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The Trump Bubble is Popping

Prediction markets made up of idiot rationalist types displayed an idiot rationalist belief that the country would make the suicidal mistake of putting a 78 year old man in power again.

Look at this guy on TheMotte.

How do you think the Puerto Rico joke will affect the election?

greyenlightenment investments: META/FBL, TSLA, TQQQ, TECL, MSFT ... dsfewr 3d ago

Judging by the massive surge in DJT stock this morning, or prediction markets, not at all.

So a bunch of Trump people have a party and they go home and they put their feelings into a market action and someone says "look, there's market action, that must mean we're winning."

It's a circular process, a bubble like this.

But people are starting to realize: the prediction markets take the existing available information, and then add feelings about the election from men who are well known to be inclined to emotional thinking.


And $DJT continues to lose money as people get out. Peak $DJT was mid-October, since then it's just a slow, steady decline, which has continued today.

Donald J Trump is Dead in the Water.

The market knows it.

The polls say it's 50/50. The feelings markets say Trump will win. The real market is dumping the garbage stock. Between the feelings market and the real market, I trust the real market.

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@ZombieWolf want trump too lose now so it will make carp mad.

@ZombieWolf love sucking peepee!

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