
Senator makes a silly pun. Liberals MAD


In the Senate hearing for Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth, freshman Senator Tim Sheehy decides to crack a little joke.

:marseysmirk2:: How many genders are there? A tough one.

:marseyconfused:: Uh, Senator there are two genders.

:marseygiggle:: I know that well, I'm a Sheehy (pronounced She/He)

There's some polite laughs, because it's a silly little pun, and Hegseth laughs too hard like a cute twink. People are MAD














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As the redditors would say, name checks out. :marseyeyeroll:

This has nothing to do with right vs. left dumbass. Back in the 1970s ordinary people had opinions about the Strategic Arms Limitation negotiations with the Soviets, how many aircraft carriers we should have, whether we should build the B-1 or the B-2. Those were big political issues. Now even the qualification to be the goddarn Secretary of Defense apparently is just whether you giggle about :!marseytrain:s to show which side you're on.

I remember a time not long ago where it would have been a scandal for a senator to ask such an r-slured question in a confirmation hearing for one of the most important posts in our government. Congress was never some hallowed institution that we bowed down and worshiped but it wasn't a fricking clown show of tards acting more juvenile than rDrama users. This country has declined so much in the last 10-20 years it's absolutely fricking unbelievable. I know most of you kids are too young to remember this, but trust me, it was not like this in 2005.

I legit wonder what the frick happened to people in your generation. Probably THC exposure in the womb. But something made you even stupider than everyone before you.

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Relax, gramps. If the issues aren't as serious as a Cold War, then that's a good thing.

Let's go outside and enjoy the world!

:marseyfluffytalking: :space: :crankykong:

What the heck are you talking about? There's going to be a nuclear war any second, and you're going to go outside?! What the heck is wrong with you????

:marseyfluffyannoyed: :space: :crankykongtalking:

!marseyfans !metashit, enjoy a morning Marsey comic about @Redactor0_IsAlwaysRight the Grump.

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Kids these days will never match @HardIsLife. :marseydisagree:


If the issues aren't as serious as a Cold War

At the moment. China is building up its underground ICBMs. They're doing all the South China Sea bullshit which is obviously to have what the Russians called a "bastion". A part of the ocean that they control that's patrolled by their aircraft and low-endurance surface ships to make sure nobody sneaks. And they put their ballistic missile submarines there, just randomly going back and forth so nobody knows where they are. There's (afaik) no way to beat that.

Cannot emphasize this enough to you r-slurs:

Things are gonna get serious again in your lifetime.


Okay, let me put it like this for you to understand. When the hydrogen bomb explodes the first effect that you experience is the flash. This happens instantly. You will either literally get set on fire or, if you're looking that direction, be blinded. You will never be able to watch TikTok again. You won't even be able to watch the successor to TikTok!

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HIL was a ginger? :marseyshook:

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And they put their ballistic missile submarines

Inside the ocean? How could they!

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There's going to be nuclear war


Aaany second now


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It was just a pun that Pete laughed too hard at because he was nervous, take a chill pill gramps.

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Maintain le heckin' decorum chud :marseysoylentgrin:

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You have to let us make any joke, but you can't make jokes at our expense


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Politics is now "r-slurred :marseytrain:" or "r-slurred :marseytrain:-hater".

You don't get another choice

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It's a legitimate question, hegsex was asked again and again by lib people of congress about his gender politics, it's pertinent to understand his stance on the issues.

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Haven't you ever heard that two wrongs don't make a right? :marseysmughipskorean:

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I haven't not heard it

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Yeah you need three wrongs to make it right

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They never taught us this in high school.


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Trump had a great SecDef in Mattis and burned him. DDR doesn't want leaders with principles, he wants yes-men.

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Too many words man

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Okay does this fit in your attention span?


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Much better :#feelssogood:

RUDE :#marseyfluffyannoyed:

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go watch The Daily Show you soylennial cute twink.


Andrew Jackson

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Go get gang-r*ped by a horde of vatniks in one of those barren spaces between their ugly rundown Soviet apartment buildings.



To elaborate: Suck my peepee.

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