twitterfoids explain why dramascrotes are worse than mexicans

it's not really drama but I'm bored bc I've been at the mechanics for 4 hours, anyway here is why you'll never breed


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they can even be married and still be an incel


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being an incel is a state of mind chud

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yes, I am a femcel, what is your problem with that? :incel:

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Youre not a femcel! >:(

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femcel is a state of mind :3

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I wouldn't know anything about that :marseyindignant:

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It's basically the Yankee Doodle effect but for words. They learned a cool new word that they like and they're not gonna let those pesky "definitions" get in their way of using them.

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Married foids often stop putting out or let themselves go to the point where you become volcel because they already trapped you.

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Having a FoB chinese waifu doesnt cure inceldom.

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every second programmer is obese, disheveled, and annoying, but has a smoking-hot golddigger wife riding along for the money

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You're overrating FOB filipinas hard here.

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Sometimes they are Vietnamese or Belarusian

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how to find a golddigger wife

being hot is optional

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"Tech" (coders, sys/whatever admins, data/network/bullshit, "engineers", whatever) is pretend STEM for people who were too lazy and r-slurred to become real engineers or doctors or finance nerds or boring lawyers. They secretly and not so secretly hold themselves as the same class of people, but they are really lower than dogs. Like being a nurse for moids, except with less work.

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Found :marseymimic: the guy who thinks he knows all about "coding" because he can write :marseyretardnotes: 3 lines :marseystocksupdown: of Python. :marseyeyeroll:

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I almost mentioned that a key factor there is that real STEM/finance/gentry people just pick up tech skills (the adult equivalent of Legos) on the side if they need to work on real projects and at least enough so they know how to talk to their overblown wagies doing the monkey work.

I didn't say I had a real job either. I hate tech people. I hate coders. I hate administrators. I hate "engineers". I hate endpoint and support "technicians". I hate their nerdy culture and I hate their tech jockey circle jerks over this vendor or this software or this system. I detest them like a racist knows another group of people descended from shit and rats. They are innately deficient and disgusting, and so entirely detached from the end users that they are slaves to. They are in offensive denial that they are fricking lowly slaves, every single one of them, all the way to the top super dee duper CTO and CIO, subservient to the purpose of making sure sub 80 IQ Donna can print off an Excel document of the company's recent production numbers. And Donna is a better human being than the filth that makes that happen. This is what makes me a good tech guy, that I can see past the deep contemptuous nature of these other techstrags and find a small amount of value in them, to perhaps move to a slightly greater purpose than the gas chambers they deserve.

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disgusting unemployed hands typed this pile of cope. cry harder, cute twink.


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You are useless subhuman afterbirth and even killing yourself will not undo the stains upon this world that fall with each of your neighborrdly steps.

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keep going i'm almost there :marseycoomer2:

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Well you're a glass :marseydetective: half empty :marseytemplate: kind of guy. :marseysmughipskorean:

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I'm a glass full of my fricking nuts for every wannabe silicon valley turd who got some certs they pretend no one else could have gotten even though they started out with an English degree.

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Boy are you gonna be mad when you find out you didn't even need a degree if you got in before 2020

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Oh I do know

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No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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That's not exactly the wrong perspective though, that's basically all 'coding' is to most people. There's entire swathes of the global population employed by the sole virtue of knowing how to import enough libraries to solve a problem - and we call them subhuman dalit sexy Indian dudes. But the point remains.

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Woah woah woah, python? Take it down a notch. Maybe some js with the right frame works already set up.

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These people in my experience are worse than construction workers / working men because while they both mistreat women, the latter are operating under low IQ and testosterone, while the former are legitimately slimy and calculating due to their intelligence and are more predisposed to be serial killers.

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Hmm, do I want to make the same salary as a mech/chem/electrical engineer, but with 0 oversight or regulation and a 3 hour workday?


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In tech, painfully true. Especially the nurse part lmao.

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Sysadmins are the jannies of the server.

Black trans lives matter just unblock port 22 you goddarn halfwit.

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This is what was so infuriating about the Edward Snowden defection. This guy wasn't even doing anything :marseycoleporter: important and he still managed to steal :marseytrumpitsoverwereback: all our secrets. :marseyraging:

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He was in tailored access hacking division he was more than an e-janny

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Sysadmins are the jannies of the server.

Just for that I'm deleting all your files and restoring from last weeks back up.

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lol it's funny cuz true. You can see the smug here from the wagies in their totally really important cubicle jobs. I worked for an engineering firm for a short while and those wagies had such a meltdown when I said we were devs. They corrected me and said we had to call ourselves engineers. ha

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Like being a nurse for moids, except with less work.

and that's a good thing

Current hyperfixation:

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!coomers I'm going to shut down the /h/glory hole because of this single woman

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Avarage /r/Healthyhooha poster

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!besties required viewing :marseybinos:

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thx bestie


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I can't finish listening to this :marseydisagreefast:

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:marseynerd3:"the female brain cannot comprehend math"

:marseybooba:"woah look at the jugs on her!"

In our defense we have both of these kinds of comments on rdrama :#marseyindignant:

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yes but with techbros it's more like "look at the jugs on her (according to my calculations her left nipple is 0.3% larger than the right, 2/10)"

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:#marseyflirt: farty do u want me to critique your boobies ??

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Back the frick off. I'm gonna :marseyvenn6: learn :marseymoreyouknow: Arabic :marseymuslimwereback: and write :marseychudnotes: a poem comparing @sandkwinn's boobies to pomegranates or something.

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it's true, they're full of at least 1000 seeds

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I was thinking :marseythinkorino: of some medieval Persian thing. They were obsessed :marseybardfinnrefresh: with with breasts :marseymommymilkers: looking :marseyinsane: like pomegranates for some reason.

I mean I kind of get the resemblance but that's not exactly a compliment :marseyflirt: you would :marseymight: give a woman :marseyarthoe4: these days. :marseyhmmm:

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Pomegranate have some heavenly connotation in Islam, they are the fruit which are common in paradise

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Seems like they've got some religious :marseyjesus2: importance in that part of the world :marseyww1russian1: going :marseysal3: way back. Like the story :marseyslime: of Persephone getting carried down to the underworld involves a pomegranate in some way iirc.

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yes I've heard it, I just thought it would be funny to imply that it's bc of the seeds

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According to my understanding of Korean :marseyindignantgook: 1400s Neo-Confucianism (which is minimal but better :marseygenetakovic: than your's) that means we're wise.


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We speak truth to power

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Both are completely reasonable statements to say.

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These bitches are so annoying. Try being truly the only female in a sea of dudes. It was great. Have to go into a meeting where you know you'll get beat up? Dress slutty and poof the meeting ain't all that bad. Stupid c*nts are probably just uggo.

Also, sexist and inappropriate jokes are great. I need something to get through the day of being a schlepp wagie.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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!nooticer go 3 buttons undone on v neck to matrix dodge a HR meeting.

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These fricking r-slurs think tech cute twinks have worse mouths than construction workers. Maybe the Indians and commie Chinese may say r*pey things because it's part of their cultures but construction workers say all kinds of crazy shit.

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no they don't, they explained that blue collar workers are more crude, but in a quaint kind of way compared to the hateful misogyny caused by watching anime porn and c*ding all day

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The funny thing is that the Mexicans don't say their crude things in English. They talk shit in Spanish so these broads have no idea what they are saying.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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They r*pe in English though.

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Girl, I don't know what kind of construction :marseykilldozer: workers you've been hanging :marseyropeyourself: out with but the ones I had to hear doing roofing jobs on neighboring properties weren't the Seven :marsey7o7: Dwarves. And the whole thing is obviously complete bullshit :marseyitsallsotiresome: because there :marseycheerup: hasn't been an English-speaking construction :marseythebuilder: worker :marseymerchantelf: in America :marseykissinger: in 25 years.

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Some woman complained about our construction work so the Foreman told her to suck his peepee :based:

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The stuff about sending porn in group chats is something I have only experienced at tradie and wagie jobs.

"Look at this b-word shooting pool with her kitty." I watched that whole fetish slowly unfold for that guy when he just started showing us ping pong balls, and he got really fixated on the billiard balls, which fully transitioned into pool sticks and games of pool.

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The only time I ever saw porn get sent over jabber was if we found it while researching an applicant. Which while rare was found more than once.

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Construction workers don't have hr waiting on the wings to shitcan them

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Note that none of them are coding and are instead complaining about men on twitter :marseyhmm:

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How much you want to bet that this person has spent exactly zero time around construction workers, but a decent amount of time around men who work in tech?

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I'm betting neither. She probably has a brother in law that is a coder and says vaguely sexist stuff at parties and she's building out from there.

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>"i only date women who i deem as perfect for mating"

someone got rejected by a tech bro and is now mad. only thing missing is "they are all gay!" :marseygiggle:

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I bet he was Indian too.

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tech bros are such frick boys. They're all 'city boys' who end up ghosting you as soon as you left them frick you. Also they're all incels because they say misogynistic things about women.


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how come her personality detector didn't work until after she let him frick her :marseythinkorino:

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I worked construction when i was 19 and they would talk about tag teaming 14 yo girls so idk if i just got uber construction coworkers or what but ive been in tech for a decade and its mostly just griping about gfs and wives

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>here is why you'll never :marseyitsover: breed

Say sike right :marseytransmisiaaward: now :marseysadgun:

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The only reason that construction workers don't say that women can't do math is because they can't do math either

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This sounds like Overboard for eurotrash r-slurs with no sense of humor. Which was later :marseywave2: adapted for the classic :marseybananadance: Hong Sisters romcom Couple or Trouble.

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Overboard was also remade gender-switched a few years back.

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That's just fundamentally r-slurred.

I can kind of see the Kurt Russell character being female. I know women (at least from my generation) who are very practical down-to-Earth people who knew how to get stuff done. But even then, they still are feminine and don't have the coarse brutish side of his character. They're people who already got things figured out and can't be a character in a romcom because they don't have anything they need to learn. Which, if you think about it, isn't that what all romcoms are about going back to Shakespeare? People learning something about love?

Definitely doesn't work for a gender-flipped Goldie Hawn. Guys can be whiny pampered brats to some extent but the whole point of this character is that she takes it to an extreme. Guys can't do that. If their mother is over-indulgent then they might end up as basement-dwelling neurodivergent but they don't turn into an attention-seeking kitten whore. I dunno if it's still true, but in my generation at least, if a boy acted like that he would get physically beaten until he conformed to his assigned gender role.

If men and women are interchangeable what would even be fun about romcoms?

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Attitude towards foids is negatively correlated with intelligence :marseythonk:

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anyone who isn't completely subservient to women in every possible way is clearly an incel. it's the literal definition!

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@sandkwinn what's your opinion of whom is worse queen :adore:

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what do you do for work :marseyshy3:

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I work in finance...

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I think guys who are able to hold a conversation with strangers without exuding xtreme autism are best, so being in finance is probably good :shrug:

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You gotta have the right autism

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Conversation? Shouldn't you just be sucking his peepee?

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without exuding xtreme autism

I can maintain this for 8-10 minutes. :marseycool2:

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I'm gonna pretend I respect you but actually think I'm way better than you


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Lmao, this goes to show that foids at least like the idea of getting catcalled. Encountering something more deeply offensive really put it into perspective. Also:

>wow they should call you big booty the way you got a big booty


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bc I've been at the mechanics for 4 hours

what broke?

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downstream o2 sensor

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>taking it to the mechanic

lmao foid L

>o2 sensor

who cares, all that shit is gay anyways

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my check engine light came on and it wasn't the gas cap and it was being fixed for free so may as well get it turned off :marseyeyeroll:

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I agree thanks :carpwave: :meow:

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Are you a warranty-cel?

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I just bought the car used early August and it came with 1 month warranty :meow: it was too cheap to pay anything additional

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Is it :marseyflagus:, :marseyflagjapan: or :marseyflageu:?

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As much as I like to shit on Nipmobiles, they are probably the best choice for someone who doesn't care that much about cars. If it's a good solid car, it will run fine until it's consumed by rust. Rust is worse in Ontario than in Western Canada, because the (((Ontario Ministry of Highways))) dumps tons of :salt: all winter ( :marseymerchant: plot to force us to buy new cars)

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Lol lmao ugly women coping is always hilarious. Sorry even the neurodivergent computer nerds don't want your witchy butt.

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so he will stop harassing me but he wont stop stalking me fricking great :marseyeyeroll:

youre so full of it. youre completely okay with one of the biggest transphobes on the site having full unbridled access to all its content and not remotely concerned at the potential harm it might cause. your bias is so obvious. you jump through fiery hoops to protect the biological women but as soon as a :marseytrain: brings up a valid concern its "idc". go frick yourself.


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