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Crazy D&D obsessed πŸš‚ goes full :marseyautism: on Reddit.


I'm probably going to be the youngest here. I was 12 and an older kid picked some shrooms and distributed some to younger, probably thought it would be funny. I think I tried, maybe 2g of wild psilocybe semilanceata. I had a nice experience, in nature, and it wasn't too intense. Next autumn, I was 13 and I started picking and storing them for use over the year. Got really good at it, best years I could trip once a month thanks to being surrounded by loads of great shroom-picking spots

This is what happens when you take mushrooms at 12. You get /u/HornyforTieflings. Eat shit btw, you gross :marseytrain:.

I have struggled with hemiplegia for my entire life and recently I'd been developing the confidence to dance. I use an eclectic, often flowing, sometimes jerky, ecstatic style of dance, adaptable to different genres and speeds. I had four women compliment my dancing this festival and it meant the world to me, especially from other women

For those who don't know it's some type of unilateral paralysis. How many people want to say that this person probably was being complimented because they felt sorry for them?

Guys am I Jewish if I don't practice and am half reform????:


But the real meat is his comment history. Posts about drugs. Lots of drugs. Claims to be a Kemetic (obligatory WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIET!)

I'm someone who has been called pro-Palestinian by people across the spectrum of opinions and pro-Israeli by quite a few people on the pro-Palestinian side.

I don't care about any complex political issues when it comes to genocide. I also don't care about what any individual Palestinian feels about me as a queer person, every single one of them could advocate what Hamas does, but genocide is genocide. Turn the tables and my opinion on genocide doesn't change. I've known people who try to justify what Israel is now doing and people who would be justifying it if the tables were turned. All of them are no longer my friends.

What's important is one side has the means to carry out genocide and is doing so, the other does not and is not. Yes, I want the hostages freed, yes Hamas can rot in the heck they deserve, but genocide is ultimately genocide.

You would defend the very people that would cut your head off and push you off of a fricking ledge. It's just kind of hilarious. You're really gross.

Plenty of women choose our own oppression. Not to defend the women who made this choice, but many conservative women have internalised a view about gender politics that was thrust onto us by society. It's often worse for them, a woman raised in a deep south Quiverfull family doesn't have the same chance of escaping those gender politics as I did.


He's conservative about a wide variety of topics, not as right-wing as you judging by your post history though, I'll grant. I imagine you complain about things you can't say without being called racist, misogynist, or homophobic too.

This guy was literally just innocuously defending Dawkins. And is like centrist according to his profile.

The problem is not that certain topics are not up for debate but that duplicitious intent is hidden behind the agenda of people who want to ask these sorts of questions about marginalised groups. Dawkins is already known for his views on this subject, if the organisation that silenced the other view, he would not have resigned. It's got nothing to do with Dawkins's commitment to free speech or scientific pursuit, because he is happy to subvert science for his social agenda, it has everything to do with his personal views about gender.

The topics are usually the same, it nearly always boils down to one of three these days: there's this one about trans people and biology, sometimes it's whether women are naturally better suited to secondary roles in society, and sometimes it's whether race is a predictor of intelligence or criminality. A person will put forward a controversial view, they will be found to hold bigoted views they're trying to mask as science, their work will get pulled then suddenly everyone who also holds those bigoted views cry conspiracy.

Classic if you disagree with me you're the enemy type behavior.

I don't think of myself as conventially attractive, I have slightly masculine facial features which allows me to pull off a really good soft butch but I'm not conventionally attractive how I normally present.

When I put a lot more effort in to look feminine out and about, especially since I now dance with a lot of confidence, I get a lot more attention and definitely get a lot of privileges from that.

Honestly though, I find the attention is often creepy and guys scare me a lot more when I'm more femme-presenting. The better treatment in some ways come with worse treatment in others. When I weent to festivals in the past, I was more masc presenting, this year I was fem presenting and I got inappropriate gestures and remarks from multiple guys. I got them before but nowhere near as much.

:marseyliathomas: the more masculine I am the more I am safe from MEN.

Literal insane fricker.

!chuds !transphobes

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Why is every ftm obsessed with Tieflings?

I used to play d&d and every he/they would play as a 6'6 jacked male tiefling barbarian/warrior/rogue

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Because they are agents of Satan.

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It's an MTF but sure.

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Oh frick no. I must have read it wrong. I disavow :marseytransplushie2: :marseychimera:

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I'm not like other DND players :marseyindignant:

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Demons are cool :marseyindignant:

dude bussy lmao

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I. Factors affecting the wrath of God

1. God has established a limit to the amount of sin He will tolerate before He comes in wrath.

God's Word makes reference to a cut off point, when God's patience and tolerance reaches its end. I Thessalonians 2:16 speaks of people who are always adding to the number of their sins, and wrath has overtaken them completely. Genesis 15:16 talks about why God's wrath is not yet revealed against the Amorites: "the iniquity of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure." Jesus scalded the hypocritical religious leaders of His day with these words, "Fill up, then, the measure of your father's sins!" (Matt. 23:32).

According to Scripture, God has established a legal limit to sin. We do not know exactly where that limit is, nor do we know how close we may be to crossing that limit. When the sin of a nation or a person reaches that limit, God's mercy gives way for wrath.

Understand that when God sets Himself against a person or a nation, His arsenal is vast. He has more devices for confronting us than we have ways of evading Him. His wrath is so great and our countermoves so utterly futile that no one can successfully escape once He is in pursuit. In Ps. 90:7-9, we read about life under the opposing hand of God. 7 For we are consumed by Your anger; we are terrified by Your wrath. 8 You have set our unjust ways before You, our secret sins in the light of Your presence. 9 For all our days ebb away under Your wrath; we end our years like a sigh.

2. Only those who are right with God are prepared for a time of God's judgment.

Listen to the word God sent to Ezekiel: 13 "Son of man, if a land sins against Me by acting faithlessly, and I stretch out My hand against it to cut off its supply of bread, to send famine through it, and to wipe out [both] man and animal from it, 14 even [if] these three men-Noah, Daniel, and Job-were in it, they would deliver [only] themselves by their righteousness." [This is] the declaration of the Lord God. (14:13-14)

Oh, brother and sister hear me this morning: Do not be deceived into thinking that you can hold onto your sinful attitude or gossiping tongue or bitter unforgiveness and still try to claim the righteousness of Christ as your cover. Israel did something similar in the days of Jeremiah. They trusted in the fact that they were called God's people and had the temple of the Lord in their midst. (Jeremiah 7:8-11)

In Jeremiah's day, God brought His judgment on the nation at the hands of a Babylonian king in 586/7 BC. Centuries later, Jesus wept over Jerusalem, prophesying the destruction that would come at the hands of a Roman army in AD 70. And He brought the same accusation against God's people in His day: My house will be a house of prayer," but you have made it a "den of robbers."'"

Do you know when the people of God become a den of robbers? Claude King answers like this: "When they live lives of sin all week long and then come before the Lord and say, 'We're safe. We're God's people.' They rob God of what He deserves by living and acting like the rest of the lost world all week long and them come to church on Sunday and say, 'I'm okay. I'm going to heaven when I die. I prayed the prayer. I joined the church.'[1]

As God's people must confess and repent (turn away) from our sin, if we are to receive the cleansing Christ has provided through His own shed blood. Only through repentance can we stand before God clothed in the righteousness of Christ.

3. As God's people, we have a choice.

We can either see the pending danger and return to the Lord before He brings judgment, or we can wait until after the disasters to cry out for mercy and repent.

Throughout Scripture God prescribed Solemn Assemblies, what we're calling a Prayer Summit, as a key element in returning to the Lord. There were two approaches in Scripture to how a Solemn Assembly or Prayer Summit functioned. One function comes before the disaster and the other comes after the disaster.




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It's not worth the hassle. All these people have done to us is made our lives better. No real victim I'm afraid.

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