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:drafts: What the actual frick is going on with IG Reels? : Instagram :marseyxd: Redditor finds himself stuck in an instagram slop death spiral. It's :marseyakshually: pretty bleak.


:soyjakanimeglasses: Browsing rDrama makes you r-slurred.

The other sites....

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17270058179940174.webp :#marseysaluteindia:

:#marseytunaktunak: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17270058184504995.webp

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17270058188675148.webp :#bruh:

:!#lickitung: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17270058198283455.webp

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17270058202397099.webp :#marseyclueless:

:#marseyextinction: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17270058207903697.webp


It's because you actively click those types of videos in your FYP. Mines full of robots, 3D prints, bikes, muscle cars and engineering stuff

Only things I click on are tech and video game related stuff, takes 30 seconds of swiping for it to turn into whatever this is


I actually believe him. The slop economy has won.


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This is actually hillarious. It's like watching someone in a dystopian show flick through tv channels

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Remember when rick and morty watched inter dimensional television?


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I had the same thought


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This is how they get you. They put some weird shit on your feed, something so weird you have to look at it / can't look away, and then they assume you must love that type of content because you interacted with it for X seconds. Once it starts it can't be stopped unless you purge your feed by only consuming cat content or something. RIP

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>you start watching slop

>it gives you more slop

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You're trying to make it sound like it obviously makes sense, but IMO watching some weird af video randomly put in your feed for 30 seconds shouldn't lead to a large percentage of your feed being weird videos

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Yeah, I quit TikTok because of this. It was gross stuff to, like parasite removal procedures, and it wouldn't go away.


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HEARTBREAKING: Redditor :marseysoylentgrin: extracted from basement

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Why does the slop exist in the first place.

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Filler content.

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Also !antibharatiya beware of this technique to force Indian content into your social media feeds. Stay strong

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I got cursed with a fatso feed once and I was clicking not interested on every single post but that didn't help at all. I don't remember how I cured it ultimately but my blocklist and not interested list reached 3 digits probably

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Mine is all healthcare shit and music producing stuff, feels normie and good.

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I've had to purge YT shorts so much because my feed takes a week to go from Warhammer Lore and History videos to the usual Tik-Tok slop, "millennials do it like this, Gen X do it like this."

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Got an addon just to get yt shorts to frick off. They're really desperate to push to brainrot :hmm:

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I try not to watch them but its so good for killing time.

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The reason I barely visit my FB timeline is because it's invaded by BIPOCS, it's 90% rap and basketball.

I never like or comment on any post but it's probably because I read the comments. Black ppl arguing is always amusing.

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>Only things I click on are tech and video :marseymeowth: game related stuff, takes 30 seconds of swiping for it to turn into whatever :marseytippinghand: this is

I too have been a victim :marseydead: of the data hamsters' speed. "Oh you watched 12 seconds of a particular video :marseyslime: or got linked to a specific thing? That's all you see now."

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That's the kind of thing breadtubers have been complaining about where you watch 1 alt-right video and the algorithm starts introducing more and more nazi stuff. In business it's called the alt-right radicalization rabbithole. That's definitely much sadder than just giving slight extra exposure to disenfranchised PoC creators

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Not true since YouTube changed the algo to suggest "deradicalization" breadtube slop.

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Please don't call it slop, these are the finest minds of leftist thought

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It's true. They have humanities degrees.

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And some of them... are g*mers!

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I constantly get suggested leftoid video essays seething about shit like nerdrotic and critical drinker, as though I watch either of them

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What are you people doing with your algos to continuously get rightoid and leftoid content on youtube and instagram?

The furthest right I get is Critical Drinker and the furthest left I get is RedLetterMedia.

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Video essays. White people only watch video essays.

Pretty despicable.

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They won't stop pushing FRICKING video essays

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Not sure if related but I've had Spotify do something similar. I'll check out a few songs of a genre, not like them, but it's all my daily drive is for the next week :derpwhy:

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When I read things on rDrama, I tend to exit the thread enlightened. But when I read things on Reddit, I'm more likely to be enraged

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In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am englightened by browsing rDrama dot net.

:#marseyhesright: :#marseyfedoratip:

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When I read things on rDrama, I tend to exit the thread enlightened

This says more about your intelligence level than that of rdrama tbh

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Thank u for your donation of wisdom :marseyadmire:

Fr tho I've ripped this from a HN comment

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Who makes these clips? And why?

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:marseymerchantsoy: :marseycapitalistmanlet:

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Shock content is as old as the internet :mariogoatse:

People want attention or to sell something, if you've got nothing else going for you you can always :marseyyikes: eat your own shit or smth

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I'm so glad I got banned from instagram for racism. It's actually really hard to do - they give you like 15 chances before finally deleting you. I would recommend everyone get themselves banned, your quality of life improves dramatically afterward

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Wow. A real racist :marseyowow:

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I only click like on reels from legit schizos, homeless, hoarders, etc and quickly scroll off everything else. If I want normie short form videos I use the youtube one

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I can't wait to see the long term effects of scrolls like this on children's brains.

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It's already showing in the zoomers. The ones that are kids now will barely be human by the time they're adults imo

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Instagram users deserve it. Also aevann rDrama reels and stories when??

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I've curated my reels to almost exclusively feature schizo shit that I find funny. I think some of the schizo accounts must've been :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: content farms because sometimes I get "selling aluminum scrap 600 rupees please redeem" shit now on top of the normal seeing Buddha in paper towel rolls, AI slop with voice to text about spiritual energies, Arab sheiks posting their exotic pets, ghetto car dealerships advertising hooking r-slurs on 29% APR deals, and people talking about colloidal silver

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>your instayoutubetiktok feed after watching a single conservative commenter

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All social media needs a "RESET ALGORITHM" button. It would be better for everyone involved.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17274905426203203.webp :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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I actually believe him. The slop economy has won.

It's insane. I've blocks 100s of youtube channels, dozens of websites, 10,000 or more reddit users and yet still an endless stream of low effort trash is pushed upon me

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i noticed that opening up youtube in incognito and watching a few videos im interested in always gives better recommendations than any long term curation of my feed

im guessing this is because youtube places too much weight on what you watched 2 days ago and what everyone else watches

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This will be how the AI imprisons people when the revolution begins


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You mean how it makesus kill ourselves

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It's raping my eyes.

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My POV scrolling through the rGoresite offshoot where people brag about being an incel or a schozoid, but also provide receipts.

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I've not used Instagram since the meta takeover is it any good these days or just the same? As insta seems to be full of whores and I'm on a 2 month semen retention streak, I don't want to be misled these thots.

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I just get animal :marseything2: videos tbh

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I'd assume there's a lot of paid promotion from ewhores so you may come across them.

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I am disgusted. No less than 1TB of porn will cleanse my eyes :marseycoomer:

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The amount of mental illness they're able to squeeze into 120 seconds these days is truly a modern marvel.

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What in the name of God is wrong with that little girl. Is it real? She's terrifying

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it was crime against all things holy, good, and truth to have to let that genetically fricked up little girl live past infancy.

no we can't fix her, letting her live in such a state in inhumane. that was not a life that needed to be lived.

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