Literally what the frick did he even mean by this?
Unpaid Janny B-Dubs comes in to make sure everyone is taking this super cereal
Blowing up terrorists is terrorism, sweaty
I'm not insane, you're insane
Don't compare this to The Wire... because just don't chud.
Hamas murders civilians in good faith, chud
Even talking about IDF bad the wrong way, is a paddlin'
point out that most people aren't going to sympathize with the terrorists
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They're trying to catch the magic of Something Awful in 2001-2003 through brute force; banning anyone left of Trotsky.
It's kinda a fascinating study in human behavior. A tiny group of people desperately recreating an internet culture from 20 years ago.
But Lowtax is dead by his own hand. El Pinto Grande is dead (I think). Fistgirl is fat and is a grandmother (and she's fat). AAtrek is in jail. You can't forcefully recreate the past by banning people. World of Warcraft came out 40 years ago.
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Cerium made out well for an (ex) forum admin - he made a cool $4.5 million, sold at a point it was clear the website was in decline, doesn't seem to have a hatebase, and seems to have disappeared off the Internet. I wonder if he ever felt like Lowtaxing himself while running the forum, or even if he was ever a true believer.
At some point REEEEra is going to run out of people to ban; you have to dox yourself with your email address to register, the people who matter aren't using forums, there were only so many people who cared enough to migrate from NeoGAF over Evilore allegedly inviting himself into a foid's shower, and there's undoubtedly a number of Amir0xes who were arrested.
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Pretty sure SA was awesome because it let non-lefties join before it got big, and the downfall was when leftards became majority, but whatever...
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