rDrama Presents: Community Quorum for new feature + YEAR OF THE CHUD ANNOUNCEMENT

Hecko hecko hecko everypony.

First things first: Ovarit has levels. rDrama is nothing if not an incoherent mishmash of the best (worst) parts of everywhere else on the internet so Aevann asked me how I feel about adding a leveling system to rDrama. I hated it at first and was dismissive of it because it's basically just truescore but with a "how do you fellow web 3.0 users look im gamified". On Ovarit, at least. But then I thought about it more and I got kind of excited. We can make it into something not shit here. Maybe? What would you like to see from a leveling system?

Badges, of course. Maybe shop discounts. Maybe gay little unlockable icons beside your name like for houses (and paypigs on WPD)? Titles in the style of Ruqqus? Loot (random awards/hats/coins/whatever) when you level up? Something else entirely? Brainstorm below, we'll go through them and see if any don't suck and then have more referendums if needed.

Second things second: It is the Year of the Chud. To make up for the decreased reach of /h/chudrama from homosexuals who won't unblock it, starting later today (probably, depends on Aevann's schedule), every thread in /h/chudrama will pay 8 coins per vote. Comments will pay 2 coins per vote. With the increased rate and overreach of chud purges, I am literally begging you to use /h/chudrama more. It's better there. Now it pays more. Seriously, unblock /h/chudrama and use it. You don't even need to chudpost there.

Third things third: https://i.rdrama.net/images/1736887470F17A18r1VgiHIw.webp


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Wait Carp I have an idea! It's not specific to chudrama or levels (well sorta) but it's a GOOD idea!

TRADING CARDS! Every account becomes a trading card and you receive packs of them... occasionally? Whenever you earn another thousand truescore? Something like that.

There can be different card rarities depending on the value of a user's account, with rarer cards being less likely to appear.

Cards can be traded between users. There can be a currency system to facilitate the trading of cards, like there'd be a card market and you could sell a card at an offered amount of currency and someone will buy the card from you by matching that price. The sales history of each card can be recorded so an average price can be determined.

There'd be different seasons too. Maybe each year there's a new season so a 2025 Carp isn't the same card as 2026 Carp. Snazzy card designs for each season would differentiate them. Also each card is a snapshot of an account at a certain period so for example the 2025 Carp card would always show what Carp's account was like (pfp, banner, profile theme, etc.) when the card was created. Each card would be like a time capsule of an account at that point.

You can create card collections and name them so you can show off your cards however you want.

If this sounds ridiculous, I'm basing these ideas off a working trading cards based on people's accounts system used by the forum website Nationstates I have no idea what the actual code looks like lol but it CAN BE DONE. Plus we already have a currency system :marseycoin:

!autism !dramatards !metashit Discuss TRADING CARDS :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

@Gruemble This will be your NEW OBSESSION :marseydance:

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I was an avid MTG player and big time collector. An rDrama card game would be lethal for me :marseysweating:

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Would you collect me :marseyflirt:

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I'd keep you all snug in a graded card holder :marseyshy2:

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Let me destroy cards and I'm in

But also make sure there's a truescore limit for having a card or 90% of them will be pinkname lurkers

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Oh yeah in Nationstates you can scrap cards for more currency.

But if the card currency is the same as DC then maybe this would be too OP for coin farming? Depends on how easy it is to get cards I guess.

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Just destroying card so if I get a card for a user I dislike I can destroy it

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Half the cards would be mellokind variants

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And there'd be someone collecting them all for the "Mellowkind Collection"

See how the market would develop organically? That's the beauty of the system. :marseythumbsup:

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what is bro yapping about :marseyskull:

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