is that the quality of picture you take?


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"I had to Google these words,"

WHAT?! that can't be true. i am constantly told the entire country is exactly like 1920s mississippi. it's impossible for someone to not have been called every single one of these at least once a week!

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This is terrible. I also walk a black dog. We don't deserve abuse just because of our choice of doggo.

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I can't stand it when blacks try to appropriate "sambo". As I learned from my grandfather's dictionary, a sambo is half-black/half-native American. :marseyfacepalm:

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"Chicken a la Noose"

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One time, there was guy directly behind me an my nephews, and he was talking to his kid the whole time. Turned around and told him to STFU it is rude. The guy started giving me shit, saying how he was going to beat the shit out of me after the movie. As the movie ended, I stood up and turned around to see what he was going to do. He and his kid bolted out right away and all I saw was a glimpse of him as he walked quickly out of there. Anyways, I never see a problem with confronting people. You should say something to those people. And if they don't shut up, just grab the baby out of their hands and throw the kid as hard as you can against the screen and start shouting over and over, "See what you made me do!!??" That'll teach them.


racist threats:


caught fire:

black trans woman:

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