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So what is Macron's aim here? Afaik leftoids actually won a lot and rightoids underperformed. Does Macaroni just think he can better control the rightoids?

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The left is basically a coalition of a ton of left-wing parties, varying from green progressives to commies. They colluded with macron's party to cuck the far right out of getting most representatives in France's equivalent of the electoral college. However, the far Right did win the popular vote, and theyre still the third largest party behind the left coalition and Macron's party.

Macron and the Right could combine and easily have a majority, which is sort-of what happened now because the Far Left immediately started bickering and signaled they were unwilling to compromise.

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the Far Left immediately started bickering and signaled they were unwilling to compromise


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What's that spanish civil war quote about the commies, anarchists and syndicalists constantly fighting, and then the fascists arriving next day to wipe out whomever was left?


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You're probably thinking of a George Orwell quote, not sure which but he wrote a book covering it and that war helped sour him on socialism

I'm reading this a book about the Spanish Civil war from a right wing British journos perspective (basically the opposite of Orwell's coverage)


Haven't finished it but the funniest bit at the beginning was explaining how the Republicans were a motley crew of lefties, far lefties, anarchists, anarcho-syndaclists, trotskyists, and more typical internationalist soviet supporters. Usual committee stuff. Early on the left took a lot of cities and industrial areas because urban areas had more lefties, so they were winning. But they kept losing territory because the Nationalists (composed of people from rural/agricultural areas) had old school military structure vs the Republican troops who had a decentralized org structure without officers, soldiers could do what they wanted, so their soldiers were easy to route because they had no coordination with other troops, so you could flank them easily and they'd all run in confusion.

And as soon as they started losing to the right-wing they ran to the Russians for help. In exchange for airplanes and artillery the Soviets demanded the Republicans purge all trotskys, anarchists, etc until only it was only pro-Stalinists. They even sent one of their NKVD guys to do the purge. Then when the NKVD guy finished the job successfully and returned to Russia they soviets purged him too.

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Love your work on the black Philip show.

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Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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The Spanish Republic was the country's legitimate government before the war though. Did the previous Republican military hierarchy stop existing? :marseyconfused2:

!historychads Answer? :marseybeanpleading:

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Did the previous Republican military hierarchy stop existing? :marseyconfused2:

The Republic was proclaimed in 1931 and back in the 20s Primo de Rivera, a General, ruled as a dictator.

The answer is that the most of the military despised the Republic as it was a conservative institution and saw it as illegitimate and in bed in commies, that's why the war happened.

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It was basically like germany before Hitler, the culture in the streets was very hostile....unstable political climate, bad economy, and wingcucks of both commies slowly gaining power (largely via winning in cities in legit elections) and the conservatives/falangists/basques/etc feeling they weren't being respected

+ most of the country's old power agricultural communities feeling left behind as Spain quickly went from agricultural economy->industrial. Then the great depression makes it even worse

plus unfinished business from old Carlist wars, Spains long history of 5+ Coups leaving tons of weapons around + culture of war... etc

It was basically primed for a strong leader to rally up a violent opposition. Legitimate or not.

Kemp mentions frequently it could easily have never happened, if there wasn't a persuasive person around to tell them which side to take, the population was very malleable

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Another thing in common with Weimar-era Germany was the military being hostile to democracy and any kind of leftoidism, my point was more about how many in the upper-echelons of the Armed Forces were biased against the Republic from it's inception.

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They also publicly tortured and executed catholics which made them very unpopular. Once lefties kill their enemies they just create an ever expanding definition of the enemy class to keep their insatiable bloodlust going. There is a reason why in platonic politics anarchy leads to tyranny.

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There is a reason why in platonic politics anarchy leads to tyranny.

Look no further than todays tranarcho-communism

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Now, now, perhaps they were just disagreeing on their points of information/privilege/order?

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Okay that explains it. I wasn't aware the left was already a coalition. And lol at r-slurred far leftists being unwilling to compromise on their dumb extremist ideas.

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>However, the far Right did win the popular vote

Didn't they just win a plurality of the popular vote, which is as meaningless as the left getting a plurality of the seats?

My impression was that the issue is that nobody really won and both extremes are too insane and intrasigent for Macron to be able to compromise with.

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Yeah the Far Right won a popular plurality, not a majority.

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Isn't it delightful how communism is all about unity and solidarity, yet even leftoid parties thmselves immediately disprove the entire ideology by being a constantly churning miasma of infighting and factionism?


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Look, once we win everything forever and for eternity, and usher in the end of history, then human nature will change for the better

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Actually, if we're talking purely about seats belonging to a party and not an alliance, chuds are the ones with the most seats at the moment.

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>centrist neolib prefers working :marseylifting: with a conservative :marseyrightoidschizo: party :marseytranstheyreright: over an anti-neolib one


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From what I heard, there were only two possible reasons for him calling a snap election during a right wing wave:

1. He genuinely believes in democracy and felt the people deserved a say :marseyclueless:

2. He hoped that they would win and do a shit job and that people would be sick of them by the next presidential election :macroncool:

But then all the leftoids schemed to win and actually somehow succeeded so he was gonna cuck the rightoids but then the leftoids ended up being too annoying so he went back to the OG plan.

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Yeah, while every centrist Macronist, all of the left-wing, and even most standard conservative right-wingers were begrudgingly agreeing they had to compromise in order to put a spanner in the far-right works in front of this pop election race, you had Macron going it alone, stirring up the Culture War shitpot ranting about how stupid leftoids are with their :marseytrain2:s and "parent 1 & parent 2" newspeak, to the utter confusion of everyone (even far-rightoids) in the french sphere.

Some even speculate he was ready to jump ship and start tagging along the much more hardline right-wing climate in the geopolitical sphere. Peak Jupiterian mindset. :macronarmscrossed:

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Afaik leftoids actually won a lot and rightoids underperformed.

That's not what happened at all.

You're just r-slurred and ill-informed from reading Reddit headlines.

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As a :marseysaluteusa: I can't be bothered to actually research what goes on in irrelevant countries like France. Headlines and then comments on a third party site if I'm really interested is the best you'll get. :marseyautism:

Besides I got the news from here not reddit :marseyindignant:


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It was all over CNN and AJ International.

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I don't watch TV and I don't know what aj international is. If news isn't posted here or in one of the other terminally online spaces I frequent I don't learn about it.

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Lazy and probably fat.

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Lazy maybe, but I reject fat! I fall strongly into the skeleton side of the NEET stereotypes thank you :marseyraging:

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