Neurodivergent finds rampant abuse in h1b database

Holy frick dude. Imagine the other programs

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You can see where I'm going with this. A casual perusal of the data shows that this isn't a program for the top 0.1% of talent, as it's been described. This is simply a way to recruit hundreds of thousands of relatively lower-wage IT and financial services professionals.

Who on average make $150k per year.

Okay, r-slur.


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Those tables are the amount paid towards the placement. 99.9999% of these roles are contract through a sexy Indian dude contracting house.

The contracting house will pay the sexy Indian dude between 20-40/hr and put them up inside of a single bedroom apartment with 8 other jeets.

Why accept that role? 20-30/hr US is INSANE money in India. Plus the contracting firm has your back, so when your bad sexy Indian dude code doesn't work they will send in the one guy who actually kinda knows how to code to keep the jeet bux flowing.

That same role would be 160-180k with benefits to an American. The company saves a ton and gets 30 sexy Indian dudes for the price one of American

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But the sexy Indian dude contracting houses weren't even close to 99.999999% of the visas.

And where's the flood of low wage techies? @AnnoyinTheGoyim can't explain that either.

I dunno. His crappy analysis and all the excitement seems very r-slurred.

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Not sure how you are struggling so hard with this, those businesses in the database paid contracting houses to employ the H1B. 99% of these companies hire contracting firms to find talent and pay them for it.

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And was that all of the companies? (No.) He also showed 12 Indian firms hiring about 200k people. How is that 99%? Did you read his gobshit?

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Move to Japan immediately

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What do I need to explain? And why?

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That's a junior developer salary, r-slur.

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And top 0.1% still get hired. It's a :marseynothingburger: from a twattard who's never written an academic article.

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120k, i.e. white collar minimum wage

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