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r/anahuac, the Latinx Cannibal Religion community




This sub was founded in its current form about 4 or so years ago by /u/filthyjeeper, who is also /u/IlMonstroAtomico (both Mexican :pooner: in Canada into Jeeps and draw shitty comics, yeah)

They constantly battle with Catholics and others about the Aztec cannibal practices, claiming it was just human sacrifice not cannibalism (the conquistadors and missionaries consistently reported this!) and now practicing blood sacrifice as an alternative, where they cut themselves and donate blood to their gods in front of homemade altars. Most of them don't even speak Nahua, let alone well. Most are white women with vaguely Latinx roots.

About a year ago they locked off the sub. Occasionally I will troll them by posting to Redditrequest to reopen it. I don't have any screen caps from that time but wow, it was funny.

:!marseytrain:s love to argue that their Aztec gods would accept them blah blah blah but ultimately they concede their modern gender identities would not have been accepted in the Aztec world. Too bad, so sad, frick a neighbor, whatever.

Some sneed threads:



Stay Christian, white people.


Now playing: Da Banana Bunch (DK64).mp3

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