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  • whyareyou : it's bad to have your donors give your family money actually :marseyshitforbrains:

Loser pays his own wife to campaign for him

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Pizzashill is so biased he is going for the weird angle on this instead of pointing out it's clearly campaign finance fraud.

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I like when people do fraud. I am more interested in making fun of the fact he has to pay his own wife.

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He isn't paying his own wife. His campaign funds are paying his wife.

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Please buddy, you dont exposs yourself to risk like this unless it was asked.

She probably wont campaign for him without being paid.

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I'm glad you agree that he isn't paying her. Goodbye 😘

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He is, they are his campaign funds lmao.

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>his funds

Can he buy himself whatever he wants?

Do you actually believe he's able to expense expired meat or discount nuts willy manilly?

You don't understand how the wealthy live because you are poor. No offense

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I would guess hes robbing those campaign funds blind lmao.

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Answer the question coward

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They are the campaigns funds. It's not his money.

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This is the most r-slurred thing ive ever heard, especially considering trump has been grifting his own campaign and tax payers for years now lmao.

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How could he be grifting the campaign if it's his money? Jesus Christ stay internally consistent for a single comment.

TDS is real.

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This is r-slurred even for pizza, has he started sniffing glue?

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Is he and his family supposed to do all this work while living off savings, or while having a full time second job? !r-slurs

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Legally yes.

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Yet another unfair advantage given to wealthy candidates :sad2:

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:marseygir#lboss: :mar#seynails:

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That's how people with real money make 25% gains, you'll learn someday

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mfw I only have fake money :marseypoor:

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Don't worry, you're both playing some version of monopoly

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I like board games :marseyretard2:

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Yeah what a loser haha. Anyway, how's your wife, pizza?

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He didn't pay her enough so she left :marseyitsover:

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Also btw in case anyone has forgotten for one milisecond: She's an ugly whore. Literally a prostitute and looks worse than 80% of women on Earth.

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Get her butt

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You mean, "no I haven't forgotten", right?

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She isn't fat

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Her face is... One thing deeply ingrained in me from childhood is never say anything that would make a woman feel bad about her appearance. So I'll put it like this:

About 95% of women reading this can be happy because they got a better face than Melania ever had.

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Also she has rock hard fake tits, worst kind

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I wish it was just that.

Being the giant fraud machine he is Trump figured out years ago he can legally steal from the GOP and this is part of that. He charges his campaign money for everything he does, as well as getting the GOP to pay his legal bills, due to FEC loopholes others haven't previously exploited as it was considered political suicide to use campaign contributions to fund your lifestyle. Trump voters are particularly pathetic though so he can get away with it.

Its like how when he was POTUS he forced taxpayers to pay to put everyone up at his hotels when he was traveling rather than having them stay at more affordable properties which is the default approach. He also charged taxpayers for his own room & board at his hotels. Congress don't even have the ability to stop this from happening, its just assumed that they wouldn't try and actively steal though. He just can't help himself, he needs to defraud everyone he meets to make up for his tiny peepee.

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Given hes boning Laura Loomer "wife" is a fluid term (like gender)

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Do NOT accidentally mute carp. He banned my account for 400 days and I can't unmute him while banned




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I can't tell if pizza is r-slurred or trolling most of the time.

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He's right though. This is pretty funny. It's not like Trump's campaign is over funded.

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