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REEEEEEEEEset Era ban round-up: Hamas exploding pagers/walkie talkies edition







:marseyconfused#: Literally what the frick did he even mean by this?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267918386379597.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267918388091822.webp

Unpaid Janny B-Dubs comes in to make sure everyone is taking this super cereal


Blowing up terrorists is terrorism, sweaty


I'm not insane, you're insane :marseyinsane:


Don't compare this to The Wire... because just don't chud.


Hamas murders civilians in good faith, chud :marseyindignant:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267918397696683.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267918402558365.webp

Even talking about IDF bad the wrong way, is a paddlin'


https://media.tenor.com/lt3l3eftuXwAAAAx/how-dare-you.webp point out that most people aren't going to sympathize with the terrorists

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Have you considered that they aren't terrorists because America bad? Bet you didn't think of that

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i always knew resetera was the worst but i didn't realize it made reddit look like a calm reasonable website to this extent. :go:

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They're the worst kind of kneejerk contrarian "leftists". America supports thing, opposite must be good. Drumpf did thing, opposite must be the only moral choice.

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It's like if lemmygrad was made of bardfinns :marseylongpost2: and that is horrifying :marseyscream:


A lot of lemmygraders are oddly stoic and to the point for how ignorant they are (like how they don't understand farming...), and I do like that about them

Lemmygrad has a lot of Maoists :marseymao: , and they really like North Korea for some reason lmao

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Reddit will inevitably go the way of Resetera :marseyfortuneteller:

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There's another site that I used to visit before it got taken over by people like this because the mods just give them everything and they're calling Israel a "Nazi State" because of this lmao.

There was an incident a few years back where some dude who was a member of or sympathetic to some actual terrorist org (don't remember if it was Hezbollah or Hamas or whatever) made a thread about his janky pro-terrorist FPS game and everyone was making casual conversation with him about it before the mods realized how fricking bad it would look and banned him and wiped the thread. But the userbase saw nothing wrong with it lol.

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>Have you considered that they aren't terrorists because America bad?


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17268752250245636.webp !grillers !jidf !neolibs

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!goyim stand by you

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I'm not even reading this thread but it showed up in my notifications and every time I see "America Bad"


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Have you considered that the absurdity of exploding pagers in 2024 is funy regardless of terrorists?

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Hope they dont target my commodore 64

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What's the fricking point? Those defective power supplies died after like 2 years anyway. Stopped me from playing Seven Cities of Gold, Heart of Africa, MULE, even Radar Rat Race. :marseyraging:

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Yes. It. Is.

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They're only terrorists because of socioeconomic factors, chud. Isreal literally forced Hamas to murder and r*pe all those civilians.

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Exactly, it's not terrorism to kill Israelis

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oh honey :patting:

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God they're so r-slurred I can't stand it. Terrorism is colloquially defined as violence against civilians to achieve political or ideological aims.

The beep-beep-booms was targeted violence against terrorist combatants done with virtually surgical precision compared to conventional munitions, such as the approx. 100,000 rockets (literally) that Hezbollah has launched trying to indiscriminately murder innocent civilians over the years lmao

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Yea u could make an argument against israel using this, like for example saying that this proves they CAN use a scalpel instead of a hammer or saying that what if these pagers got into the wrong hands or were detonated in zones with infastructure or tons of civillians. Or even how this will look to outsiders or how ME countries will retaliate

Instead it's all about how "actually Israel are the real terrorists" and "dont just about terrorists getting killed theyre good bois"

Leftists have one job: dont call Hamas freedom fighters. Apparently it's the hardest thing theyve ever done besides being unemployed

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Leftists have one job: dont call Hamas freedom fighters. Apparently it's the hardest thing theyve ever done besides being unemployed

This is actually their second job, which is to not call Hezbollah freedom fighters. I know, it's a lot to expect these leftoids to hold even one job, let alone two, even if both only require not doing something.

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It's because they either all chopped their balls off (@Grue) or they had their balls blown off (@GabrielMartinelli) so they're real sensitive about the whole "pager castrating terrorists" issue

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the approx. 100,000 rockets (literally) that Hezbollah has launched


You read somewhere that Hezbollah supposedly has 100,000 rockets and turned that into they launched 100,000 rockets.

over the years

They were on cease-fire for like 20 years. It was 2006-2023 IIRC.

Being willfully r-slurred :marseyawardretard: about our enemies doesn't help. This is the whole fricking :marseytom: reason why October :marseypumpkin0: 7 happened. How many more people have to die before :marseyskellington: you tards realize that this isn't a fricking :marseytom: sports :marseyyellowcard: game? A thousand people got killed :marseydeadtrumpshooter: because Hamas :marseynoyouoccupy: was just a "terrorist group" and they couldn't carry out that kind of operation. And overnight every fricking :marseytom: tard in the galaxy :marseylovecraftian: just flips their switch :marseyzeldagerudolink: back to "we have nothing to fear from them".

Honestly watching :marseyschizoexcited: the response to this has been a lesson in the limits of the human :marseycatbert2: brain. Every fricking :marseytom: person, in Israel, in Palestine, the tards in foreign countries who feel this is somehow about them, every fricking :marseytom: tard has been in pure chimpout mode. There's people worried :marseysad: about "generalized AI". I'll worry :marseyveryworried: when about that when we got humans with generalized natural intelligence.

I am on so many levels of done with this shit.


(I was trying to look for the one of Charleton Heston blowing :marseygeisha: up the world :marseyww1russian1: but this is close :marseynoyouzoom: enough.)

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You read somewhere that Hezbollah supposedly has 100,000 rockets and turned that into they launched 100,000 rockets.

Yeah I got gotten by google AI confusing orders of magnitude


as if the difference of 10 thousand rockets and 100 thousand rockets really matter in terms of morality when talking about the ongoing attempted mass murder of civilians by terrorists

both estimates still dwarf the point I was making about targeting active combatants with surgical precision in comparison

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It's kind of a big fricking :marseytom: deal if you're actually :marseyakshually: trying to fight :marseyflamewar: them you fricking :marseytom: r-slur. But you're not. You just want to jerk off about this from the safety :marseywood: of your home and treat :marseyumbreon: it like a fricking :marseytom: fantasy :marseyedelgard: football :marseynittanylion: game.

Frick you.

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You just want to jerk off about this from the safety of your home and treat it like a fricking fantasy football game.


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We should have a resetera hole where every post gets you a temp ban

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Inappropriate joke in sensitive thread

I haven't seen this one before.


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Christ what a lame forum

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I dunno, I find the ban messages endlessly entertaining.


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^ User banned for eating popcorn in a super serious internet thread :marseyjudge:

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Drive-by posting. Account still in junior phase. Thread whining. Downplaying transmisogyny. Downplaying misogynoir. Derailing the thread.

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how do you even ake an acc on that site??

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No idea. Don't they make you do background checks and stuff now?

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i tried with my spam email cc didnt work got rejected

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Does R-slurEra has any private members-only sub-forums or nah? !trolls !ranchers

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I think this is my favorite recent one


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If the ban bot ever comes back, we should do ban reason bingo

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Whoever made that should have gotten a Pullitzer Prize. :marseychefkiss:

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Jannies when a tiny spec nanoparticle of fun exists

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They got electron microscopes to detect that.

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>You can theoretically argue for precision strikes even though it's bullshit.

>This is just indiscriminant violence.


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Our righteous indiscriminate killing of civilians vs their barbaric selective killing of people actively plotting to kill their people.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Al-Qaeda were civilians? Their pals in the Northwest Frontier were civilians? They weren't plotting to kill our people?

There's 20,000 dead kids in Gaza but Americans are the bad guys because... your feminine intuition tells you that really those few hundred al-Qaeda guys were harmless?

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your feminine intuition

This is still a "gaming forum" These are 90% scrotes

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99.9%. There's one known woman on ResetEra, the rest are :!marseytrain:s.

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The one female pretends to be a furry scrote

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Well, she's a furry and pretends to be nonbinary for when being black isn't enough on the oppressive stack. Nepenthe is the mod ResetEra deserves, which says a lot about just how shit the posters are.

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Those :#marseyshutitdown: bomba seemed pretty precise too

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I bet they got less flacks if they launched targeted missiles at hospitals and school

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Do they just make new accounts? They're so ban happy, how have they not banned their entire user base three times over by now?

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They've mastered SEO. Probably due to a Google :marseytrain2:


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Neogaf and purple neogaf are literally the only general purpose gaming forums still around, aren't they?

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I don't know

We're pretty general and we're pretty gay

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Rdrama is not a gaming forum though. It's a marsey site with a gaming board attached

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/v/ is the largest gaming forum

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I'm amazed that anyone in this day and age would be willing to dox themselves with their email address just to not talk about games on a gaming forum.

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How do they even have members at this point? What the heck is a ban for "inappropriate commentary?" Just make the site a blog instead of a message board.

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Jannies and their friends lol

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They're trying to catch the magic of Something Awful in 2001-2003 through brute force; banning anyone left of Trotsky.

It's kinda a fascinating study in human behavior. A tiny group of people desperately recreating an internet culture from 20 years ago.

But Lowtax is dead by his own hand. El Pinto Grande is dead (I think). Fistgirl is fat and is a grandmother (and she's fat). AAtrek is in jail. You can't forcefully recreate the past by banning people. World of Warcraft came out 40 years ago.

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Cerium made out well for an (ex) forum admin - he made a cool $4.5 million, sold at a point it was clear the website was in decline, doesn't seem to have a hatebase, and seems to have disappeared off the Internet. I wonder if he ever felt like Lowtaxing himself while running the forum, or even if he was ever a true believer.

At some point REEEEra is going to run out of people to ban; you have to dox yourself with your email address to register, the people who matter :marseyzoomer: aren't using forums, there were only so many people who cared enough to migrate from NeoGAF over Evilore allegedly inviting himself into a foid's shower, and there's undoubtedly a number of Amir0xes who were arrested.

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Pretty sure SA was awesome because it let non-lefties join before it got big, and the downfall was when leftards became majority, but whatever...

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These "people" are awfully mad some terrorists died.

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Yeah, just like they got super mad when Rittenhouse killed libertarians and wife beaters. Online leftist discourse is entirely based around defending objectively bad people because otherwise they might need to consider the possibility that right wingers might occasionally be correct.

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Still need the rightoid equivalent

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The rightoid equivalent is just "if you're not cis and white, get out of my sight."

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I would say it's more, "What if historians are wrong and my nostalgia is right?"

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  • Dramamine : banned: Drive-by post on a serious topic of janny abuse

>leave a comment seriously discussing the post

banned - insincere comment, user did not submit video of themselves crying

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Why does anyone even bother posting on resetera? Heck, why bother keeping the site up? They obviously don't want any kind of discussion going on.

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Why does anyone even bother posting on resetera?

The few remaining love their hugbox

Heck, why bother keeping the site up?

Some r-slurred company bought it for like 4 million USD. They gotta try to get some ROI from this shit.

They obviously don't want any kind of discussion going on.


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I don't get ot Resetera has been like this for at least a decade lol

Back in the day nintendo used to post polls and at least pretend to give a shit

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Sounds like something awful run by terrorist sympathizers.

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Accidental gender affirming care

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Shrink your screen before taking screenshots so they're readable. Down voted

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screenlet detected

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