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  • HailVictory1776 : Alex jones did nothing wrong by exposing a hoax perpetuated by gun grabbers
  • DickButtKiss : ^^ Robby Parker was laughing one second then turns on the water works for the camera. crisis actor

:marseyjones: :marseyjones: :marseyjones: Legal Bombshell: Judge Blocks Sale Of InfoWars, Slams How Auction Was Conducted! Alex Jones Reveals Shocking Details :marseyjones: :marseyjones:
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They charged this guy 1.5 BILLION for saying Sandy hook didn't happen?, wtf :marseyshook:

Seems a bit much

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@The_Homocracy come over

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  • HailVictory1776 : Gun grabber telling lies about his gay hoax story
  • DickButtKiss : that's literally not true. he didn't organize shit and even if he did it's an absurd amount. ur dumb

That's not all he did, he organized a harrassment campaign against parents who had their children :marseychildcatcher: gunned down calling them actors. They had people stalking :marseystalker: them, showing :marseypoint2: up to their house :marseyvampirebite: and giving them death :marseygoose2: threats. Alex had like 1000 opportunities to save himself :marseytedbackstab: the legal trouble :marseyevilgrin: and refused every single :marseykiwimom: one of them. Probably one of the most deserved :marseybattered: 1.5 Billion dollar :marseysamhyde: settlement ever on account of pure distilled r-sluration.

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if I recall he didn't organize anything just said they were fakes a few times, people harrassed them and he was blamed for their behavior, no?

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  • DickButtKiss : you people are all the same. you dont have to be a chud to know what you're saying is a lie

Chudism has gotten bad here huh? Guess :marseyshrug: I gotta :marseyparappa: be Pizza :marseypizzashill: . When you say a few times you're implying it was offhand comments, this was as many segments as he could fit in they were doing numbers :marseysoypointtrips: so he kept on it and when confronted by the fact that his supporters were harassing the parents, he continued to spread :marseymisinformation: what he admitted in the trial he knew was a lie. Someone went to the grave :marseysarcophagus: of someone's dead 7 year old and pissed :marseyindignantturn: on their grave :marseyzombierising: and Alex Jones :marseytinfoil: knew that it was actually :marseynerd3: a dead 7 year old and not a hoax and continued to spread :marseymisinformation: the lie. Are chuds still pretending to be Christians? Cause that sounds like something :marseysmugface: you should :marseynorm: condemn or whatever :marseyjerkofffrown:

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Chudism has gotten bad here huh?

Please stop with the bad faith accusations :!marseyindignant:

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yeah that's bait, wasn't sure at first

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He didn't organize shit, you absolute r-slur.

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will nobody rid me of this troublesome orange cat

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Prove it :#marseysmughips:

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Prove Sandy Hook happened.

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I can give you 1.5 billion examples.


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Cope harder Bussyboi.

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he organized a harrassment campaign against parents

did he?

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Good bait :marseylaugh: but Alex Jones did nothing wrong :marseydownvote:

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please provide one(1) clip of alex organizing the harassment of the parents

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Just read the trial documents, r-slur.

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Sounds like they deserved it

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You're an absolute r-slur if you think any of that is deserving of 1.5 billion. Keep yourself safe

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I recall reading he got hit so hard because he pissed of the judge during the trial by acting like an butt. I honestly couldn't tell you more thoughβ€”that type of drama isn't really my jam, so we'll need a different nerd to illuminate things. :marseyreportermnn:

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The real reason is that they wanted to find a soft target to demonstrate how the law fare weapon could be turned on anyone who popularized a contra-narrative. Jones was in the wrong to a certain degree, but the damages are laughable. It's like Russia fining Google 100x the sum total GDP of human existence- it's not based in reality, it's about sending a message that you can be destroyed

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Also sends a message that you shouldn't go to trial. Gotta jack up the penalty for anyone who loses a court case, especially so publically. Then the "plea deal" you offer looks like a no-brainer. Voila, a system that neatly sidesteps the whole "judgement by a jury of peers" lark, people have to take whatever punishment you hand down.

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Juries are r-slurred when it comes to penalizing/sentencing. If defendant Joe Shmoe makes them mad they will say he has to pay $10T in punitive damages

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Yeah, no shit, sherlock. Everyone who isn't an rslur has figured out by age 7 that you don't deliberately antagonize the person responsible for deciding your fate.

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Yeah, no shit, sherlock.

Very antagonistic. Your fate is a fat :marseydownvote:

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There are no plea deals in civil cases r-slurred

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This isn't a legal document, stop nitpicking. Call it what you like, there's always the option of settling beforehand. Courts in the US (among other countries) will 100% give harsher punishments for being found guilty/liable/whatever of the exact same thing, simply for choosing to go to court. Which inevitably causes (by design) a '''justice''' system where you're pressured to accept punishment, because not doing so itself carries a punishment.

Or do you seriously think Jones would've been hit with the 1.5 billion either way?

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Settlements are a completely different case than plea deals. The settlement amount is decided out of court by the two parties with no input from the judge. The reason its usually less than what would be won in court is because the suing party thinks a reduced amount is worth not going to court for. The Alex Jones case was just a case of a judge and jury being r-slurred and having way to much freedom in the range that they can award

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it's not based in reality, it's about sending a message that you can be destroyed

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law fare

Any legal judgement I dont like is lawfare.

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Inciting a bunch of r-slurs to harass the victims of a national tragedy probably didn't help either.

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Incitement isn't that general. For example if I call orange man giga-hitler and that causes some psycho to try to shoot him, I'm not liable for that. I would have to explicitly call for him to be killed in an actionable way. You aren't responsible for the actions of crazy r-slurs even if you rile them up.

Jones got fricked because a lot of people hated him, nothing more. same thing as that :gigachad2: who raised the price of insulin to its market value

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He didn't incite shit, r-slur.

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@The_Homocracy i think watched the trial in depth out of sneed and might know more :marseyreading:

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He rage quit because Trump won, I wouldn't take anything he says seriously.

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I could frick him and put him right back in a positive state of mind, easy

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That wouldn't make anything he says more credible.

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I'm just grasping at straws for an accepted reason to frick so can you pretend it would?

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No. But I can r*pe you, that still counts as frickign.

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Just let me do some coke first

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do it already then, ffs

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need his address first :marseynotes:

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It's 1060 W Addison St, Chicago, IL.

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Wait really? :marseygasp:

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He also sent CP to the lawyers who were filing against him.

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jones's lawyers were also total dumb shits and gave the plaintiffs lawyers amd gace the defense far more data/evidence than they were legally 9bligated too including a digital copy of his entire iphone :marseyxd:

Uncle Jack could have done a better job


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His lawyers set a new bar for incompetence, but part of the loss came from the fishing for evidence demanding access to basically everything he'd ever done on a phone or computer. And when his legal team demanded an evidentiary appeal review the judge somehow just got to say Nah. Then implied she was a Nazi on his show so she changed his plea to a guilty one. It seems like any lawyer but his should have been able to get out of this shit.

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Reminder that this revealed him and Roger Stone shared their wifes nudes with each other. True bros :marseybrofist:

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True Alt Right politics is just having other dudes frick your wife

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Any dramatard can imagine the sheer horror of the ZOG/FEMACAMP Oppression complex getting a compete copy of your shit to release to the court because your lawyer is a fricking r-slur

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  • DickButtKiss : Robbie Parkey was cracking jokes and laughing then turns on the waterworks for cam. he's an actor

It's more that he called out specific :marseyairquotes: victims :!marseyairquotes: as paid actors, who then went on to get harassed by his viewers. If he'd stayed vague he might have gotten away with it.

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The wild thing imo is I don't think he even really organized any harassment. Like he called them liars/actors a few times but I don't think he was like "here's their address please go show up at their house".

If anybody should be fined $1.5 billion clearly the people who actually harassed the victims should have been the ones footing the bill, but tbh I think the whole thing was just a sham. It honestly really eroded any trust I used to have in our civil court system to be in any way fair. That, plus the Trump "r*pe" case which (as far as I can tell) comes down to "he r*ped me" / "no I didn't, she's lying" / "well the jury says they don't think she's lying so now you owe a bunch of money GUILTY". It just seems like civil cases don't require any evidence.

My state had a ballot question (non-binding ofc) about adding a new civil charge for election interference. I'm one of the like 10% people who voted "no", primarily because it's already a criminal charge so the extra civil charge is clearly just to have a second trial where you don't need to prove anything.

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Yeah, that's the problem. He didn't call upon his followers to target and attack. He riled them up, like any mainstream media journo, but he shouldn't have been held responsible.

What did get him in trouble is the phrasing. "We have word that..., Sources indicate...., I belibe that..., In my opinion...," is how journos get away with their verbal lynchings. He went full on r-slur instead.

Nevertheless, it doesn't justify a billion dollar punishment. Otherwise, all the other journ*lists should be fined similarly. They won't because Alex Jones talked relentless shit about government (which they deserve).

It's really a convoluted way of suppressing free speech.

!chuds, :marseyhesright:

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Anyone educated and familiar with alex jones knows it's just a grift. I agree that the punishment doesn't fit the crime, but also he literally went above and beyond the call of shit journos even by labeling the parents of dead kids as crisis actors. That's dangerously stupid and offensive like " " shouting fire in a chinese firedrill movie theater " " level of r-slurred and isn't protected freeze peaches, and he has made a career out of being the worst tier of ambulance chasing piece of shit.

I'm not saying anything shouldn't be allowed and not censored, but people should be able to pursue damages to protect their rights too, as he has been fricking with peoples lives going back for decades and he admits it's a grift.

I used to follow his shit 24/7 (he was my friend on myspace! :marseyaware:) and I was a 9/11 truther in like 2006 and dramatically more r-slurred than I am now.

I actually had a coworker at the grocery store I worked who's dwarf aunt literally frickin' died on flight united 93, and because I was r-slurred conspiracy shithead I literally told this nice middleaged working class lady that her aunt, this semi-notable disability rights activist midget was acktually :marseyakshually: probably alive and kidnapped by the tyrannous government who dun did 9/11 and the whole thing was faked. :marseybrainlet: frick me for being r-slurred (I'm better now and made my peace with it), but frick alex jones too for being a continuously massive piece of shit that makes even the worst journ*list look like saints. He knowingly exploited dead kids as part of a shill

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I literally told this nice middleaged working class lady that her aunt, this semi-notable disability rights activist midget was acktually probably alive and kidnapped by the tyrannous government who dun did 9/11 and the whole thing was faked.

!nonchuds :marseyxd:

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Nonchuds could never.

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I am ashamed/embarrassed to admit but it's a fact and I've spent a long time trying to atone :marseyshrug: I liked Paarthurnax's hottake from skyrim :marseysoylentgrin:

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he was my friend on myspace!

fr? did he follow a bunch of people or were you actually moots? (Myspace is older than I am btw)

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yeah he was like tom to a lesser degree lol

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>beyond the call of shit

And Trump is literally Hitler, and it's the end of Democracy, so <implied> get out there and shoot him.</implied>

Nothing happens to all those Democratic politicians and journoloids for radicalizing their fanbase. Why? It's a First Amendment issue. Those families should've been told to get over it.

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I don't care, sorry boo

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>He riled them up, like any mainstream media journo,

Ah yes, mainstream journos always inciting harassment of the parents of dead elementary schoolers...

!nonchuds this is what :marseywingcuck: does to your brain

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Uhh, have you ever heard of a little thing called "stochastic terrorism," sweaty?


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It just seems like civil cases don't require any evidence.

:#marseyastronaut2: :#marseygun: :#marseyastronaut2:

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I don't care, sorry boo

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its ok i still love u longy

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so jail the r-slurs who went and harassed them

there's gonna be really bad backlash to this shit because it's cruel and unusual punishment

before you say "civil case" ya ya it's more of a state of mind 1.5Billion is absurd you know it I know it everyone knows it

pay families $1,000,000 for each child and jail jones for 5 years, everything else is BS and there is going to be inevitable backlash and it will not be worth it

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100 bajilion dollar fine


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Alex Jones is an r-slur and sometimes the people really just need to see someone get strung up. It's a win/win, unless you're Alex Jones but then it's still probably a win because this gives him an excuse to raise the price of his Natural Male Enhancementβ„’

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he's not r-slurred though he is fully cognizant that the shit he says is bullshit

I once listened to him talk for like an hour though gritted teeth while clearing his throat that

Keanu reeves was really a great actor

targeted by the NWO because he was starring in famous Alex Jones simp r-slur director Richard Linklater's adaptation of A Scanner Darkly.

You could tell he was trying so hard to keep it together because he had some gay butt bit part in that movie where the gubberment tazes him

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I know he doesn't actually believe most of this shit, but he's an r-slur because he doesn't know when to let something go. He chose the stupidest hill in the world to die on and got BTFOed.

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even Kamala "only" spent 1 billion on her campaign :marseydarkxd:

trans lives matter not

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I bet you pronounce her name in the wrong and therefore racist way :marseyhmmhips:

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don't be racist. Chinx have trouble with English as their own tongue is so different.

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No, they ordered him to pay 1.4 billion in one case in Connecticut and a couple hundred million in 4 others in Texas and he did r-slur shit with r-slur attorneys and got bussy blasted for doing it.

He should have taken it seriously and he wouldn't have been so far in.

He should have refrained from making defamatory statements in the first place but hey, nobody is perfect.

On June 26, 2018, seven families of victims and an FBI agent who responded to the attack filed a defamation lawsuit in Connecticut Superior Court against Jones, Infowars, Free Speech Systems, Infowars Health and others for spreading false claims, resulting in the harassment, stalking and threatening of the plaintiffs.[284]

By February 2019, the plaintiffs won a series of court rulings requiring Jones to testify under oath.[9] Jones was later ordered to undergo a sworn deposition, along with three other defendants related to the operation of Infowars. He was also ordered to turn over internal business documents related to Infowars.[285] In this deposition in the last week of March 2019, Jones acknowledged the deaths were real, stating he had "almost like a form of psychosis", where he "basically thought everything was staged".[286]

On March 25, 2019, Jeremy Richman, one of the plaintiffs, whose daughter Avielle was killed, committed suicide. Jones, through his lawyer, offered condolences to Richman's family, but later that day on his show suggested that Richman had been murdered and that his death had something to do with special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election interference.[287]

On April 5, 2021, the Supreme Court of the United States declined to hear an appeal by Jones against a court sanction in the lawsuit.[288]

On November 15, 2021, the judge found Jones liable by default for defamation, for "willful non-compliance" in failing to turn over documents to the families in line with court orders.[289][290][291]

This is the big one. He gaffed the entire thing off and made it a sideshow and he got his pee pee slapped for it. That's why.


On March 29, 2022, Jones offered a settlement of $120,000 to each of the thirteen people involved in the lawsuits, which was quickly rejected.[292][293]

On June 2, 2022, Jones's attorneys asked the judge to drop them from the case. The judge said she had heard this before, citing thirteen times in the past four years when Jones' attorneys asked to replace each other or be dropped from the case. She ordered them to continue to represent Jones until she ruled on the motion on June 15. [294]

On October 12, 2022,[295] the jury awarded $965 million to be shared by 15 plaintiffs (eight families and one first responder). The plaintiffs' individual awards ranged from $28.8 million to $120 million.[296] During the trial, the families testified that they had been threatened and harassed over years due to Jones' falsehoods.[297][41] Jones reacted live to the verdict on his show, mocking it: "Do these people actually think they're getting any money?" He implored his viewers to donate to him to "appeal", and also declared that the jury's verdict was an attempt to "scare us away from questioning" school shootings such as the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting and the Robb Elementary School shooting, but "we're not going to stop".[298]

On November 10, 2022, the judge awarded the plaintiffs a further $473 million in punitive damages in the form of lawyers' fees, bringing the total to over $1.4 billion. The judge also issued an order that Jones was "not to transfer, encumber, dispose or move his assets out of the United States until further order of the court".[299]

Jones moved for a new trial, but on December 22, 2022, the judge denied his request.[300]

By the end of the summer of 2023, Jones had paid nothing to the families.[301]

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