Basically rich successful Black man adopts a bunch of orphans and raises them properly according to all reports - and if there's one thing that makes 9strags shit bricks, it's successful black men, cucking hick redneck magatards.
As in 9strags white supremacists hate black people adopting whites more than they hate Mudsharks which is quite a alot.
Also, you guys will notice this is from 2020, 4 years ago, yet for some reason this "rage bait" has been making the rounds on 9strag, and ruffling some feathers - i can't find the other posts cuz im to lazy to scroll through so much shit, but here's one thread.
liberalism, by 9strag standards
race-war puritans actually heavily downmarseyd in the top comment threads
"That's not a nigg but black man"
"you spelt King wrong."
Holy shit, this is the wokest, liberalistest shit I've ever read on 9strag!
most of the top comments are in the least supportive, if with the usual 9strag turbo autism, both in the thread i linked, and other earlier threads about this topic.
Then of course the true drama
Christian conservative 9cucks project their degeneracy
"Let's wait a couple of years and see if the boys becomes a college student or a felon"
and it's actually downmarseyd!
"You are just salty that boy has future and you don't."
:marseyBlackPeepsReactingWithOOOOOOHthatSIckBurn!: (no seriously what's this marsey again? any of you dramatards?)
"Here's a source"
Chuds are subhuman degenerates.
Anyways im too lazy for more - also @Meilani does this count as chud-content farming?
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Black community would largely have the same response (both online and IRL). Not justifying but pointing out the horseshoe. Same with a lot of things, actually.
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wingcuckery applies to race
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We are so close to a Grand Unified Theory of Wingcuckery.
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True. The NAACP used to be openly against white parents adopting black orphans.
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There was a rerun of Law and Order on the tv recently that featured a white family adopting a black orphan that cast them as a secondary villain of the story.
That franchise is one of the few that truly was "always woke".
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I disagree because this guy is african and they and fbachuds are at odds with each other
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