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'Pure Racism': Indians Insulted With "Where's Your Visa" Chants At MCG During India vs Australia Test




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The country that still maintains a rigid caste system sure does love throwing out the racism allegations every chance they get...

So racism should get ignored?

I think the biggest group of people that are upset by this are progressive Anglo Australians, all my Indian friends have a sense of humour.

Will we ever get past people thinking their own friend circle is the litmus test for racism?

They also have a shocking record on hate towards Muslims.


Pointing out hypocrisy is whataboutism? Ok chief

Dude your people genocided millions of innocents and live and feed out of there land, yet you critique another people who are actually fighting against the discrimination, frick off.

Did you just assume I'm of English descent? 'Your people'. Lol, you can frick off champ

Doesn't matter, you love and feed off the land, take your double standards up somewhere they actually belong.

I had absolutely zero choice in the location where I was born. What would you have me do almighty righteous person? Are you not living in Australia currently?

Hey r-slur this thread literally began with whataboutism.

Where's your culture? What, Aussie banter only punches down or something?

Bros clearly never tried fairy bread.

Or seen a Christmas tree.

Punches down? Do you think Indians are beneath Australians?

do you think white australians are discriminated against to the same level as our South Asian brothers in Australia? πŸ‘€

You said banter against Indians is punching down. That means you think they are beneath Australians.

that's not what it means... simple Google search would have helped you out.

to attack or criticize someone who is in a worse or less powerful position than you.

so again, rather than duck the question. Do you think Indians are discriminated against equally to white Australians in Australia?

brandishes yoghurt

And this is why I prefer not to disclose my racial identity to literally anyone that's not my race unless absolutely necessary. Even the supposed "non-racists" have a bit of racist blood in them, and when push comes to shove, they will vote in a new White Australia Policy if it means they can get rid of these "illegals" for "taking 'er jerbs". Why can't white Australians be like their British cousins and get along with Indians?

EDIT: I think I upset a lot of white buttholes in here.

It pains me to see how 10-30 years ago, Indian Australians were seen as the 'ideal migrant' when it comes to cultural integration and somehow that image is now tarnished these days. Growing up in Parramatta, North Shore and multicultural suburbs of Perth, I know if given these waves of migrants that are currently coming came at the right time when there were abundant job and housing opportunities this wouldn't have happened.

I'm glad my parents were able to make it over here in Australia, but they really do think that racism is a thing of the past, whereas it's still here, alive and well, flowing through the veins of every white Australian like some kind of hivemind. Racism can never be eradicated unless the systems behind it are gone as well.

Saying that every white person is racist is just as racist as the stuff seen in the article.

But they didn't say that every white person is racist.

Yeah ok

My apologies. I genuinely missed that part of what was said. I really do apologise for that.

Australia is considered the most racist country in the Anglosphere. This is a common sentiment expressed by Asian origin (Chinese, Korean, Indian) people settled in the West. Casual racism is far more common in Australia than in rest of the Anglosphere. A lot of people have a tendency to downplay racism.

Honestly vile how we see the dehumanisation of South Asians play out online and in real life. Indians are always an acceptance target for racism, this would never happen to another group of people.Not to mention the Reddit comments "both sides-ing this". Anglo Australians will never understand racism and it's power dynamic. For example would this chant even happen to English or South African supporters?

Indian supporters were chanting convict shit.

Again, what is the power dynamic of that in 2025?

Power dynamic? India has a much larger military than us and like 50x our population? Plus nuclear weapons?

Yet Indian migrants are working in some of the poorest conditions earning a paltry wage. A population count or nuclear weapons have no bearing to the working class. This chant is another vector to White supremacy that Australia is unable to shed.

Those aren't the people coming to our country and calling us convicts so it's irrelevant. You're the one being racist for infantilising a whole country. They can stand up for themselves, they don't need your white saviour complex to protect them from a bit of argy bargy at the cricket.

Where in that video hyperlinked within the article were Indians chanting anything convict adjacent? If they stood up for themselves they probably would've been thrown out of the MCG and I hate to break this to you but I am not white.

"hate to break this to you but I am not white". Wow, the guy spewing racist shit about the nation that gave them the opportunity to live here instead of the shit they come from is not white, shocker.

Youre a joke of a person. Get your american politic power dynamic shit outta here. Theres no way youre trynna justify their racism with that dumbass excuse. Go look at the shit their saying in regards to Phil Hughes and lets see what bullshit excuse you will pull out of your butt to defend that

At least everyone could get an Uber home.

So what is it called when Sam Konstas gets relentlessly abused by Indian cricket fans, telling him he needs the "Phil Hughes treatment"?

it's harmless banter

Sticks and stones, if someone needs to pull the racist card and be derogatory or wish death upon someone it's because they're lacking then they become the joke nothing wrong with some harmless banter!

I honestly can't tell if you're joking or not.

Bit of a double standard there. Both incidents are clearly not okay.

I'd say in ten years it will be Australian born Indians yelling at overseas Indians at these cricket matches..

Nah not 10 years. You can't reverse that sort of tribalism that quickly and it's not like the immigration from India is stopping anytime soon. Even in crowd interviews there were Indian/Aussie kids with Aussie dominant accents but were supporting india - As in wearing the Indian ODI jersey and waving indian flag etc. General footage of the crowd was also a give-away...it was multi-generational support. At a macro level, you can't underestimate how patriotic Indians are....I actually respect that but it does go against the narrative of super quick assimilation.

Wait so your pro immigration, but also pro patriotism for immigrants. What's your opinion on patriotism for Australians?

I'm pro sustainable immigration which we haven't had in years. I think it's hard to argue that our sense of common identity, memory and culture has been noticeably fractured/diluted in the big cities (also helped by an increase an anti-patriotic sentiment). Indians clearly haven't lost any of that...They know who they are and are proud of it. I would like if Australia was more that way. All I'm pointing out is that their strong identity/culture, when immigrating here in large volumes every year into what is now a weaker/fractured Aussie culture means that assimilation will slow down drastically....especially if current trends continue.

Many Indians support a straight out fascist (Modi). There's absolutely nothing positive in that sort of vile nationalism.

Internal racism. Another beautiful child of colonisation.

Indians fans give as good as they get. Some Indian fans online were calling for Sam konstas to receive the "Phill hughes" treatment from bumrah.. Anyone not familiar with this reference; Phill died from being struck in the head by a ball while playing cricket.

What would be the equivalent of chanting "Where's your visa?" to White Australians, addressing their colonial history, that foreigners could use?

Both sides can take route. What's the Aussie equivalent of "where's your visa"?

r/ABCDesis discusses

Really small thread, so won't copy comments from it.

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r/melbourne discusses

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πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ Hate is not acceptable πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸŒˆ

This subreddit celebrates individuals from diverse backgrounds and identities, fostering a safe and inclusive space where everyone is respected and valued.

We strongly condemn stereotypes, racial discrimination, misogyny, and mockery of language, including derogatory disability terms. Such behaviors work against our commitment to creating a welcoming and supportive environment for all.

Compared to the kind of Reddit comments that are allowed everyday in the various Aus forums, this MCG video is nothing.

Yeah im so desensitised to those comments, the chanting meant nothing haha

Exactly! Lot of deadbeat losers on Reddit who didn't work hard in school/uni/work and now blame immigrants for their own failures in life.

We must never question migration. Every person arriving is a doctor, lawyer or engineer. No migrant has ever committed a crime.

I've been to a few matches with a former partner who speaks Hindi. There's plenty of average stuff said by Indians at the cricket. They just don't do it in English. And not just about cricket. They was a group of guys a few rows behind us calling her some pretty vile names because she was dating a white person. They knew I couldn't understand them, but that she could. They were getting off on the fact they could abuse her in front of so many people and not face consequences. Apparently it had been also been happening in other places, like just walking down the street. A group of Indian guys walking past us would be talking in Hindi and I had no idea they were verbally abusing her.

have heard white people say similar things in English (not that white Australians are capable of speaking other languages) in public about white people with non-white partners

There's maybe 15 drunk blokes clapping it, and if you watch the video there seem to be two or three Indian guys sitting or standing among them, having a drink, not looking too unhappy. This usually falls under the category of shit-stirring, equivalent to asking the Tasmanian team members if they married their cousin. I'm stunned the article author decided to remain anonymous as their hard work digging up Twitter posts surely deserves some recognition.

It's easy for the instigators to claim it was just a joke. It's not a free pass to say whatever they want.

I personally wouldn't be offended by such a saying, wouldn't take it as racism, and it's more of a cheeky tease than an insult

the tease is specifically about their race and nationality. how is that not racist???

You realise it's a contest between nations right? Targeting their nationality is the whole point.

therefore it's ok to say racist things? uh no. you know better than that dude.

You're reading too much into it. Banter with Indians at the cricket is a long way from racial abuse in day to day life. They're not exactly sitting back and meekly taking it either. Yes there is a line there that shouldn't be crossed but you don't need to step in and protect the poor helpless Indians either.

these people don't watch or participate in sport, yet their minds are made up


not reading too much into it. it's pure racism motivated by the nationality and ethnicity of the victims. why are you so eager to defend this???? how the frick do you think indians who are australian citizens felt to hear that chant? why do you just get to decide the line, when something blantantly racist is ocurring? why wouldnt you simply advocate for zero racism???

just because the response is in kind doesnt make the initial statement not racist. you just keep bringing up all of these other details but NONE of them erase that it's a fundamentally racist behaviour. the victims could say thank you, please keep going, and it would still be racist.

suggesting the victims arent helpless doesnt mean it's ok to do. once again. just dont be fricking racist. it's ok because they're high status??? do you think the racists yelling it give a shit about whether the victim is ok with it or a rich athlete or not?

why, why, why is everyone tripping over themselves to say it's ok to be racist. mind boggling and shameful.


yes im attuned to racism because it's an enormous issue.

not about race. all about visa. let's call it visaism.

a white crowd yelling that at an all-indian group is racism. we know what theyre saying. why are you deliberately being obtuse?

think about this for one second. why are they mentioning a visa? because of illegal immigration conspiracies. why are they connecting illegal immigration conspiracies to indian people? frickin racism.

dont you know what 99.99% of appeals to citizenship/visa are dogwhistles for? do you not live in the same modern world as all of us? do you not see what hatred of brown-skinned immigrants has done to the usa in the past month?

Pattern recognition is not racist lmao, don't you remember the Australian government specifically not accepting student visa applications from certain Indian states because of the insane amount of fraud? or the diploma mills that are undergoing a crackdown (how do you think all of the predominately Indian uber and menulog drivers ended up here?!).

India is also the place that scams Australians the most out of any other country by a mile. It's also hilarious that you act as if Indians don't do the same to everyone else, and subtly racist that you think because they are brown they cannot be anything other than morally righteous "victims".

they arent yelling at scammers. theyre yelling at professional indian visitors to the country who have nothing to do with scamming. how do you not understand associating them with indian stereotypes is racist? do you simply not understand what racism is? or you think it's ok?

You don't know that, also I don't see you condemning the stereotypes that same Indian crowd was hurling against white australians......... the selective outrage is insane.

do you not undertand that in australia, and the west, indian people do not possess the same social and economical status as white people? hence white people being racist to them in a majority white country is not the same as indians being racist toward whites. yes both are bad but only one is enabled by a system of racist exploitation. do you not understand how this isnt equivalent, and both sides being identical is only possible in a child's simplisic fantasy? do you understand the history of india and what the united kingdom did to that country? all racism makes me outraged of course. trying to make it ok because both sides were racist is not rational or clear-headed.

Indians in Australia are better off than white people on average. Also what on earth does Britain have to do with it? It's surprising to see all this stuff rehashed and regurgitated, I would have thought extreme American-style opinions like yours went away after about 2020.

classic "they/them"

yes im nonbinary therefore i dont know about racism? rational.

even if indians are "better off" than white people on average that doesnt mean the actual system isnt built to generally favour white people and undermine POC and immigrants. britain was the country that colonised australia as well as india. do you not understand the relationship? ive had these opinions for decades my friend. being aware of racism isnt a new thing, it only seems new if you never contemplated racism to begin with. my understanding of the world doesnt just "go away" without evidence. the evidence is that racism is a foundational part of the makeup of australia and appears very often, unfortunately.

!strayans ur all racist

!bharatiya ur all racist too


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Both sides seem to have supporters who take shit way too far, and it's embarrassing.

yea this is akin to chasing Jews down the streets of Amsterdam :marseyeyeroll:

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chasing Jews down the streets of Amsterdam

those bloody aussies

also eli5 pls i don't remember this


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Palestinoids were attacking Israeli :marseysoccer: fans in Amsterdam

White extinction is long overdue

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Was the other way around lol.

Israelis went though Amsterdam and acted like BIPOCs, then got treated like them.

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white extinction is long overdue

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Sounds like the average Saturday night in greenacre :marseyflaglebanon:

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:marseynotes: another suburb to avoid


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That was the rdrama meetup last weekend.

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chasing Jews down the streets of Amsterdam

that's just harmless banter between the fans

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