twitterfoids explain why dramascrotes are worse than mexicans

it's not really drama but I'm bored bc I've been at the mechanics for 4 hours, anyway here is why you'll never breed


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:marseynerd3:"the female brain cannot comprehend math"

:marseybooba:"woah look at the jugs on her!"

In our defense we have both of these kinds of comments on rdrama :#marseyindignant:

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According to my understanding of Korean :marseyindignantgook: 1400s Neo-Confucianism (which is minimal but better :marseygenetakovic: than your's) that means we're wise.


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yes but with techbros it's more like "look at the jugs on her (according to my calculations her left nipple is 0.3% larger than the right, 2/10)"

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:#marseyflirt: farty do u want me to critique your boobies ??

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Back the frick off. I'm gonna :marseyvenn6: learn :marseymoreyouknow: Arabic :marseymuslimwereback: and write :marseychudnotes: a poem comparing @sandkwinn's boobies to pomegranates or something.

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it's true, they're full of at least 1000 seeds

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I was thinking :marseythinkorino: of some medieval Persian thing. They were obsessed :marseybardfinnrefresh: with with breasts :marseymommymilkers: looking :marseyinsane: like pomegranates for some reason.

I mean I kind of get the resemblance but that's not exactly a compliment :marseyflirt: you would :marseymight: give a woman :marseyarthoe4: these days. :marseyhmmm:

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Pomegranate have some heavenly connotation in Islam, they are the fruit which are common in paradise

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Seems like they've got some religious :marseyjesus2: importance in that part of the world :marseyww1russian1: going :marseysal3: way back. Like the story :marseyslime: of Persephone getting carried down to the underworld involves a pomegranate in some way iirc.

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yes I've heard it, I just thought it would be funny to imply that it's bc of the seeds

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We speak truth to power

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Both are completely reasonable statements to say.

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