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OP, this isn't due to race but a normalizing of these behaviors from a culture. So much so that it has been ingrained in the identity :marseyremember: of said group. Should :marseynorm: one act differently, they will be criticized as acting as some out group. "Talking / acting white" is a common pejorative used in anyone who doesn't act similar. They will be ostracized or conform.

The best way to think :marseymischevious: about this is the understand there :marseycheerup: are groups of all races who act like this. You just haven't interacted with them enough. Plenty of trailer parks :marseyshortbus: are filled with loud white :marseymarcuswave: people who care little :marseylightsparkle: for any societal rule that doesn't benefit them. They just don't get to college. Same with every other race.

You will feel this same pressure :marseyspotlight: eventually. And you will likely conform to fit in. It is natural. You may not even realize you are doing it.

>OP, you're right :marseyveryworriedtrans: but don't mind them, you will eventually become white :marseycracka: trash :marseyraccoonregular: yourself :marseydoit:

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