Bernie Sanders went conservative! Shame!

If you're at all familiar with Bernie Sanders, you'd know that despite being a self-declared socialist, he has some takes that are outright right wing (he generally opposes gun control) and other takes that are so far left it defies typical American left/right balance; he's always opposed things like NAFTA or increased immigration and especially H1-B due it's benefits for Indians because the man has consistent beliefs - power to the worker's no matter what. BECAUSE HE'S THE FRICKING GOAT :marseyletsfuckinggo2: :marseyletsfuckinggo2: :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

With Musk shilling for Indians and Trump bending the knee to Musk, Bernie has reminded people that he hates Sexy Indian dudes and called Elon Musk a cute twink (more or less, don't bother reading the letter that's what he says)

Libbers are NOT happy (chuds are either going "wha? Based bernie? wha?" because they're drooling r-slurs or seething that Daddy Elon is being argued with)

(Bernie's Jewish)

I hope "Kevin Levy" dies painfully, and soon.

:marseyraging: That's not what the Horseshoe is about!!!

Now you have to love him Chuds :marseychud: :handshake: :marseysanders:

i dont think he really said that

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No email address required. Moviebob tier argument. Classism + south park quote + i win + ratio

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!burgers discuss?

Basically Bernie says immigration, especially economic focused immigration like H1b, hurts the worker, lefties say

>erm das raycist and fascist because capitalism is in charge


And rightoids are either saying

>based and they hate migrants based Bernie ZOMG


And others saying

>erm Jew chud hail Elon


Give your takes

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If we simply nuke 3rd world countries there wouldn't be any anti-immigration sentiment

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Oh heck no, I don't want any border jumping super mutants trying to get in. No thank you! :marseyno:

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You have to be incredibly fricking racist to support H1B. Tried to help a "brown" person who had really valuable skills get one. I look at the statistics and it's like 95% Indians being pimped out by two companies for IT work. It's a total scam. It's designed to keep people around the world who really deserve/need these jobs from getting them.

It's like the leftoids whose hearts bleed about nuking Japan. They just want to signal that they hate all the lower-class whites by being antiracist even if that means saying 10 million Chinese should have died instead.

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The problem with these type of temporary visas is that they have no path to citizenship. They're designed to get temporary cheap labor which means the sexy Indian dudes will overstay them and become illegals leading to a more precarious situation.

Any immigration system should go from the premise that immigrants will stay in the host country for the rest of their lives and do the vetting before letting them in based on assimilation potential and skills instead of pretending people will work and the US and just settle for "temporary work" and return. Germany and other euro countries did the rightoid dream of immigration policy with their gastarbeiter nonsense and having only jus sanguinis (plus prior to 2000 you needed to live in Germany for 15 years to get citizenship). The result is that they have second and third gen immigrants ghettofied who won't be deported but haven't integrated while in the US the children and grandchildren would all had become assimilated citizens.


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And they're designed to create a class of non-citizens who can be exploited and can't complain when you violate their rights. It's like when a company hires a guy who's just gotten out of jail on probation. They know they can do whatever the frick they want to him and he can't complain.

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People don't apply to companies that won't do PERM for them, h1b has extensions specifically for that process.

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Japan should have been nuked back and forth for trying to destabilize the western powers in the asian continent :marseyagreefast:

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I look at the statistics and it's like 95% Indians being pimped out by two companies for IT work.

That twittter guy? He omitted other hiring companies to skew it all toward Indian firms. :marseyshrug:

They just want to signal that they hate all the lower-class whites

What's the median wage of an H1B worker? $50k for Level 1, right? Around $70-80k for Level 2.



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That twittter guy?

Reading comprehension failure. I looked up the statistics. Me. The official ones from the government. It was several ago, but seriously, it was like 90% "software engineers" and 90% from India. And it's no secret that there's only two or three companies in India that are pimping them out.

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Bernie is a Jew and that's a good thing.

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On the other hand, these people have to pay for rent and weed which is basically the same thing as the Holocaust.

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Personally I hate migrant's because they don't speak proper and Indians smell. Plus they frick up the pay and siphon from America. Removing every foreign migrant is essential to any possible improvement to pay or general conditions. I don't care if an Indian makes Apple some "idea" of emoji s*x generation and codes more zero days or that "we won't have his talent "

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They're all r-slurred, especially the local sneeders. H1 shit generally goes to higher income workers from abroad. Period. :marseysleep:

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No, it still goes to higher income people from abroad.

>$75k, 36% discount from median

Oh jeez. Well, without the program, companies can always hire less people, spend less on anything else in their company or raise prices. Sounds great! :marseycool:

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>Software Developers in DC

Wow you mean Software Devs in one of the highest CoL areas in the country earn more than the national median even with a 36% discount? :marseypikachu2:

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:#marseysleep2: :#marseysoycry!:

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Keep shilling for corpos, I'm sure you'll make C-Suite one day. :marseythumbsup:

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I just think it's funny that Trade is fricking bad because it gets you lower prices


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Trade is bad because it gets you lower prices.

It doesn't though? :marseyconfused:

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If this were true (it's not) then there should be no issue with modifying the H-1B program so that H-1B workers must be paid a salary at least 1.5x the prevailing domestic salary for the position. You'd be able to easily hire well-qualified applicants from abroad, but you wouldn't be able to use the H-1B program to cut your own labor costs.

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They've already got a workaround for this: The job offer says you need to have 5 years experience with the latest fad programming language from 3 years ago. This can be done just completely nakedly because there is no longer any enforcement of laws in this country except "violent crime". When is the last time you heard of someone going to prison for doing this?

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Lmao obviously you'd need to write the regulations well.

I think we could probably just have the government define specific roles you're allowed to hire H-1B's for (could be generic like "software engineer") and the amount you're required to pay them for each one (like $300k for software engineers). You'd only be allowed to pick roles on the "menu" and they could publish updated salary requirement tables every year with inflation or something.

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You're terribly naive. Without anyone to enforce it, it doesn't matter what laws you pass. And even if you did pass a law, our current Supreme Court would just strike it down. There will never be any progress made in this country as long as there's no checks and balances on the judicial branch.

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H-1B workers must be paid a salary at least 1.5x the prevailing domestic salary for the position

Eh, too gameable. Just set a universal h1-b salary floor at, like 150k or something and then let comapnies hire as many h1bs as tbey want.

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must be paid a salary at least 1.5x the prevailing domestic salary for the position

Why? That makes it pointless.

There was that article in some other h1b sneer there that said they get paid 90% of their comparable workers. It's not as terrible as people are ssying.

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The supposed point is get smarter people into America, reverse the brain drain. Not to cut labor costs. If you capitulate to companies desire to continually cut labor costs (something they endlessly want to keep stock prices growing) the end point is relegalizing slavery.

The reason these visas are under so much scrutiny is because the tech market is oversaturated, there is no talent shortage at all.

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The supposed point is get smarter people into America, reverse the brain drain. Not to cut labor costs.

Why not both? Besides, it's not like foreigners have a strong grip on English, so you wouldn't pay them an equivalent wage for the same job. There's costs associated with hiring non-native speakers.

If you capitulate to companies desire to continually cut labor costs (something they endlessly want to keep stock prices growing) the end point is relegalizing slavery.

Even if you got the population of the US to 6 billion through h1b visas, that still wouldn't happen since businesses are only the demand side of the labor market. Prices are also set by suppliers (laborers) who compete against each other.

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Why? That makes it pointless.

No it doesn't.

If you're using it to get the absolute best from around the world, 1.5x is nothing. They should be paid that much anyways.

But it also completely eliminates companies from using it to cut costs. Very directly.

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If you're using it to get the absolute best from around the world, 1.5x is nothing. They should be paid that much anyways.

How do you know? You'd be flooded with even more garbage applicants. But that's really not the main problem with your policy.

to get the absolute best from around the world

That's not the goal of H1B visas. They want talent for specific jobs--not the world's best paying jobs. It's an immigrant program. Not a "price out all potential immigrants from a job" program.

Think about it. If the market rate is set at a minimum to 1.5x the median domestic rate, then companies won't hire any immigrants via H1B. Why would they? They could get 2 domestic workers for the price of 1 H1B.

You've made it pointless.

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They want talent for specific jobs--not the world's best paying jobs.

I never said it had to be the same salary requirement across the board for all jobs. It could be for each specific job, although you'd need to word it carefully so companies don't create "specific jobs" that are super narrow to bypass the restriction.

And yeah what you said - they want talent not just random bodies with a pulse. The H-1B program is absolutely supposed to be for specialists too.

If the market rate is set at a minimum to 1.5x the median domestic rate, then companies won't hire any immigrants via H1B. Why would they? They could get 2 domestic workers for the price of 1 H1B.

Yes. Exactly. You're almost getting it. It means companies will only use H-1B if there's someone special that they really want to hire. What's literally what the program is supposed to be. Not some general "grab 5000 random dudes who can program a computer to count to 100".

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What was my original point?

Do you remember?

And what was your solution?

And what would be the unintended consequences of your solution?


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Bernie said that he supported free health care for illegal immigrants in 2020 when he was on the debate stage. Props to him though for getting donor money from morons.

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oy vey it's anudda election :marseysanders:

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you'd know that despite being a self-declared socialist, he has some takes that are outright right wing (he generally opposes gun control)

Sorry to inform you, ur a rtrd. Being anti-scab pro gun is perfectly in line with left thought.

"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary" β€” Marx

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onlythingthatmatterstoleftwingthoughtisBIPOCsand:!marseytrain:s.jpg would like to differ

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In America under no circumstances have the left been pro guns, while guys like Cesar Chavez or the Reuthers have opposed migration or free trade. All things are relative

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Thats because the actual left in America was driven underground by McCarthyism and the FBI.

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If only Bernie had a working set of testicles

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Bernie turning his (better hearing) ear towards a Black women so he can hear her speak better, we stan a woman respecting king :queen:

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Bernard sandals is probably the only commie left in the US that has actually read "theory".

Which just means that when he's lead to the wall, he at least knows what he's actuslly getting the bullet for...

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Not surprised, given his line of thinking. Cesar Chavez, Xicanx trade unionist turned Hard-working American Messiah, was against open borders and immigration

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You can't be pro union and pro immigrant, it's not how it works sweetie.

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Men can be women

Women can be men

Straggy latinx can be the young face of white supremacy

It's America anyone can be anything they want

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That's not what the Horseshoe is about!!!

Maybe he is now an r-slured rightist, and feels good about it?

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How r-slurred are this people? They hire Mexicans to mow their lawns for cheap but cant grasp that maybe Musk is doing the same with Indians?

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But that's not how low-wage workers get in, ya r-slur. They just import them across the border, you hire them from Home Depot, and eventually the government grants them amnesty.

How do you dramaturds not know the history of US immigration policy?

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I think the biggest thing is commies support immigration when it makes unskilled (and now skilled) wages decrease and that's a good thing?

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A real leftist supports capitalists importing an underclass.

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importing an underclass middleman minority to make an underclass out of mayoids.

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Slightly unrelayed, but what pisses me off the most is people pretending that every fascist leader that ever existed was a complete liar hellbent on achieving power, and there are no Fascist True Believers. And fascism never improves people's lives, only worsens them. :marseyeyeroll:

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It has a pretty bad track record tho

Spain was fascist-lite

Where else was fascism not a complete embarrassment

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el o el Hitler said that the spaniards were lazy white trash and that they revered a whore :marseyemojirofl:. The only reason he didn't invade it is because in his eyes, they had to have a strong character to conquer half the new world (And frick up so badly that all the former spanish colonies are corrupt shitholes with the worst of both the first and third world)

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Most countries achieved stability under authoritarian regimes, typically monarchies or varying flavors of dictatorship.

>Inb4, not real fascism

Any authoritarian government is actually fascist. Fascism is also when the federal government exists in any form.

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Fascism is also when the federal government exists in any form.

That's what I've been saying about the post-FDR fedgov but only groom-hungry glowies agree with me and they refuse to get me a Hilux apparently that's for the CIA boys only

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So the left wing position is that elon is correct? Okey doke!

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Therefore, that is what leftism isβ„’.

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