The creator of hit video game "The Watcher" comes out as a 40 year old incel.

Based he's just like me fr. :marseycry:

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New meta is just :rape: em. Same consequences.

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Remember when he feuded with that gay video essayist?

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No, who?

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Joseph Anderson

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Compile time programming will save us all. The largest Sokoban ever will get us laid. Jai will restore the fertility rate.

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This BIPOC did not invent compile-time programming. His text editor has a built-in scripting language with better "compile-time programming" support than his language will ever have.

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emacs lisp is a joke. Even most lisp people acknowledge this.

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Yet it still had better compile time programming than Jai

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Neighbor, I don't think elisp or lua or w/e even have a compile time.

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:marseyropewithme: Reject 3dpds and join Shirley from Code Geass in heaven anon.

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>I know people

:marseysurejan: :surejan: :surewalz: :marseysurejian: :taysurejan:

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Chris avellone

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I love this guy. His goblins that follow him (Casey Muratori, GingerBill, Ryan Fleury) have like 4 opinions that you just know are knee jerk reactions at best and a side effect of permanent autism. They are:

1) Rust is pointless, bad and leads to slow code

2) Memory arenas solve all problems in software

3) No one who's not a game dev has ever written good code

4) Any modern feature of a programming language is actually bad. For instance, sum types, iterators, mono morphisation etc

Following what they post leads to frankly absurd shit; one of them decided that if you wanted to have monomorphised generics in c, it was actually better and more efficient for you to just write out another c program to generate the header file for you and run two compilers every time you wanted to compile the main code. They frequently get into slap fights with other people on why some program taking microseconds instead of nano seconds is causing problems, and that opening up a code editor in like 200 ms instead of 10 was causing real productivity issues.

Ryan is particularly lolzy as he'll drop articles that include rants about taxation on a completely unrelated topic:

Another attempted solution is garbage collection, which is a large enforcement structure that tracks everything and interrupts productive work in order to perform its function (much like a government agency, except in this case, the garbage collector is ostensibly doing something approximating useful workβ€”although both function by stealing valuable resources involuntarily)

(very good blog post btw you should read

They're frequently like 80% correct too but just so absolutionist on everything it looks a little stupid

I love them so much bros

My favourite jon blow moment was him deciding that powerpoint sucked, then getting about 90% of the way through making a brand new one in a twitch stream and then stopping right as all the pieces were finished. This dose of autism can be found on youtube

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If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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I'm working on it :marseycry:

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I always get him and Phil Fish confused.

Speaking of Phil has he killed himself yet?

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Sadly no

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He's right, but others who say it's a skill issue are also right.

Women want men who don't fall for this r-slurred shit test and still are confident and approach them. The fault lies not within women who kept up that narrative that men should not approach them etc. but rather in lack of proper father figures. For generations, for as long as civilization existed, a common wisdom passed down from fathers and older male figures was "women don't know what they want and you shouldn't care about what they say, only what they do".

Modern men lack masculine figures in their lives, someone who would tell them how to treat women to not get fricked over.

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>Irrational fear of approaching :marseystride: women :marseyblops2chadcel2: IRL

It's insanely rational I have to keep a hidden :marseyhole: microphone :marseywood: on me in case any of the foids :marseyblops2chadcel2: I talk to decide to accuse :marseygiganoyou: me for financial/social gain in a year or ten maybe :marseymight: even twenty.

That's the thing every single :marseykiwimom: time you even interact with a female :marseytradwifedaisy: there's a sword :marseyzeldaskyward: of Damocles over your neck FOREVER :marseymoidmoment:

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Jonathan Blow is the Neurodivergent in Chief

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Is Jon Blow being an incel news? He's perpetually single and regularly chuds out on twitter. He's an incel poster-child.

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She could save him.

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