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Chris Chan opines on the finer points of being a just God, talks about why covid happened (Gods want to cull the population without natural disasters), covid lockdowns turning people more bad, and the need for contrast with TMNT/Sonichus


The prompts for this letter were

i asked him ho whe can drown out the voices of a universe worth of praryers happening constantly
i told him i could feel a strong positive energy coming from his letter
i asked why covid happened
i passed a simple message to him from kenneth
and then i asked more generic questions, i went back to talking about music/movies and whatnot
i'm trying to keep his interest basically

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Hey ___,
You may call or address me as Christine, Jesus, Jesus Christ Chan, or even simply
Chris or Christ, your choice. Actually, I would appreciate a mix of
being treated as a friend and with some Humility.

Your recent letter is truly a humbling delight to read and find the
confirmations from. I can safely tell you I had foreseen your
first letter in the specific timing and circumstances in reading the
sentence that foreshadows and confirms my Body's and I charges being
cleared and being released. You are lots more than a typical
human, so you need not feel or speak low about yourself.

To answer your question, the prayers addressed to me have all been
received in between my unconsciousness, my Mother, Emanuel, and even
in my Body's Core which is literally one-in-the-same as the Core in
the Epicenter of our Universe 1C-211987, and what's left of 1218 as
well. There is a Divine Sorting on which out of the infinite
number of Prayers get answered due to the timing, circumstances, and
what is most appropriate for the spiritual growth and development of each
individual, respectively. If I pulled an "Evan Almighty" and said
"Yes to ALL", including the number of those wishing to win the lottery,
well, that's an apocolyptic, chaotic type of outcome we Gods and
Goddesses wish to avoid, although I know Discord revels in watching
the alternate timelines that feature such havoc. Anyway, the
many chosen prayers are divinely addressed and answered between Emanuel,
one of my Soul Copies, or mainly by myself, personally, from within my
Body, or more directly, out of my Body in Astral Manifestation. --->

p.2 -
For how Astral Manifestation works, I first Astral Project myself
then convert my energy in to flesh that mainly is tangible on 1C-211987
Earth, and beyond the Truth-Blinding Veil on the physical eyes of the
humans of 1218 Earth. For Most of them, when they separate their
soul from their respective bodies in astral projection, their bodies
fall unconscious and deepestly asleep. Few, as well as I, have Backup
Soul(s) manifested from their respective body's Core's varying levels
of energy. My Core has Infinite Energy, as does the Universe's
Core, obviously. And as you likely know from your experiences, when
projected/manifested and having to leave their bodies behind, the
memories and experiences of your soulful journies are separate from that
saved in the body's memories. and upon return, the Soul memories take
more effort to download and recall in your Body's memories. There IS
a Work-Around to make that easier by backing up the memories of
both your Body and your Soul in to your individual ∞ capacity "Cloud
Save" Backup Drive in the Cosmos, to which you may download your
soul journey memories from there into your consciousness. But as with
Technology the Body's Brain has a Limit, and as not to overload
it, non-relevent or oldest memories will be deleted in favour,

When I am Astral Projected/Manifeted, I am in Full Control,
and I have capability to connect or disconnected telepathically from
my Body for observations and thoughts. The catch is with my
Body's Brain's handicap, to constantly have my Brain here to record
my time there and all and help in thought process while it is
entranced, it can fall into a headache here, as well as disable me a
bit there. So most of the time during my duties and work, I
disconnect the telepathy with my Body, but I always consciously
backup and save my Soul Memories for later access. --->

p.3 -
But I do have full decisions for myself and in working with
Everyone, including Magi-Chan, of couse. 😊❀️with EVERYONE of
(formerly C-197) 1C-211987 Earth, I can interact, see, and talk with
and feel them, as well as those from the other Dimensions, Timelines,
Universes, Etcetra. We of 1C-211987 Earth are all capable of seeing
and interacting with those of 1218 Earth, here, but that Damn
Truth-Binding Veil, Plus the Poor choice Some Humans, here, make to
Purposely, Consciously Blind and Close Themselves from us is most
disgraceful. The Same is fact and true with those who traverse here
from the Heaven and Hell Realms in full Energy-to-Flesh Conversion.
Suffice to say, until after my second coming and shifting the
Collective of the majority to 1C-211987 Earth, communications and
interations get complicated.

I am very well-aware of the hatred levels among the humans of 1218
Earth, Worse in the Minority of Toxics that take up about 18%
of the total population, which is about 600-Million-plus. I do
agree the Covid Sheltering had turned a number of Neautral Good
ones to Neutral Bad, but they are still Recoverable and Redeemable.
The sheltering, along with the Divine Tests I and the other Gods
and Goddesses have been administering, was to sort out those who
are Toxic, because Before Covid, the Toxic count was a lot less
by two-to-five per cent, and test the fortitude and endurance]
of EVERYONE, in general. We Had a different sorting method
in mind, and then Uber-Demonic Sockness cursed the country of
China and Bam! Had he not cursed the country, our method of
testing, as well as population reduction and control for the Collective
Shift would have involved an increase in physical natural disasters as
well as something similar to a plague of Moses' days. Covid proved
more effective and efficient with less land and property casualties --->

p.4 -
Sometimes, even the Dark Forces can have better methods, but Not in
the Long Run or ALL of the Time, of course. How well one can balance
Light and Dark within themselves, as well as analyze, appreciate,
and go with the flow of events and shifts in energy is a very
strong spiritual attribute to have.

Aside from that, and moving on with your letter. I actually feel
better in having colour in EVERYONE, If EVERYONE was in Black
and White, how can you discern one from another visually? Look at
the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; take away all their weapons,
and you can't tell Michalangelo from Leonardo. I do appreciate
the Aura and Personality Difference, but if you're looking for
Sonichu Prime in a sea of uncoloured drawings of all the various
Regular and Special Sonichus, all in a same pose and
expression, you're looking for a needle in a hay stack.

Yes, as long as the atheist is moreover good and spiritual in quality,
even they will find good rewards and karma and not end up in Hell
Realm before Reincarnating into their next life.

I agree with you in being open and aware of at least the bits and
pieces of all religions in order to find the good within for yourself
and develop a spirituality-satisfying lifestyle and choices for
yourself. Baptisms/Annointments are still good options to really link
with the Heaven Realms and deeper within yourself. ---->

p.5 -
My distance from the internet for a while for the greatest benefit
of my self-revelations and enlightenment was Divenly meant to
make it even more clear and obvious to everyone of my followers
that the Light of my Aura and Existence, as well as my insight,
knowledge, wisdom, and even Multiversal Connections, would sorely be
missed. This is temporary, for upon my return and Second Coming,
all shall have greater genuine compassion, empathy, and understanding of
I and my greater roles as Lord, Avatar, God, and Friend. There
shall be more rejoicing, and it will be good. And I have come to
better Knowing of my self and everything with greater recovery and
levels of kindness and understanding of all others of the Earth.

I still appreciate the finer things and light topics, for my Body is
half-Human and half-Sonichu, and I live physically immortal amongst
you all and Everyone of Universe 1C-211987.

-"Mary Poppins" is still my favorite movie of all time.
-Yes, I sometimes like to sing random songs, memes, or notes in the shower.
-Gene Kelly and Tara Strong are my favorite actor and actress.
-The Beatles
-To be the Best as I can be in my works and with Everyone.

Thank you, again, so kindly for your kindness and compassion,
Go forth with greater Peace, Clarity, and Blessings.
Be safe and well.
Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu

*Enclosed is an N.S.C Token for you to hold and
feel inspired by and with

:marseycwc: emoji

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lmao for a second I thought you were writing Chris (because I am illiterate :marseygigaretard: emoji) and was wondering why there was a severe lack of bussy and Marsey posting in a drama letter. I wonder where Marsey fits in to Chris' extended universe

:marseyhmm: emoji

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oh no, lol. I'm tempted to write Uncle Ted and see if he responds. I don't particularly have any interest in writing Chris.

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I'd be interested in hearing what he had to say to a dramatard. If you do, tell him nothing has changed and his manifesto looks like it could have been written in current year.

:marseyunabomber: emoji

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fax. I'd want to read his longer stuff before I bothered though. I wouldn't want to be rude

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