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>Article doesn't actually confirm if they were right or not


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Yeah, is that a regular bong ginger or a gender goblin?

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Why would you let your underage daughter go to Egypt?

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Because bongs are r-slurred

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It's no different from burgers going to beach resorts in Mexico. Egypt is TERF Island's Mexico.

EDIT: some of you (all of you) are r-slurred. Replace Mexico with Cancun in this comment if it helps you to sleep at night.

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>It's no different except for the fact that mexico is right across the border to America and Egypt is 2,600 miles away

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Not really that much shorter depending on from where in the US you're coming from.

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Because you have to show passport at every border you fly over... :marseyeyeroll:

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!metashit !burgers is anyone else seeing this shit right now? First these god darn mongrels compare the distance of traveling from Britain to Egypt, to traveling from America to Mexico. Now Uncle_r-slurred's Clap back is that you don't have to show passports at every country you fly over on your way to Egypt from Britain, despite the fact that the maximum amount of times you'll have to show your passport when traveling to Mexico from America is once when you cross the border, which is equal to the best case scenario of how many times you'll have to show your passport when traveling from Britain to Egypt assuming you're only taking one flight.

These arguments are so incredibly r-slurred that I'm afraid I'm overlooking some kind of obvious point besides the fact I am humoring a conversation with single digit iq neanderthals.

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I wouldn't ever travel west of Tokyo, east of Berlin, or south of Sicily. Like why the frick would you go to Egypt? I know what triangles and dead bodies look like.

!burgers !r-slurs

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Found the guy who wants to go to Berlin and Tokyo. Chances of being an extreme sexual degenerate...


Approximately 99.8%.

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Honey bunny, those are where I draw the limits of where humans end and orcs begin.

As a burger, I feel absolutely no need to ever leave the States for any reason.

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@uncle_redORted is right, if we consider having to show your passport as a basis then USA-Mexico and Britain-Egypt trips are indeed the same distance, in passport space


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If you live in San Diego you can easily spend a weekend in Tijuana going by car, can Bongs do that in Egypt?

!pinggrouplovers a !geography when?

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Thanks for the support and getting the absurdity of the border argument. My hypothesis is that there exists a USA-Mexico and Britain-Egypt pair of airports not too dissimilar in distance. SF to Cancun actually fits the bill quite nicely.

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If a bong wants to go to Egypt they have to get a flight and make hotel reservations and idk if you have to get a visa. Then it's a longish flight and when you leave the plane you're stuck in Egypt until you fly home.

Meanwhile if I left now, I could be in Mexico getting fricked up on $1 beers and tripitas in less than 90 minutes, and I wouldn't have to spend the night.

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:platypatience: Your reply only makes sense if the amount of border crossings matters in any way. The point is that a family flying from Seattle or Canada to Mexico has a similar experience to Brits flying to Egypt. Some LA people driving down to Tijuana, YES, that would be way closer! Good job! :marseyclapping:

You must have never looked at a map, :marseymap2: maybe at some point in the future you'll learn about latitude. :marseybrainlet:

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Your reply only makes sense if the amount of border crossings matters in any way.

If the amount of border crossings doesn't matter then why did you bring it up, you idiot? :ragestrangle:

The point is that a family flying from Seattle or Canada to Mexico has a similar experience to Brits flying to Egypt.

That's where you're wrong BIPOC. I replied to @AverageBen10Enjoyer's comment

It's no different from burgers going to beach resorts in Mexico. Egypt is TERF Island's Mexico.

clearly comparing United States GODitizens traveling to Mexico and Bonglanders going to Egypt. That includes LA people driving to Tijuana which makes up the vast najority of travelers from America to Mexico for beach trips. Ireland is the closest thing Britain will ever have to Mexico. Keep yourself safe you stupid b-word and NEVER bring up Canada to me again.

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>If the amount of border crossings doesn't matter then why did you bring it up, you idiot? :ragestrangle:

Because it's about THAT SPECIFIC family flying more than 2000 miles from a rainy place :marseyrain: to a hot and sunny place :marseycool: . The amount of borders THEY fly over does indeed not matter but you made it seem that it does. I'm sorry I expected of you the intelligence to imagine a place 2000 miles northeast of Mexico instead of going bUt TheY'rE RigHt NeXt tO EacH OthEr! It also doesn't matter that the vast majority of people crossing the border are indeed from places less far away than 2000 miles. But congrats you caught him on a technicality writing about "burgers" going to Mexico and ignoring everything else, like distance, or climate, other than the shared border.

OK, what's right next to England? The famously hot and sunny Belgium :marseyflagbelgium: You think they should go there instead, do you? Because shared border is all that matters. Tourism in Egypt will consist consist exclusively of Lybians, Sudanese, and Israelis from now on. Good job. :derpthumbsup:

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I'm talking about flying to Cancun for a beach holiday

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Egypt has beach resorts, is cheaper than Spain and is hotter later into the year. It's a popular British holiday destination.

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It's a popular British holiday destination.

This is the funniest thing I've seen on here in ages

Black Lives Matter


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Good scuba diving too :marseycheeks:

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The fricking deadliest scuba site in the fricking world with a fricking lot of mediocre shops and poor regulation. Still, :marseywould: of course. You like scuba diving too, Jimie, b-word?


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My sister went there on a sun holiday. She was violently ill with the shits the entire time :marseyawesomeface: but the resort was nice.


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We used to own Egypt

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You used to be a lot of things

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I thought Brits were thermal intolerant


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don't a bunch of bongs die during the 80 degree "heat waves"

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That's the joke, yes.

It's like being lactose intolerant, but for heat.


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Egypt claims to be a very tourist-friendly country and a large portion of its economy depends on tourism, but when it comes to tourists going to there, they are even more fricking paranoid and r-slurred than North Korea, it is also crawling to the brim with scammers and r*pey moids much like India.

!goyslopenjoyers Best Ever Food Review Show of all channels is the one who started Pharaohgate when it comes to absolute dogshit treatment of tourists, he was authorized by the Egyptian government(!) to record videos in the country, and yet he was still treated like a prisoner by the security staff. @AverageBen10Enjoyer @carpathianflorist

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!chuds arabs

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We watch that channel too. :marseyexcited: Beautiful wife doesn't get scared during medical procedures, horror movies, watching snake/shark/etc animal documentaries but Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern and Best Ever Food Review Show have both made her cry thinking about eating bile and brains etc.

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Egypt and Morocco are straight nightmare destinations, if you buy the meme and go there you deserve the harassment and scams from muslim male feminists you'll be getting

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Because she'll be safe because she looks like a bloke?


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Pyramid jockeys will frick those too. It's well-known for being the worst tourist country in the world (that isn't a failed state or at war). Like even North Korea is better because at least you can feel confident that you won't get r*ped.

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British mother: "Hm. I want to send my daughter to a country where they routinely r*pe & murder women, but India is too...uh...too..."

British father: "...let me finish her sentence. We want our daughter to be r*ped and murdered. But India is too humid."

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apparently one way the brain auto-identifies gender is the lips and I'm 50/50. I get the security guards.

cant tell if just a serious case of ginger

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Some of the structural face issues underlying s*x distinction perceptually in faces are:

  • a more 'heart-shaped' face for females vs more square jaw ror male

  • Larger eyes for female vs male

  • Higher contrast on the skin between the lips and cupids boy, under the eyes and cheeks (basically the things makeup enhances) via albedo

This kid might have the lips contrast arguably, but her face does not communicate female. Pair that with non-facial signifiers of s*x ie. her short hair, and other race effects in face recogniton such as here which can affect categorisation of faces then it isn't surprising.

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I tested that website with myself :marseypain: and it was fricking

wrong half the fricking time these AI cowtools suck.


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Nailed that "2015 youtuber arrested for a prank gone wrong" look

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Holy shit it's Pyrocynical

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Most feminine British woman

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It's what Mohammed would have wanted inshallah

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Im no yugioh card but wiuld have done it too

CHUG HYDRATION https://i.rdrama.net/images/17264428843684914.webp

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Kill Egypt

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You go to fricking Egypt looking like that you're asking for trouble little British tart.

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Haha !slots01337

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It just really sucks man. I hate nigerians and I don't want to have that as part of my DNA. No fourth Reich is going to take me in if I show them this to attempt to verify my purity. It means I'm fricking stuck in this country in all of it iterations and that's really depressing.

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no way.... thats a trans or something

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