The creator of hit video game "The Watcher" comes out as a 40 year old incel.

Based he's just like me fr. :marseycry:

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>Irrational fear of approaching :marseystride: women :marseyblops2chadcel2: IRL

It's insanely rational I have to keep a hidden :marseyhole: microphone :marseywood: on me in case any of the foids :marseyblops2chadcel2: I talk to decide to accuse :marseygiganoyou: me for financial/social gain in a year or ten maybe :marseymight: even twenty.

That's the thing every single :marseykiwimom: time you even interact with a female :marseytradwifedaisy: there's a sword :marseyzeldaskyward: of Damocles over your neck FOREVER :marseymoidmoment:

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