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Nearly 70 thousand foids are subscribed to SaintMeghanMarkle.


I think most of us consider Markle either annoying or unremarkable at worst, but who cares because it's just Royal Family shenanigans, right? Not so for the foids at /r/SaintMeghanMarkle.

A sampling of some recent posts:


Last night on Christmas eve, I had to have my sister, tell my nephew to " shut the frick up " because his greatest pleasure in life is seeing my blood boil by mentioning how Meghan is the injured party and the royal family only picked on her because she is black. It was Christmas eve, so it took an amazing amount of strength, not to start with my list of proof that she is just a grifter, but at least I have the belief that soon the whole world will know what a gold digger she actually is. Merry Christmas every one, no matter how you celebrate it.

Even from the little snippet of the pic of that stupid Kermit green "ensemble", her jankie strapless bra is obvious.

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YT bishes be seething when a Kween grabs that leftover frosty royal todger.

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Brandon is blacker than her lmao

I'd say even Poomala is blacker

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When you remember you're not british :marseytoasty:

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lots of burger foids who watched too many Disney princess cartoons are wrapped up in this too

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dcurbanmoms :marseydespair:

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Guarantee most of that sub will be Americans

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DAE find it weird that PBS has wierd british shows on at odd hours. Like why the frick are there so many anglophiles in the US?

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Nah you can pry my PBS Agatha Christie's from my cold, dead American hands

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David Suchet is my King of Kings.

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I'm listening to an audiobook he narrated of Poirot short stories right now. It's so good.

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I think pbs have some sort of partnership with the bbc

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Neighbor this is an Anglo country everyone else (except Natives) are just guests.

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He's not referring to anglos as there, butt whatever

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What do you mean he's not referring to WASPs?

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They're all still bitter that some mulatto stole their princess wedding. Harry and Megan are insufferable sure but only slighted foids could hold onto this level of pettiness this long.

"She gave up being a princess to wear ugly clothes and not live in a castle"

Foids bitter she threw away what they always yearned for


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Daily reminder that reddit sub member numbers are complete bullshit

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I don't know how many subscribers there are for real, but it's a fairly active sub. At least more than drama.


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When Kate had cancer the foids there were sure that Meghan had somehow given it to her.

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I'll give them slight credit. When Kate put out a statement saying she going to take time for health reasons or whatnot, they were actually saner than the pro-Markle faction, who started spinning nutty (and venomous) stories about how Kate was in hiding from being beaten by William, or secretly dead/murdered. :marseybackstab: Basically one step up from lizard people theory crafting :marseylizard: All based on absolutely nothing of course.

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She's probably an insuferrable crazy b-word but Markle is hot & married to a prince, both which drive the homely (:marseychonkerfoid: ) reddit foids insane with jealousy :marseydarkfoidretard:

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I'll confess to glancing at the sub sometimes, mainly around when Harry's awful book came out because I wanted to read gossipy highlights without actually reading the thing. :marseygossipsmug:

I think it's pretty clear Meagan is a narcissist, but beyond that she (like most narcissists) isn't terribly interesting. For a long time the most amusing part of the sub has been watching part of it go full schizo, posting insane theories about the kids actually being dolls or not existing. It's pretty entertaining tin foilery. Moreso than the Markle gossip itself most of the time. :marseytinfoil2:

Some of the intensely juvenile air though (ie harping about 'squadies' and 'sugars') makes it unreadable more than occasionally though.

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You mean /r/SaintMeghanMarkle ISN'T one of our bait subs?

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@Avalon's favourite foid sub. Really makes you feel part of a gang war.

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The American foid yearns for British tabloid flavoured royal slop.

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