rDrama Presents: Community Quorum for new feature + YEAR OF THE CHUD ANNOUNCEMENT

Hecko hecko hecko everypony.

First things first: Ovarit has levels. rDrama is nothing if not an incoherent mishmash of the best (worst) parts of everywhere else on the internet so Aevann asked me how I feel about adding a leveling system to rDrama. I hated it at first and was dismissive of it because it's basically just truescore but with a "how do you fellow web 3.0 users look im gamified". On Ovarit, at least. But then I thought about it more and I got kind of excited. We can make it into something not shit here. Maybe? What would you like to see from a leveling system?

Badges, of course. Maybe shop discounts. Maybe gay little unlockable icons beside your name like for houses (and paypigs on WPD)? Titles in the style of Ruqqus? Loot (random awards/hats/coins/whatever) when you level up? Something else entirely? Brainstorm below, we'll go through them and see if any don't suck and then have more referendums if needed.

Second things second: It is the Year of the Chud. To make up for the decreased reach of /h/chudrama from homosexuals who won't unblock it, starting later today (probably, depends on Aevann's schedule), every thread in /h/chudrama will pay 8 coins per vote. Comments will pay 2 coins per vote. With the increased rate and overreach of chud purges, I am literally begging you to use /h/chudrama more. It's better there. Now it pays more. Seriously, unblock /h/chudrama and use it. You don't even need to chudpost there.

Third things third: https://i.rdrama.net/images/1736887470F17A18r1VgiHIw.webp


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@Kongvann the overwhelming consensus is that levels are a good idea and desired by a large majority of the userbase and there are some fun additional ideas to tie to them


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Making it independent of true score would be ideal. Make random achievements that assign points. "Get an upmarsey from pizzashill" "make x amount of posts/ comments" " spend x amount in the shop" random rpg-esque grindy "quests". It shouldn't be retroactive so everyone starts on the same page.

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Get an upmarsey from pizzashill

Completionist death sentence

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17368966688kTXBXYWVaA92g.webp https://media.tenor.com/btKf52gcVnIAAAAx/yet-big-think.webp

@pizzashill I defended u against my whole family at xmas dinner can I get an upmarsey?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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All I had to do was spend a week eating meat worse than Pizza's. Don't worry, it was definitely a s*x thing:


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all you gotta do is post like a redditor and he'll upmarsey

me, on the other hand? my upmarseys are incredibly rare and should be worth at least 5 DC each. :hmph:

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I saw a thread on that unrelated gore website that I don't visit ever about them implementing Chess games there. Now I don't play chess myself but thought it was interesting.

It'd be interesting and dramatic to have a mechanism to hijack and impersonate someone else's account maybe? Otherwise marsey racing in the casino I'll irritate McCoxmaul and hopeful everyone can bully him into giving in.


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This confirms my suspicion that the average rdrama user is attracted to this website because it's basically a gatcha MMO with a clusterfrick of colors and sort of competitive features and a terrible community to go with it.

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Can you elaborate on what the frick you mean by this? I say this as one of the most addicted members on this site

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>one of the most addictedworst members on this site

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Oh. THE worst member?

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I can't think of a reason anyone would think I'm a bad poster at all, barring meaningless seethe

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I don't think I've ever seen you post anything worth reading. You should auto downmarsey yourself @i_only_downmarsey_bad_posts

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>I don't think I've ever seen you post anything worth reading

Cuz you only browse the site for marked NSFW content :marseysmug2:

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I'm THE worst. :marseyindignant:

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You are pretty bad too.

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I believe him! I want to know what parallels he sees to gacha

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Rdrama is aesthetically fast and flashy in the UI, like a gacha game, to keep people hooked. The "gameplay" itself is mostly just slowly grinding for shit, in our case by trying to be funny online for attention, to increase your ability to get attention with shit like pins and ban awards.

Microscopic online notoriety and power is the goal of this game and you can literally buy it with a subscription to get marseybux for pin awards, bans, social status etc.

To point out another obvious similarity houses are literally like guilds in WoW or Clans of Clash or legions in that Lord of the rings game I played when I was 13.

The goal of most features for these factions is to add an element of rivalry to the games to add the illusion of action in the game by intentionally encouraging drama, so that the g*mers feel like something is going on even when the gameplay is as shitty and cheaply designed as possible. Because funnily enough, drama is a huge part of the appeal of these games.

Rdrama and MMO's with Pay2Win features also share a target audience. They attract slightly cluster B men between their late twenties and mid forties who are easily addicted and want to feel power in their lives. The MMO r-slurs get their degenerate rush of power by spending thousands of dollars to crush some twelve year old on his mom's phone. Dramatards do it by spending thousands of words to crush some literally schizophrenic r-slur on reddit.

@Grue I hope you're satisfied because I wasted like ten minutes writing all this shit.

!metashit !dramatards !g*mers

Rdrama is literally a gacha MMO.

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i stopped hyperfocusing on goombling or paying a lot of attention to currency/badges/etc a bunch a while ago. i even switched to an alt despite it ruining my ability to badgemaxx. i'm pretty sure most people are addicted because of typical loneliness/social media reasons. though obviously the gameplay mechanics offer more incentive, clearly not enough since rdrama is still very niche. !slots777 !metashit !cuteandvalid

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We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. You really have exceeded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of your writing, along with your abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind your peers with similar disabilities.

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Been saying this tbh

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naturally the more upmarseyd people will be more visible and will be focusing on obtaining updoots for coins.

i don't think people care that much about coins except for the power users who are the loudest minority of losers

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The power users make most of the content on the site, unfortunately. But yes, it's kind of pathetic.

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generally speaking, cookies are more sought after than coins, probably because they have more real world value and can't be gamified

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Gacha my COOM cute twink

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I would have been in top 10 if i didnt goomble everything. Keyed

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Chess would fricking rule and I don't even like chess

@Aevann is this viable?


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It needs to be Monopoly and you play for DC. @Aevann

The game should run continuously with a set number of player slots for each piece (Dog, Battleship, etc.). You buy in for 2000 DC and play until you either quit with your winnings (incl selling out all your properties to clear the board) or bankrupt your DC buy-in, and then someone else can buy in to take your place.

Other users should be able to watch the game / talk shit in a chatroom even if they're not playing. !metashit

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  • X : Slayyy that b-word

Monopoly is dogshit

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You're dogshit.

>I CaN'T PlAy a fUn pArTy gAmE I NeEd tO PlAy cHeSs bEcAuSe i'm sUcH An iNtElLeCtUaL


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Why don't you recommend chutes and ladders while you're at it?

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yes, why not indeed? :marseymati:

Why don't you suggest Go if you want Serious Brain Game? :marseyjerkofffrown:

You know rdrama chess will just be who-can-cheat-the-most-with-Stockfish anyway.

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Then make it cheaters chess. Or a social game like apples to apples

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apples to apples / cards against but w/ rdrama memes would be really cringy but maybe fun for the first couple plays

maybe something like codenames (codewords? that team based word guessing game) could be interesting

unfortunately if i'm being really for real here the userbase will probably be able to suck the fun out of any of these games tho they're v impressive in that way

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More comments

I recommend lynching BIPOCs and stroking out the fastest COOM on live stream (camera should only show your shenis to avoid dox, although multiple strags will immediately know who each of you are).

Who's with me @Grue @BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS @Wuzizname @tempest @coned @lovesick_girl @hACAppy_2025

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:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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a game infinitely more fun than chess

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>fun party game

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If you haven't played Monopoly until your mom got so mad she "accidentally" tipped over the board and announced it was bedtime then you've never really lived.

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it just takes so long and literally nobody who plays it seems to know what the actual rules are, especially around stuff like mortgages

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>it just takes so long

That's why it works well as a permanent site feature that runs eternally in the casino.

>nobody who plays it seems to know what the actual rules are

Will lead to hilariously stupid arguments and shitfits when imagined house rules, official actual monopoly rules, and @Aevann's hacked together implementation of them all disagree.

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>If you haven't played Monopoly Risk® until your mom wife got so mad she "accidentally" tipped over the board and announced it was bedtime then you've never really lived

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!neurodivergents !autism Aevann should also add a working game of Axis and Allies Global 1940 Second Edition to the site it would be cool k thanks bye

:marseykitler: :marseykamikaze:

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@Aevann if you do monopoly, go the Game of Dice route, where you can cheat and use paypig powers to rig the game instead of relying on luck

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This is just a jackpot machine :marseyxd:

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Too many afk-iggers for a real time game that long


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Monopoly is almost deterministic: you can get N minutes to take your turn and if you don't take it, the game rolls the dice for you, moves your piece and takes your money if you land on a hotel.

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I guess that'd work but that's a ton to implement decision making bots / AI plus I wouldn't want my DC on the line if I'm can't play myself.


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plus I wouldn't want my DC on the line if I'm can't play myself

You could play until you were bored and then cash out and let someone else have a turn. I imagine it will eventually end up with @Gruemble never sleeping until he parks a hotel on every property and camping the whole board forever until @BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS grass awards him for his own good.

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The bots wouldn't make any decisions or need much logic, it would just roll for you while you're asleep.

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@Brevis-Claus skill issue. Land on better properties.

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No quitsies in Monopoly. Maybe you can pay another 2000 DC to smash the game board and end the game.

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it needs to be scrabble and yahtzee

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Please give me coins so I can bet :marseybegging:

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I gave you coins over Christmas and you didn't even send me a card or say thanks!


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I said Merry Christmas but I could have said thank you as well sorry. Thank you! https://i.rdrama.net/images/1736891408dDr0rOYs9znFDw.webp

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Oh I didn't see that until just now and I feel bad for missing it. Canada Post was on strike that's why I didn't see it on time.



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Sooo... coins :marseyshy:

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I gave you coins at Christmas to buy hats, did you even buy any hats? I can't enable your goombling addiction it's against my religion.


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I did buy hats. I always follow people's stipulations on how to spend coins :marseyangel:

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That'd be awesome but all the r-slurs are going to use engines.

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just do bullet/ultrabullet chess only

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and use lichess or chess.com so there is at least some engine detection

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Feature ideas I would like to see:

Have Marseys become collectibles

Marseys hatch from eggs that you can win/buy/trade

Marsey races that you can bet on in the casino

Giant omelette

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Marsey races that you can bet on in the casino

One day McCoxMaul will finish this :marseyhope#:

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he was also gonna make a third currency, casino chips, with a dedicated casino shop where you could buy stuff like skins for card decks and shit

he had me go through and make an entire gay porn skin for cards

i spent over an hour counting peepeees inside male buttholes and this is not hyperbolic

!friendsofcarp :carpitsover:


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i spent over an hour counting peepeees inside male buttholes and this is not hyperbolic

Was this before or after the poker thing?

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Can you post the porn skins since you already made them? Add them as emojis maybe?

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I am proud :marseyghosthappy: of you for enduring

Glory to Russia! :marseysaluteussr:

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rDramas most Catholic user

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german catholics will bless gays without issue

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Germans are not people and automatically go to heck.

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Rare Marseys that fade the more they're used

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Purchasable Marsey booster packs with collectible foil Marseys

:mars#eynew: :marseyso#ypointgold:

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You can buy a Marsey and people have to pay you to use it

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not related to levels and there is a 0% chance i can talk him into any of this but i love all of these so i am pinning it

fantastic work 2024 fish of the year


Community Note by @CamNewton

The only thing Carp is incapable of is making a bad post.

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You can marry Marsey and have babies with her

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More for me :marseyshrug:

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This is why we never got horses.


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Carp confirmed today we're getting horses, shoes, pets, and AI versions of all female rDrama users you can harass to your hearts content.

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:marseyexcitedgif: :marseyexcitedgif: :marseyexcitedgif: :marseyexcitedgif:

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Sounds like a generic nft scam lol

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MarseyFTs. Design Spex

  • Each marsey is owned by one user (initially random)

  • When you use marseys in a post or comment, the owner(s) earns marseybux based on your upmarseys.

    • Example: if you use one marsey in a comment that recieves 50 upmarseys, the owner gets 50s marseybux.

    • If you use 2 different marseys, each recieves 25 marseybux.

    • (The poaster still gets coins from votes, regardless.)

  • You can buy and sell marseys, of course. Paypigs can force a sale from non-paypigs for 10k (hostile takeover), otherwise it's voluntary and users set the price.

  • If the owner doesn't use a marsey for 1 month, ownership is transferred to someone else at random.

  • Carps work the same way, but the owners earn marseybux from downmarseys.

Aevann, marsey inverse stock markst when?

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We already did nft's like 2 years ago tho, so...

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:#marseysoypoint: It can be like a heckin Chao Garden :shadowrage: :shadowrage:


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Are there still plans to finally implement poker in the casino(as is written in the Site Guide)?


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