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What recurring dream(s) do you have? :marseysleep2:

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The wake up loop.

Other than that the in a dream I recognize a dream place as having been there before, but when I wake up I cannot remember the dream.

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Oh frick I forgot about the wake up loop. I've had it nest like 8 deep sometimes. Level 5, getting out of bed, going to feed the cat, and wtf there's snow outside. Darn it I'm still dreaming, come on

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The worst ones were the ones where you wake up and think you are finally awake because finally everything feels real, but then you wake up in the next loop and realize the previous one was fake because this is the one where you feel truly awake, and this goes on for a bit, then you actually wake up and are just wondering for a bit what if this one isn't the real one either.

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I never had a dream like this :marseysad:

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Lucky. They kinda low key frick you up a bit.

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