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It's not just the gender quota itself. They even have rules about men not getting to speak on a topic if there's no more women left who also wish to speak on said topic (this can be overwritten by a vote of the women), not being allowed to vote a male top candidate even if no woman wants to nominate herself unless again, the women vote on it. The whole party treats their women like children that need to get special consideration so the mean adults don't ignore them. It's absurd and sexist to both men and women because the women aren't treated like equal adults capable of standing their ground while the men have fewer rights within the party.

About the Green Party :marseytreegenocide: :ramo!najak:

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The whole party treats their women like children

Where's the issue?

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holy shit this seems to be true. I didn't know it became so bad here.

All the "fall of the west" rhetoric is way overblown compared to what these girlbosses could wreak to a country



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Be careful when you read rumours about krauts, the reality is often much worse than your wildest imagination :marseywise:

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Counterproductive. To create strong queens like Thatcher they require zero or even negative coddling so they hone their brutal backstabbing instincts.

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The way I see it, the Green party is a main target of Russian disinformation in Germany, also supported by the AfD, which is why many voters have turned away from them. (+83)

The cope is insane lmao

That's why it's so funny to read this sub complain about "the boomer". And pretend than young are leftist. The denial here is crazy off charts, even by Reddit standards (+493)

🫡1 day old account 🀨 (+51)

The average leftoid redditor turns to desperate measures to discredit the only sane person in the convo

Non-leftists on reddit usually have young accounts, you can guess why. (+13)

Election interfering troll accounts is why. (+11)


Muh russian election interfering troll farms on reddit making millions of people vote for the Bad Peopleβ„’

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>why are the people most affected by our pro-mass-immigration, gender insanity and anti-industry politics voting against us?


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Redditors love to cry about boomers, but they are now the boomers themselves. They are now the ones who are out of touch with the younger generation and insisting on forcing their ideology on everyone else

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Leave it to the redditor to lecture you about democracy and misinformation while lashing out at shadows and conspiracies like the lowliest incel /pol/filth of the earth

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The way I see it, the Green party is a main target of Russian disinformation in Germany

Fricking lmao, yeah its because of russian disinfo that zoomers dont want to vote for the most r-slurred form of leftoidism, not because of idpol bullshit that completely overtook the party on every level and people like Ricarda Lang. !germs look at this shit.

The green party will always be a party for well off millenial cute twinks (so perfect for redditors) unless they radically change their policies, which they wont.

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Yep, it's the reddit party. Soyience with shitty, self serving evidence and even dumber implementation. But at least the trains are happy :marseytrain:

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Reddit hecking loves nuclear power and the other science applications that greenoids hate.

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We're not talking about the average redditard, we're talking about the hive of human waste that inherents /r/de :marseysick: . I think it's endemic to many country subs that it's filled with shit libs

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Thoughts on Mutti? :#marseyangelamerkelwave:

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As an observation and not an endorsement:

She was the perfect politician.

She never had big visions herself but was very adaptiv to the media vibes. She took time to decide (waiting for the responses and media vibes) until she went with the most perceived popular decision. Our media were extreme pro refugee. So did she. Our media was sneeding at Fukushima, so she killed nuclear.

We even have a German word for her ruling: Teflonkanzlerin. She can't do wrong.

Her transformation from the conservative to a green washed party did give rightoids plenty more room to grow.

Personally I have nowadays mixed feelings about her. Many and nation wide mistakes were made. But I know that other parties are even more r-slurred and would have boosted our problems faster.

Her ruling was fine when nothing happens and unlike leftoids her policy wasn't to throw money around like an r-slur where leftoids think you can print all the problems away. This was at least something conservative of her.

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Aber, hast sie es schaffen das?

She's undoubtedly a cunning politician, she lasted 16 years in office and she never lost an election nor was she removed like Thatcher, she simply quitted running a fifth term and always poised as some sweet harmless lady. I bet that sort of low-profile is helpful in Deutschepolitik.

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Helmut Kohl, her predecessor also was chancellor for 16 years. But germs don't consider him a good one. Probably the same thing is happening to Merkel where this one huge refugee frick up probably will put her into lower positions. Most consider our first, founding father of the Bundesrepublik, Konrad Adenauer to be the ultimate Chad politician.

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are you german?

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My condolences

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Thanks :marseysad:

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Russia can't even test a missile without exploding their test site yet somehow is able to sink their claws and brainwash everyone but redditors on the Internet

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The parties that are at the "extreme right" of that chart are the most supportive of nuclear energy

Edit: Key for the data chart : https://eumatrix.eu/en/blog/nuclear-energy-political-index-where-does-each-party-stand

That's all there is too know basically.

This was published in Chicago Foreign Policy journal in 2021


Imagine getting cucked again and again by coal (forget climate change, shit's carcinogenic for the farmlands ) and Put-tard's constant threats over gas export (gib Ukraine or Ivan stops) all the while still believing shutting down nuclear plants is a good thing.

And then redditors comment "AfD wants too sell out too Putin"

You know shit's real bad when Greta Thunberg, the darling of the tree huggers is calling you out on you're bullshit


!chuds !nonchuds can finally agree on one thing. The anti-nuclear energy coalition in Germany is perhaps the worst policy-making group in the entire world.

@ObamaBinLaden say this as a feminist ally

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I'm assuming that the afd just doesn't want to be involved in ukraine whatsoever, is that accurate?

I personally think that western powers are obligated to chip in to maintaining the western (american) hegemony that they benefit from, but it seems like a stretch to me that everyone who wants their country to be a leech is considered a russian puppet, as opposed to just someone who (rightfully) recognizes that american taxpayers will pay for everything regardless of what they do

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>Germany is a country which manufactures lot of stuff

>Germany is a budget surplus country

>Germany has a lot of euro coming in, more than going out

>In normal time, it means within eurozone, everypony buys shit from Germany

>Same currency, everypony buys at same price

>German production shoots up like Speer on meth

>Germany takes the cash, holds it in reserve, issues "German federal" bonds (very important distinction)

>When 2008 hit, PIGS (and southern Europe in general) got obliterated since they are deficit countries

>Deficit meaning they buy more than what they can afford


>Issuing notes or as Wsb calls it, printing money

>What happened then?

>PIGS begged Germany for help

>How could Germany have helped?

>Germany could loan them the money at very low rates too pull them up

>Germany said lmao no, herr frickoff mein dear

>PIGS sad

>US says I'll help you

>PIGS said really?

>US said, lmao not really, but given that it's either _me_ or another 30 years of civil war, _I'll_ let _my_ bro IMF here too help you out

>IMF says, _I'll_ give you the money but only if you promise to eat at Stalingrad 1942 ration

>PIGS very sad but accept.

>Unemployment shoots up

>Civil unrest shoots up

At this point, you pull up wikipedia and see debt/GDP ratios of countries around 2008 and see all these southern European countries are still very much below Japan and USA

>USA - ? My currency is used everywhere. _I_ can literally print Barack Obama's poop as currency and everyone would still hold it as their reserve. Lmao doesn't apply to us

>Japan was hit nasty because it exported goods that people could do without, and most of that to US and Europe. When 2008 hit, their automobile industry export was cut in half.

>How did Japan survive?

>1. Japan doesn't have any immigration problem to complicate the situation and drain extra welfare money

>2. Japan has lifelong employment so unemployment was pretty stable

>3. Japan had large reserves and it's currency is also more or less used by many as reserves

>4. Japan studied the blade while everyone was gunfighting - Japan banned all sorts of exotic financial instruments after the 1990 blast they had and only traded in traditional global investments. This made them quite immune.

Now back to EUROZONE:

>As PIGS were accusing Merkel of the Swabian penny pinching housewife, it was clear that within Eurozone, who the undisputed Lord was.

>The US didn't care as long as its economy was smooth and Eurostrags(especially deutschetards) kept buying US bonds to keep the investment money flowing.

>Kept the inflation down.

>Who cares about their infighting. They have been going at it for the last 2000 years

>All this changed in 2022 :marseyputin:

>Attack Ukraine

>Think it's 3 day operation

>Spend 30 years

>Anyway as US was thinking let's make Ukraine a second Afghanistan (the cool one of the 80's mujahideen, not the bad ones we fought) for Russia, nobody, least of all Gerwomans, thought of a possibility

>Russia shuts off gas

>Germany needs to make cool shit :marseyaaatremble:

>No gas supply, no cool shit

>Worse than lol-ocaust

>German economy tanks

>No alternative source of energy, gigabrains have closed nuclear plants

>Cost of living shoots up

>Lot of cash, not enough cool shit

>Inflation hits

>AfD says give Ukraine to Russ, who cares, we need to make cool shit

>Poland & Britain - yeah that's how it always starts, innit?

>US - sorry bro, my chad MIC & CIA is going for field test

>AfD says we hate this fricking Euroshit, we want to make cool shit and be rich and gay like before (wins election after election)

>PIGS - music to my ears

>Russia - Heh it's all coming together (loses another 40,000 soldiers in the meantime)

>France - watching from the sidelines - I make separate treaty with Ukraine to send arms (NOBODY CARES)


!historychads !burgers !chuds did I miss anything?

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Why did you wrote it in green text? Are you r-slurred?

Also you got a lot of data points incorrect. Inflation hit before the war, you know, the coof.

Alternative energy was imported from Middle East. Yes the prices increased 3 fold during the initial shock but is decreasing constantly and is reaching 2019 levels of cost for the industry.

Inflation is also back at 2%

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Inflation hit before the war, you know, the coof.

wrong, inflation was normal during COVID (reaching negative in 2021), it increased much more during the war

@ObamaBinLaden generally don't engage in an argument with a Hun because they are genetically not worth it, but if you must, here's you're data r-slur


!nonchuds what is it with germans and being a lying r-slur?

@ObamaBinLaden say this as a feminist ally

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You Cute twink can't read charts. Inflation already grew to 4% prior to the war, the coof was still a thing in 2022 and we were at the aftermath of it.

The nordstream pipelines blew up in september 2022 and also made shit worse. You're just a pathological r-slur who can't get his head around that the world is round and that there million different variables and that its not some shitty tom clancy story that you can pull out of your nonsensical arse.



If anyone wonders, this guy is RDramaHistorian :macroneyeroll:

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If anyone wonders, this guy is RDramaHistorian

What is it with any comment or post about economy or any company that suddenly makes everypony think @ObamaBinLaden is rdamahistorian?

This isn't the first time either

Months ago when I made a post about how shady the tbhskincare company was (https://rdrama.net/post/285427/all-i-wanted-were-some-tbhskincare ) sasanla_of_gauda sent me a personal message

Youre rdramahistorian aren't you? :marseywave2: Why do you always sperg about fincel stuff and blow your cover? :marseyreading:

!dramatards !oldstrags I thought that guy's thing was posting about /r/drama.

And also, this is perhaps the second time ever I'm posting about any economy related shit? :marseyhyperthonk:

Is posting about economy a bannable offense and this is just the reason given?

@ObamaBinLaden say this as a feminist ally

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I would care if ANYBODY would just keep using the same fricking name. I've been "Redactor" for 8 years.

I've been working for my boss for 8 years and I still call him "mister".


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I thought you were him too lmao. If you aren't, you chose a pretty inopportune time to make a new account with an interest in finance and some apparent familiarity with the site as it was about 1 month after his last alt was banned. He also tried to hide in plain sight by yelling from the rooftops that he was not him

I hope you keep posting fincel stuff either way :marseyreading: He was based and dindu nuffin anyway

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hope you keep posting fincel stuff either way

I don't know enough about finance to make an effort post. And even lesser about /r/drama history. I can definitely try to post bullshit as super thoughtful financial market shit. If that gives me the extra coins, I'm happy to take them.

pretty inopportune time

I visited srd and drama infrequently during some reddit controversies like the teenager one. Finally joined this site a week before the sub ban when it was revealed through REDACTED that a ban was imminent. I was surprised that this site didn't gain a lot of new subs during those 10-15 days.

@ObamaBinLaden say this as a feminist ally

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More comments

:marseyspit: What kinds of novels can you pull out of your butt, b-word? :marseythinkorino: And what are your fricking favorite books, b-word?

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Badly written schizo posts :marseyschizowall#:

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:marseylaying: oh donger you have such a way with words

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>there are a zillion different variables so _I_ cannot take blame

Average deutschetard bullshit excuse

The German federal government gave out a $146B fiscal stimulus during covid

The US government gave out a 2.3T stimulus. Accounting for the size of the economy that's still approximately 1/3rd of the stim.

US inflation was caused by too much stimulus money making the economy too hot, and the housing market bearing the brunt of the money rotating.


"The historically high year-on-year inflation rate was mainly driven by the extreme price rises for energy products and food since war started in Ukraine", said Dr. Ruth Brand, the new President of the Federal Statistical Office since 1 January 2023.


That's you're nooticer in chief saying it's because le ukraine, not coof stimulus (and mathematically @ObamaBinLaden is inclined too agree with her).

@ObamaBinLaden say this as a feminist ally


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I stopped reading @ObamaBinLaden's longer comments until he's unchudded and I told him that. :marseyshrug:

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click "view source" below the comments to read them

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Then the fricking question becomes if they're worth reading. :marseysmughips:

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If you have to ask :marseyitsover:

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Why did you wrote write it in green text?

The "did" is creating the past tense situation for the auxiliary verb to act in the present

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Danke SchΓ€tzchen :marseyblowkiss:

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Russia didnt shut off the gas. They were willing to sell as much europe wanted it. Germany didnt comit to long term contract. Rather wanted to daytrade. Russia then went to full contract autism and sold onky as much as was in contracts. Trying to force germany to sign contract. But contract that was there was only for 40 units of gas. On normal day germany brought something like 120 units of gas. Then NS got blown up.

Keep in mind. Russia might be still selling gas to ukrain. Or at least it stopped only few months ago. Word is, they are alsl selling disel to ukrain.

West fumbeled energy trade and sancitons big time. Either they should have stopped buying from russia day 1 and damm the consequences or buy as much as possible and build up infastructure to cut off russia compleatly when ready.

Or buy as much as possible and use it to manufacture shitload of weapons for ukrain.

If russia cuts you off for real. It would be biggest propaganda victory you could have.

But they fricked it up so badly that germanys energy production is at late 90s level. Over 20 years of progress down to drain. And plan to hurt russia is for US to produce as much oil and gas as possible to keep price down. Beocuse higher prices=more money to russian ear coffers.

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I'm pro-Europe, which is why I'm not pro-EU.

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If only NAFO had more hotties maybe the AFD would be interested.

!neolibs tag yourselves.

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The CIA letting euroboomers control NAFO was a massive mistake. If they paid a bunch of soyteens to run NAFO they could bully every ZIPOC off the internet in two weeks flat

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Why do people capture screenshots of stories without dates. It now means nothing

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@ObamaBinLaden obscured the dates purposefully too avoid any:

"X didn't lead to Y. It happened much earlier/sooner to affect anything. Muh correlation doesn't mean causation" :soyjakanimeglasses:

@ObamaBinLaden say this as a feminist ally

But of course if you want you're are always free too search the headlines and get the dates

!linguistics petty question

Given - "X did not cause Y."

1. Therefore X had no effect on Y


2. X did not affect Y.

or(even more complicated)

3. X did not cause as much change so as too affect Y in any manner.

All 3 are correct, right?

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That Green crash is almost as noteworthy as the chud party rising. Really they've gone from the cool hippie party of smoking weed and environmental caring to the most pathetic middle aged millennials wanting woke politics.

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This is the issue with green parties everywhere. As an environmentalist I can't vote for my green party as they push for the destruction of marine and bird life with offshore wind farms, hate nuclear energy, and support Islamic terror groups.

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German greens where always primarily about hating :marseyreactor: . Merkel banning them was hailed by some as political masterstroke as it crashed greens polling for the next election.

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as they hate nuclear energy


as they support Islamic terror groups.


as they push for the destruction of marine and bird life with offshore wind farms,

Gay pearl-clutch. :marseypearlclutch: I care about global warming because it affects humanity. A few animals as collateral damage are a lesser evil. Prometheanism :marseysisyphus: gang rise up!

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frick dem animals

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What are your thoughts on the Sustainable Aus Party?

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Unironically SAP and One Nation are my 1/2 for the past election and this coming one

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:marseypearlclutch: fascist

I'll probs vote similarly in the coming federal election ngl

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cancerous PC views + ditching nuclear power for more fossil fuels = suicide combo

Really they're not much different from other countries' green parties, except they managed to take part in a ruling coalition and were given the opportunity to hang themselves.

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Middle aged lonely cat lady hags, who 30 years ago would have been christian puritans

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That 50% SPD support among the elderly is almost entirely Babushkas for sure :marseybabushka:

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Weed got legalized so the one thing most zoomers care about cant be used by the green party anymore.

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Youth radicalization in Europe is broadly speaking the boomers' fault, to be honest.

Wealth in European societies is concentrated in the hands of middle class boomers who vote for middle class boomer politicians who represent their material interests, oftentimes directly contrary to the material interests of the youth (ie. high pensions, mass immigration). The youth have no outlet for their understandable frustration with this state of affairs other than radical parties.


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Just look at the greens policies. Despite the media hyping them up as the party for everyone the policies are very clear what kind of cronie shit they're doing.

1. Tax free for solar generation -> benefits boomer home owner

2. State subsided heat pumps -> modern Home owner

3. Shitty energy policy -> Poor's are way more affected by prices

Not to mention that they all have connections to the green industry and institutes that are profiting from their policies. (To be fair, every party does this)

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Dumb take, tons of young joined :marseydeux: protests about raising retirement age. Youngs are to r-slurred to vote smart, which in particular includes realizing healthcare/pensions are unsuitable.

That and if they actually wanted to solve the problem they need to hef s*x :shinzoabe:

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tons of young joined protests about raising retirement age.

TBF that was a couple years ago and they were french.

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You can't use the frogs in analogies of other humans

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>boomers responsible for climate change

>boomers responsible for destroying economy

>boomers responsible for leftoidism

>boomers responsible for rightoidism

Hmmm what if it wasn't actually boomers it's just this gay earth?

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I am dead butt fuming !personalarmy !soyteens give this man coal, now!

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Is there any real distinction between that and a bot

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The bot has a more lively internal dialogue

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I think reality has caught up with green parys tbh

What are you basing this on? Your gut feelings? Reading tea leaves?

Looking only at the pictures that were posted, a swing towards more extreme viewpoints is extremely fricking clear, so the idea 'the greens were too extreme which is why they lost votes' seems like a bizarre conclusion.

The idea of extreme leftist viewpoints doesn't even come to his mind, I guess :marseyeyeroll:

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Far left parties in America Europe would be right wing in Europe

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The SPD being the largest party :marseyballoon3: by a percent :marseymutt: point :marseytedsimp2: means nothing. The AFD still occupies more than a third :marseyswastika: of the seats in the parliament so they gain special :marseyautistattentionseeker: rights :marseypride: to veto basically everything the new government tries. They got this in all 3 elections so total chud victory.

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third :marseyswastika:


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so it's cope the rights don't have power in the new gov?

Who did you vote for ? :marseylaying:

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Yes, the current government totally lost all 3 elections. In Brandenburg, the Greens didn't even reenter the parliament, and the Left Party :marseymasquerade: too lost all seats in the parliament. BSW, a party :marseyyippee: that no "old" party :marseyyippee: wanted to work together :marseyfoxxy: with, is now involved :marseynorm: in all 3 new governments, just so the CDU and SPD can continue to rule with a majority. The AFD had massive gains :marseylifting: in all 3 elections and occupies more than 30% of all seats in the 3 eastern :marseyrussianmutt: states, which enables special :marseyshortbus: oppositional powers for them that cuck the new ruling governments, who have to deal with internal fractures due to schizophrenic :marseymadman: political :marseywatermelon: alliances anyway. !germs know the media :marseyphoneglued: is massively coping :marseycopeseethedilate: by highlighting a 1% difference :marseypamsame: for the SPD in this one election :marseykamala: in a state :marseycoonass: where :marseydrama: they are supposed to be the strongest power :marseygoku: anyway, as our system :marseymars: doesn't do "winner takes it all". I didn't vote. Anything :marseycoleporter: else?

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why didn't you vote, do you believe all parties promote destruction or what?

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Do you not know what a state :marseycoonass: election :marseyitsrigged: is? Cause I don't live there.

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Reported by:

Why don't you live there?

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He probably didn't vote due to the same reason I didn't vote: We are not Ossis.

These were Landtagswahlen (so the small states)

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I didn't vote

You live in Brandenburg currently? Or didnt vote cause there was no election?

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Are there :marseycheerup: places to live in Brandenburg? I assumed it was Berlin suburbs and forests.

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Potsdam and a few villages I guess :marseyshrug:

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Probably because the young are the ones who have to actually live with this shit in their schools, on PT, etc while the avg :marseyboomer: out in the burbs literally never encounters the consequences of their voting patterns

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