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Next week Alaska will make national news when Pizzashill finds his inner strength and convinces himself the bear is an unvaccinated female trump supporter.

S-Sir these marks are clearly evident that the bear d-died from…. Strangulation…

That’s Ludicrous! What ungodly creature could be capable of the raw strength, rage, and veiny hands needed to strangle a grizzly bear!

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He shall become a phantom of the ice, a specter that shall loom over all of the gussy kind resident in Alaska. Eventually, the US government will have to evacuate all female citizen from that state. As the ravages of the gussoids destroy all of human civilization, men from will flee to the sanctuary devoid of gussy nonsense pizzashill will have created. And thus polar civilization shall rise again, among a male brotherhood furiously contemptuous of the soiboi goddess worshipping cults of the world. Like the Aryas, they shall rush down from their polar abode, putting to death all of gussy and simp kind. Thus shall mankind attain utopia.

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Why is he going there in december

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Cause he got cucked. Sad!

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Is pizza gonna be alone on Christmas?

:marseytears: emoji

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Someone should gift him a body pillow or something

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TRANS LIVES MATTER :marseyneckbeard: emoji



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You officially owe me one :marseythumbsup: emoji

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Slimmest and most romantically successful dramacel.

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I wish that were me...

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:marseysmug: emoji

@Aevann I feel like this probably has some sort of security implications lol

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meh not rly lol, u can only see how many coins they have

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The profile pic and dramacoin count is out of date, like it was saved when the image was uploaded. What brand of duct tape does this site use?

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also sorry to keep buggin u but is there a way to request how many pages of search results there are?

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ill add that to the json u get ("total" key)

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Jesus frick this image made me think I uploaded a screenshot somehow, and that tab on the left was my frickin transcript or something, I was close to having a panic attack

Also that profile pic and dramacoin count is out of date. Neat.

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what makes you think I don't have your transcript :marseyschizo: emoji

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You'll find out the only reason I didn't graduate with a 4.0 is because I made an 89 in a public speaking class :marseysob: emoji

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a body pillow based on this marsey :marseypizzashill: emoji

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Cucked how? And where in Alaska is he going? I heard Juneau gets like -70f winters. I’m Canadian and the thought of that cold makes even my balls shrink up.

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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I’m Canadian

Opinion discarded

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Juneau barely gets below freezing :marseyspecialpat: emoji it's in the panhandle not that far north, with big oceanic influence (and a warm ocean current) and prevailing winds blowing the warm ocean air from the west :marseynerd: emoji

Anchorage is a bit further north but similarly not terribly cold

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Maybe I’m thinking Fairbanks? I can’t remember now but company I used to work for years ago we had a customer send a photo of the temperature in the TV and it was -75f with the windchill.

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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Juneau is just Seattle with the weather and size/culture people imagine Seattle has.

Anchorage is warmer than Chicago in the winter.

Now Fairbanks is absolutely cold enough to kill you on short trips outside, which would be a problem for the residents if they didn't typically have a BAC high enough to have an antifreeze effect

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No shit I had no idea. I guess the ocean currents run north up from Mexico and Cali and keep things comfy.

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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Lol no person above is slightly r-slurred, Juneau and Chicago share similar winter climates, Anchorage is noticably colder, and the Puget Sound/Vancouver BC are warm enough that they don't get much snow unlike the others.

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I've worked in -70F. Your eyes water and then your tears freeze your eyelids together.

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Frick that. Coldest I've experienced is -45c and I wanted to die. The air hurts to breath. -70f shows as like -55c.

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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he's gonna die there isn't he

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It's like a winter wonderland

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@pizzashill they'll print the boarding pass at the airport check-in counter lol, just go with your passport

have fun


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Doesn't know how boarding passes work :marseythonk: emoji

Is pizza a poor? :marseypoor: emoji

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Unless you fly Spirit. They charge you $10 for the paper pass lmao

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Spirit is the ultimate rentoid airline. Get a load of the seats in their planes:

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one day those organized smash and grab looters are gonna steal a spirit airplane.

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southwest chads stay winning

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I flew Spirit once. I paid an extra $20 over the base fare to get a seat up front, and the ticket was $120 cheaper than the rear of an American 737. If you're flying 2 hours or less and don't need a suitcase you can sit up front and save hundreds of dollars over flying in the back of Delta/American.

I will say that was the loudest 321 I've ever been on. Still, it was a 90 minute flight I paid $60 for.

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I only ever went on Spirit once and iirc I bought it three days prior when the client needed me on site for one more day. It was the only one I could buy on such short notice while staying under the expense account limit.

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Still somehow more legroom than United.

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I’ll print it for $9 and premium email it :marseymerchant: emoji

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You need a passport to fly domestically? Not that I don't know the answer of course :marseyshapiro: emoji

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Oops I forgot about domestic flights, there’s literally no such thing here :marseyspecial: emoji

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:#marseydicklet: emoji

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dont be sizephobic :marseydepressed: emoji

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:#marseyspecialpat: emoji

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How fricking r-slurred do you have to be to not know how airports work as an adult?

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Especially someone who claims to be as intelligent as him lol

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What fricking r-slur checks in at the counter post like 2012? Just check in on your phone and scan the fricking ticket, show your id/passport.

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Recently I've just downloaded them on my phone to avoid as much human contact as possible

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@pizzashill Or check in and get the boarding pass on your phone. At a kiosk if you must. Don’t bother with counter unless for checked luggage.

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Get the app :marseysneed: emoji

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one step at a time, he doesn't know how tickets work

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:marseysigh: emoji

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Does pizza not know how an airport works?

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Apparently not. Obviously a poor and/or rural.

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I like to think he's an inner city youth like on The Wire.

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Despite being white, Pizza is the blackest man on this website

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in my hood we call him Oakland Pizza

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Huh didn't know there are people like that. Weird

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I wonder if Pizza realizes how expensive AK is, and how little they want more homeless people.

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He's going to live off the grid

:!#marseyunabomber: emoji

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He will die by day 2 after 3 hours of trying to chop down a tree

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Don't open any packages you recieve in the next 2-3 months.

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lol sure he will

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Did someone tell him they took that bus away?

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If pizza survives this he will become more powerful than anyone can imagine.

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Imagine being on a fishing boat doing hard, physical labor for 18+ hours a day while constantly wet and nursing small injuries in a rocking boat with zero privacy or quiet, and you have Pizzashill :marseylongpost2: emoji IRL next to you the entire time.

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Is dock drifter alaskan for lot lizard?

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dock drifters are the male equivalent

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At this time of year the cold will have him before the bears do

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Be nice, you should at least feel bad for someone with such debilitating OCD.

I honestly pity him enough that I genuinely hope he stays safe and doesn't frick up (or end), his life.

Stay safe, @pizzashill, and godspeed you deranged SoB

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I think I'm one of shill's biggest stans, actually. He gives me a lot of shit, but I wish the little fricker well.

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Jfc I worked on a fishing boat for years, they are 100% going to beat his butt till he dies

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I'm not used to such hate being directed at me and that made me cry


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Into the Wild 2: Pizza-Shock!

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Is that pizza's groomercord name? And has he really never flown before and chose Alaska for the first flight? Lol :marseylaugh: emoji

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He could've just always flown with his parents and they handled all the paperwork

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I'd ask why someone in that case hadn't been paying attention with their parents so they knew the process when they're on their own but in his case he may have been too busy thinking up words words words to type on the internet.

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How does this dude not know how plane flights work?


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Poor or not done it since becoming an adult.

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I read this book but I can’t remember the ending

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Grizzly Man full documentary. If you've never seen this, try looking for a better version than this because it is very good and very sad.

Good luck Pizza.

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