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Libtard :marseynpcmad: gets eaten up by his side for stepping out of line, episode 75000

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He shouldn't have shafted Sam.

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Moments like this expose that he used to be a politically incorrect but overall lib type (think South Park) before hastily reinventing himself as a turbolib poptimism shill. He made the mistake of not realizing that it's not merely enough to dunk on music from artists who have bad beliefs or personalities, he must praise music from artists based on their beliefs and whatever uplifting narratives they currently have. Fantano dunking on Halsey's commentary on her various white-woman diseases is the equivalent of burning the Quran for the online pophead demographic.

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He refused to review the Furnaces of Palinegnesia because their (rumoured) vocalist was a turbo rightoid, even though the album is obviously not serious :marseysoycrytyping:there needs to be name for the shitlib tactic of taking things that are obviously satirical or out of context at face value

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there needs to be name for the shitlib tactic of taking things that are obviously satirical or out of context at face value

:marseyfacepalm:Here's the difference, chud. When chuds take things at face value like starship troopers it's a lack of media literacy. When leftists take things at face value its because it's dangerous to their mental health to engage in bad-faith media. Additionally, doing so gives it the Oxygen of Amplification and causes stochastic terrorism.

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the kanye snub was the most ridiculous for me lmao he has reviewed so much shit from people who are absolute garbage blights on society

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I don't think Furnaces is satire, but it's such an obvious takedown of authoritarianism you have to be sub-80 IQ to not see it.

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It has already happened to this guy in particular like 3 or 4 times over

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Nowhere :marseysal2: near as bad as this I think :marseyhyperthonk: though

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Wonder if it's part of his schtick at this point. Gotta renew your edgy card or you become just another shitlib.

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he browsed /mu/ a ton in the past so I assume he has residual brain rot from that.

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