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A rare gift from me to you. A legitimate 'woman bad' post, in which OP and commenters on TwoXChromosomes really ARE bad. Not a fake bait story, OP is real.OP's husband loses his job, mother and sister in a year and is in deep depression. Thus he forgets to outdo her on Christmas gifts this year and, because of that, he is a soon to be ex husband. 80 percent of TwoXChromosomes support her.




OP legitimately is a 51 year old white American woman from the Midwest ( I think) with grown children.

Failed jobless actress and comedian, he is the sole breadwinner for the family

She did not think to find a job when he lost his to help the family

And, yes her husband did lose his job and his sister and mother freaking died this year.

But she is jealous that he got better gifts, while he for some reason forgot and got her earphones, coffee and a mug

She herself claim that this is the first time ever he gift her 'shitty gifts'

And he apologized profusely

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Your grown children are also to blame


Male feminists good husband and Twoxregular claims that OP husband is entitled and his loses doesn't matter









Twoxxers telling stories on how happy they are after divorcing dirty moids


Women should never lower expectations and their male partners should be perfect like in romcoms


'Neutral' comment, you are right to be disappointed, he had a lot to deal this year


The last 3 years, was he competent at gift giving?


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I think the real :marseychefkiss: that most people will miss is that she's stalling on divorcing him until his mother's inheritance comes through.

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Get that bag, queen :taycrown:

She's dealt with the b-word who raised her p-word a-word "husband" long enough, she deserves that moolah :taywine2:

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I missed that, where is fricking it, b-word?

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Subtext, but honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was just laziness. A failed actress at 51 means you avoided getting a real job for 30+ years.

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It's at the very bottom of the OP

he was a STBX even before he went through all this stuff with his family

So apparently she's not divorcing him over Christmas, but she has been waiting on it for a while and probably knew his mother is dying.

Not that her gifts were particularly thoughtful beyond being expensive. Mass-produced whisky and weed? He was going to buy that anyway and maybe he shouldn't be using so much if he's depressed. When you buy your wife/husband a gift it can't be about the price because it's coming from the same bank account.

These people probably openly hate each other in front of the kids and the kids are over it.

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Least evil female.

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Holy frick I thought the person saying this was a murder suicide just waiting to happen was being melodramatic but now I completely get it. Also this is why you don't ever marry a :cracker:.

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I wish we could warn this poor fool. He might actually commit suicide after everything he's gone through.

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as long it's a murder-suicide :marseymonk:

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That's when you buy a knife and a shovel :marseybackstab:

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Which is stupid on top of greedy. If the death occurred when you're the legal spouse and you were entitled to some part of the inheritance, you're still entitled to it even if it goes through probate/trust settlement after the divorce is finalized.

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Level of :#marseymerchantfoid: previously thought to be impossible

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And people think we are being ironic when we wish we were gay

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you can just stick your peepee in a mans butt any time

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I keep trying but mine won't reach my butt

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I will but I won't like it.

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Women don't understand the emotional labor of putting up with women unless they're lesbians

Notice how the second a woman has to do some of the emotional labor it's always "I need to break up with him"

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Why isn't she upset at the kids? If they're old enough to work, they are plenty old enough that they should know what their mom likes.

Omg why didn't you post her picture, she looks like stereotypical redditor:#marseyxdorbit:


Jesus, this woman's profile is a trip. About two weeks ago, she talks about having to put her daughter into inpatient for a mental crisis. So not only has this husband gone through it losing his job as the sole bread winner, lost two family members, but he's also dealing with his teen daughter having a mental breakdown.

Who does this woman think she is? The fact that this guy supports her and is doing anything at all given the circumstances is nuts, she will legit not find anyone better than him that will put up with her nonsense. Maybe she's going through menopause, some women go insane when that hits. She should get her hormones checked.

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Oh God she's got Rashida Tlaib face, but somehow uglier


I don't know why but this phenotype deeply unsettles me. I hate these women :marseyblackfeminismdenied: unlike any other

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It's the permanent crease lines from a nagging / sneering expression. It's proof that they will never be happy and their only ambition is to make everyone else just as miserable.

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Wow, how absolutely spot on. This was the phenotype/physiognomy of every single menopausal b-word school teacher I ever had.

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Reddit foids (female) actually think she's "gorgeous" :#mjlol:

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>i deserve nice things

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Maybe divorce is for the best for that poor man

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Except she's planning to divorce r*pe him so idk. I feel like the poor fool might actually commit suicide when she submits divorce papers.

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How do you plan on being an actress when you look like that. Like one glance in the mirror tells you it ain't happenin'

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If we need a frumpy menopausal woman onscreen, the actor who played Meredith on The Office will do pretty much anything for a paycheck.


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This b-word ugly af

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This Eumenis came straight from heck. She is going to end up back there in a few decades.

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She is in her early 50s, so there's a good chance she's menopausal.

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All women :marseyextinction: are like this btw

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:#marseyclock: butt hoe lmao

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Must be a moid, and No well-adjusted foid (or train) ends up on TwoX

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>trying to equivocate made up girlmath numbers about parenting and "housework" with actual work

This is why tradstrags are so stupid when it comes to insisting that women should be SAHMs. You're essentially taking care of a part time maid that also expects you to do her job + extra bullshit.

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A special frick you to you castrated white knight piece of shit

For claiming that OPs loses we're not enought to have no interest in participating in Christmas gifts exchange

I hope you get testicular cancer and die slow and painful ☠️


Reportmaxx this piece of shit

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seeing the person behind these motherlovers is what really makes you get mad.

/u/lordbrocktree1 the guy lost half his fricking family, and your sense of acceptable grief induced mishaps is a wrongly wrapped gift. Maybe you should stop simping for evil women online?

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I hope that cute twink kills himself.

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Yep. Always look at post histories and you'll reveal a person who should not be giving any advice at all, but they do it because anyone in real life knows to ignore them and laughs at them.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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my man is literally out here telling a woman to divorce her husbond in mourning while their daughter is trying to get herself admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

like, I know the people on here don't really give real advice, but, presumably, he knows that his opinion is instigating something for realsies

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What are you, this women's husband? No need to be seething this hard over Reddit ragebait friend

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This story is legit no one puts that much effort into a multi year troll account pretending to be a jobless 50 year old white woman in middle america

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Even if it's legit, it's still pretty embarrassing to seethe so hard over a Reddit post

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Im not even done with seething I'm gonna drink even more and seethee more after


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Based king.

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lmao this particular woman is trash

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Yeah, "this particular" one :#marseyeyeroll2:

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For the sake of anyone else who's spending precious moments parsing this, I cleaned it up:

For claiming that OP's losses were not enough to have no interest in participating in Christmas gifts exchange

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If they're divorcing, why does she care. Why isn't she mad at her kids lol

I also can't get over how many adult men want Lego kits for xmas

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:marseyyoda: they aren't regular legos, they're grown up Star Wars legos not for little kids :marseyraging:

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I I had that b-word for a wife and was a man and liked lego and could see the impending divorce coming as obviously as this guy, I'd ask for something small and portable that holds value and she's not going to want in the divorce too

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she's not going to want in the divorce

If it can be turned into cash why would she not want it

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Women are too stupid to understand that collectables have value.

Ask your GF to try and put a value on things

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Because lego is icky manchild stuff

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Yes but she can sell it for cash and also inflict emotional damage on her husband who actually wanted to keep it. 2 for 1 deal for her.

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like Just tell us you dont understand women, sweety

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Sweaty... Its sweaty 🙄🙄🙄

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    but go off i guess


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That is genuinely a murder-suicide waiting to happen. This r-slurred foid is going to smugly serve him papers while he's doing some Not Important shit https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735331309WC786q7mmdvwbA.webp

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I grew up Mormon and had post partum depression. Mormons idea of heck is "outer darkness." Your soul ceases to exist, and Mormons don't baptize their children until they are 8. So a murder/suicide seemed like the logical, compassionate choice. I would be done, with everything, and my children would return to the embrace of a loving and awe inspiring father figure.

Fortunately my husband and my doctor realized I was not myself and convinced me to check into a psychiatric hospital. All of that was a huge step in convincing my husband and I to leave our faith.


!commenters we have an oracle amogus.

On a completely unrelated note, anyone know a good way to place an anonymous phone call?

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holy shit. She's a bigger piece of shit than I thought.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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The foid deserves it, but I hope he doesn't go full family annihilator and kill the kids too.


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Yeah for the longest time I didn't understand why people would do that but now I kinda get it.

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Another banger from the most empathetic gender, reading this has increased my eq by 20 points and soon I'll have enough to redeem my woman card :transchad:


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You know that's funny, I was just thinking about this whole empathy garbage earlier today.

Foids and leftoids all harp on about empathy, but they sure never display any of it. It's always me me me and blaming everyone but yourself.

They're soft on crime meaning they can't put themselves in the victims' shoes, and if they could actually imagine how a criminal thinks they'd realize what pieces of shit they really are.

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"I'm an empath", a phrase only uttered by the most airheaded, sociopathic broads.

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Female empathy is limited in most cases. Only way they feel empathy is. What if that happened to me. Or how will this affect me.

There is genuine empathic women out there. But they end up hating women themselves most of time. But they are saintly

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These people must be AI and thats the tea, sis

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Husband wanted Lego :marseysoylentgrin: and weed :soysnoo3: for Christmas


It's so over for the entire family tbh, stereotypical Redditors. OP is a 50 y/o stay at home mom who also smokes weed, watches mid TV shows and listens to Behind The Bastards and posts in BDSM subs

Their poor daughter is unsurprisingly having mental breakdowns

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You know what helps emotionally insecure and unstable teenagers! Divorce! :marseythumbsup:

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Much in the same way that the emotionally insecure teenagers benefit more from becoming a social outcast through transitioning than getting therapy to cope


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Lego and weed is embarrassing for a 30yr old.

A 50 yr old? This woman did the right thing planning to divorce :marseynails:

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Tbh imo I find it less embarrassing for a 50 year old than for a 30 year old for some reason. I guess at 50 years you have reached that phase of life where you can just stop giving a frick and collecting lego as an adult.

Though he probably collects lego much longer so yeah.

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If I was her husband id take up vodka and model cars/tanks/planes

More than I do now

And about Lego...idk Lego CAT bulldozer set seems alright

As their expensive Ferrari or formula 1 sets

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If I was her husband id take up vodka and model cars/tanks/planes

I'd go with alcoholism and firearms personally, gotta keep that b-word on her toes

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Their poor daughter is unsurprisingly having mental breakdowns

She has asked to be hospitalized.


There problem solved.

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How it will end for kids from those kinda families? What is end result? They have no life skills. Their hobbies are just consoome. Their relationship to other people must be deeply fricked up. How do you salvage people like that.

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Holy shit, what a fricking harpy from the depths of heck.

I feel for this guy so much. I lost two family members this year, one just a few weeks before Christmas. With hospice and the funeral, it was all we could do to make the bare minimum of Christmas happen. We weren't even able to get the lights up.

Did my husband whine like a baby that I couldn't do everything I normally do? No, he picked out a gift for himself, ordered it, and said 'hey babe, here's what you got me for Christmas.' So I had one less thing to worry about. Because he's not a fricking child.

It's me, I'm Mad On the Internet :marseyfluffyannoyed:

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Are you transgender, a baby boomer, and/or a gay man? I've never seen a woman under 50 use so much punctuation.

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Real women use commas. :marseycool2:

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Thank you for your service :marseykneel:

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Holy shit what a deranged harpy. No wonder boomers beat their wives

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Boomers don't, that's their parents' thing. Boomers just cope with "I hate my wife" jokes between the men.

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It was a simpler (and better) time.


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Spanking like only turns them on, and You have to give them a beating in earnest

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Does she say why she's divorcing him if the gifts aren't the reason she decided before Christmas? Because it sounds like she might have decided he was having a shitty year and didn't have time for her anymore.

Also, she's already decided to divorce him, hasn't told him, but still wanted him to go all out for Christmas? Maybe he's picked up on her vibe. Why waste money on someone who's over you anyway?

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I always see these posts as the person knows exactly why these things happen but you can post this shit in a safespace where the only feedback you get is that you're a queen. Anyone who posts anything remotely abrasive to tell her she's the b-word here will get banned.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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This is one of those things where she says that it's not about the gifts, but it's clearly about the gifts.

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I was thinking her post history might have more, because the gifts seem like they might have been a shit test. If he'd 'won' Christmas, she'd have reconsidered, but this just makes her feel more self-righteous about her decision.

Basically, by saying it was already in the works to divorce him but before Christmas, she makes it sound like she's divorcing him to make sure all the women in his life leave him in the same year. Which is worse than doing it over a bad batch of presents.

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She was probably bitching about this to one of her friends and was called out on how insane her reasoning is. So she posted this with the "oh this has been a long time coming".

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she does 90% of childcare and housework and he only does "the fun stuff" supposedly

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She's 51 apparently. So, what childcare? The kids must be teenagers, right? Lol.

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being a mother is a job that never ends, chud :marseynails:

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Fun stuff like "working a job that pays the equivalent of two incomes so she can stay at home", super fun

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The people on that sub are terrible women and men pretending to be women. The women are absolute c*nts and the :!marseytrain:s just want to fit in and pretend to be feminists. I hate that sub and anyone who posts this shit is a terrible person. Too bad you can't tell her to get a frickin job and grow tf up and stop being a stupid c*nt. Oh no that's not allowed. You have to tell her to get a divorce and blame everyone instead of telling her she deserves to be c*nt punted.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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She is ..wait for it

A failed comedian too

Also..I might have another post planned out

This time a deep dive to an account of a hypocrite redpill woman

Who is successful in baiting Sardines with 'all men are incels' posts for last two weeks

It seems her using intel jargon and literally FDS logic is not hypocrisy, but calling out men for having any dating preferences is not a hypocrisy.

An example

Of her takes

'dad bod is coping, women don't date landwhales if they can ( real sentences she wrote), but if you don't date my fat and psycho butt- you sexist boy (also was out right said lol)

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To be honest the OP is literally a 50-something jobless gremliness. There's no need to waste time getting mad at her.

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I get mad at evil foids because they don't deserve to be born boifoids while I was born a disgusting moid, but such is life.

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Would you have been happier if you were an uggo biofoid with female genitals or if you were an attractive pass:marseytrain2: with male genitals?

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Not trans but I think being attractive is queen. I unironically think a lot of trans people are dysphoric because they're ugly and could've been saved with plastic surgery and/or steroids.

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How ugly are we talking? I'd rather be a 3/10 biofoid than a pretty passoid but I'd rather be passoid than like 1/10 or something. Too serious for an r-slurdrama tbh and it's not like I have a choice anyway

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Hmm, so for you it's mostly about the physical body of a biofoid. Thanks.

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attractive pass:marseytrain2:


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I think the US election really showed how detached from reality reddit is sometimes

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You can kind of say it as long as you qualify it with "your feelings are completely valid".

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Peak (mayo) foid entitlement, and Who cares if your entire family died, give me airpods and thats the tea, sis

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Give me airpods (that Ill immediately lose)

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Anyone who likes airpods is an immediate red flag. Apple products or fast fashion or anything that is pointless and expensive is a sign she's going to be materialistic. The problem is that women are pathetically easy to psyop into consumerism

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The problem with what

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Who asked you???

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The voices.

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