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GOOD post :marseyderpthumbsup: Rightoid and Leftoid reactions to the shooting of United Healthcare's CEO


communities.win number 1

Whats the little b-word ritenhouse doing these days?

Living rent free in your head smoking your libertarian buddies?

When was he scheduled to testify against Hillary?

communities.win number 2

I have no idea how to link to comments on mobile, sorry.

Good! These buttholes make greedy money off of people's lives. Frick him and I would spit on him.

make it more obvious you are poor. you are calling for people to be killed just because they have more money than you. i bet you voted for kamala

Poor and a poor mindset.

No such thing as free healthcare. US healthcare is better than whatever shithole you're from

Another industry the jewish chads are trying to ruin. Hope they start to hunt you greedy cute twinks like in the video so you can stop once and for all profiting off humanity, fricking vile sacks of shit.

Never trust people that make money off your life. They are all cute twinks and need to die.

What a low IQ r-slurred thing to type.

shut up jew

It's crazy how fricked healthcare is in America. Frick this cute twink

frick you murdering jewish chad cute twink advocating for murder just because they are more wealthy than you go to china b-word

you know how many people the CEO has killed by making his health insurance company to deny as many claims as possible, United Healthcare has one of the highest denial rates

such a clean assassination. gay butt commie loser cute twink tim walz is crying about it

youre the commie calling for people to be murdered because they are more wealthy than you

That guy is an r-slur, but seeing this makes me glad the guy is dead: https://www.unitedhealthgroup.com/careers/en/culture/diversity-equity-inclusion.html Anyone who promotes antiwhiteism deserves to die.

God darn ur stupid

Seething shitskin spotted.

kiss the boots of the mega wealthy, house negro

i am the wealthy stay mad you are poor

you are mad there is more of us then there is of you :)

There's not. You're the minority. Working class people hate leftists and everything you believe. You're sub-human trash.

Darn fine work. Nearly botched it, but got the job done in the end. If heck is real I hope this ladygarden enjoys an eternity of it.

youre a strag hope it doesnt happen to someone in your family just because they have more money than someone. calling for peoples murder is communist and a scumbag thing to do

That's your theory is it? a jealous communist took his life, not maybe a relative who died from illness because of decisions he made to make number go up?

This is why you don't live in countries where gun toting lunatics are allowed to freely possess these killing cowtools. Thats what it is these fricking rednecks Trump ball lickers latching on to their "muh guns" rhetoric is why America is in such a sad state of affairs. Europe, Canada, Asia guns are banned and they have literally zero gun deaths. I will debate anybody who thinks they deserve to own killing machines ak's, ar's, glocks, shotties.

Sarcasm right?

He's an r-slured homosexual.

He's right, Americans are r-slurred and shouldn't have access to guns.

Womp womp. We run your shit-hole country cute twink and you're not going to do anything about it.

You deserve to be killed.


When a working man has saved and gone without for 45 years just to have some small thing in retirement, and the modest benefit he retained from his life's labor is ripped away from him in an instant by one, single outrageous medical bill, you might get shot in the face for that.

Or, more likely, he pissed off the jewish mafia.

So that jewy wife of his...wonder what she had to do with this...


Darn she's a jewish chad and then some. I am sure his insurance policy will have her set for life.

Yeah something aint right here.

May he rot in heck as one of Satan's many peepeesleeves.

Found a follow up.


This Thompson fellow was a real piece of fricklng pond life. I hope the shooter gets away with it and is never found. This article says he ran into Central Park so with luck he planned it out carefully, dry runned it a few times, and had his escape plan full proof.

If the shooter is smart, he had everything planned and we'll never know who he is.

If the shooter was smart, he'd have sniped him at his mcmansion in the dead of night, or blown up his car. Killing someone with a pistol in NYC is personal.

I agree. Thompson can't spend his millions in Heck.


Might be just a black guy or illegal did it, it's nyc

NYC also has a lot of jews. They are very violent when it benefits them. You just don't hear about it because of bias in reporting. Not just in the media, but investigators selectively collect data, and groups like the FBI alter records.


I bet it's Stephen King coked out of his tree again.


The Lone Wolf has been activated. May there be many.

Health insurance exec too, not necessarily top of the list.

It's a good start.

It is better than schools, shopping malls, and movie theaters

I'm thinking a :marseytrain: that didn't get the insurance to approve their operation.


Watched the full vid. Was a hackjob leftist I'll bet money

Who cares? At least he did something useful with his worthless communist life.

I'm thinking :marseytrain: denied coverage for their mental illness.

Apparently the shooter went to a Starbucks before the hit & their eyes were shown on security cameras & fingerprints left on the counter.

What an r-slur.


Holy shit that site is UX cancer. I'm not even going to bother.


Sounds like he got Seth Rich'd. FBI? CIA? DNC?

Well, the perp looks a helluva lot like that pipebomb guy at the DNC a few years back. What was his name? Oh well, I'm sure the FBI has it.

Yep. Gay lover, husband of mistress, a person who's mother didn't get the right care because of some lawyer of UH inserted a line about "Experimental vaccination", who knows. I read there are life insurance companies not paying because of that.

He used a mask so others would be safe.

Insurance companies have destroyed people's lives, I'm surprised this isn't happening more often

Denied claims have consequences…

But why smack the CEO? Why not the adjuster?

With ever more information coming out on the Covid vax, don't be surprised if the vax mandates by CEO's are going to have some ugly pushback from the mandate victims.

You mean, why isn't this happening more often?

Since the Federal Government staged a hostile takeover of the entire medical industry through "Obamacare"? We can't rule out the probability that the Democrat party is sending thugs out to try and eliminate the competition. They've already proved that they will use domestic terrorists and assassins to try and eliminate anyone they think is a threat to 'their power'.

Nonsensical post. United Healthcare and other insureres have profited from the large uptick of insured people ("customers") as a result of Obamacare.

Nonsensical post. I can see why you post anonymously. The Federal Government (thru Obamacare) barged into the 'insurance' industry as a competitor by lying to the people about giving them 'free health care'. They fooled the gullible and the ignorant with fairy-tales about 'if you like your plan you can keep your plan', and 'you're gonna save over $2,000 a year!'. NONE of that happened. Obamacare was an act of multi-trillion dollar fraud against the American people and it should be immediately and absolutely dissolved.

What did he know about Hillary Clinton?

Now, now, it couldn't be her, her victims commit suicide by shooting themselves twice in the back of the head, then cut their arms and legs off, then jump into a woodchipper

Patrick, more importantly, what did he know about how the money was spent in the Harris/Walz campaign during the last 45 days where they supposedly went $20 million in the hole?

Just as important is why haven't we seen all the recordings from January 6? Mccarthy was a pus*y but all the tuff talk from Republicans, including freedom caucus, about immediately releasing all the tapes. And we got nothing and it's all been forgot about

This can't happen because New York doesn't allow guns.

What do the police carry instead?

NARCAN nasal spray 4mg.

"I'm already pardoned so I figured, what the heck." -Hunter Biden

The pardon was retrospective.

Off topic: Just a reminder that every single vote count that took longer than a week to count went to a Democrat. I am sure it is just a coincidence.

Dems can't win legally.

I cant stop laughing....

And we can never stop laughing at you agent idiot. I am so shocked you finally pulled your little hamster head out of underneath your bed. What's wrong when the doctor renew your Xanax and you have to face life? please do tell agent idiot how do you feel waking up and knowing next month you'll be saying president Trump for the next 4 years???🤣😂🖕

Trump stole it. Musk did it. I have proof

You don't have anything. A wife a husband a dog a cat a hamster or anything that loves you a home or a trailer just utter misery and BB to post your hate on loser

Why are democrats so violent?

Why are some people on this board so dumb?

How "intelligent" are those who voted for Kramala?

If we think intelligence is linked to net worth and income probably pretty intelligent. Still the losers though.

"...... intelligence is linked to net worth?" Pelosi invented a cure for cancer.....

Yeah, in a Stalinist way. "Death solves all problems, eliminate the person and you eliminate the problem."

When this article appeared this morning, I went to The Right Scoop and read their version of it. I also read the comments -- which were filled with sympathy and condolences for Mr. Thompson's family. Not here at Breitbart though. The BB forum was filled with hateful remarks about how it was "deserved," and stupid, lunatic speculation about Thompson "banging" someone else's wife. I went back to The Right Scoop. Now, coming back here, I see things haven't changed much.

dont leave us you are a great poster. Maybe your opinion will change some minds. Let me rephrase that your opinions does change minds

TY for the kind words. I'm not looking to change minds. But rather, looking for like-minded people. There used to be more here but....I think they are diminishing in number.

Breighbart promotes hate.

Well they give their consumers what they want. Who doesn't want to hate somebody these days?

Virtue signaling Karen.

Perhaps you are the kind of people he is referring to?

Perhaps you're the kind I'm referring to.


Well...Fake Media HAD to have a 'diversion story' to get Hunter off the 'front page'!!! How 'convenient'!!!

They can't find him because every psycho leftist still wears masks in NYC.

NYPD bought drones to monitor Central Park, last year, but the staff is not up to basic task.

Seems legit.



This is just leftoids gloating. Peruse at your own leisure.

UnitedHealth CEO Brian Thompson received threats related to "lack of coverage" prior to his death, wife claims.

UnitedHealthcare CEO fatally shot in Midtown

lol get owned shitbag


the CEO assassination footage is absolutely chilling

I want to shake the hand of the person who did it



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Rightoids can't decide whether they hate elites or want to suck billionaire peepee.

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Trump Vivek and Elon are teaming up to stop the billionaire elites! :marseywhole#some: :marseyso#yswitch:

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even Elon understands too many billionaires ruin the pie.

Jewish lives matter.

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