TikTok will be sold to an American company and continue operating. - 59 bets
It will be sold to a non-US company and @hACAppy_2025 will win at slots, namaste - 11 bets
TikTok will be kill - 89 bets
Tim Apple will bravely refuse to remove TikTok from the Apple store, in bold DEFIANCE of the kkkorupt kkkapitalist kkkrooks running the so-called "United" States - 9 bets
It will be sold to and promptly renamed TixTox - 3 bets
!remindme 24 hours "close the toktik"
!bets !goomble !goomblers !goombling !asians
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TikTok will lose about 17% of their market and who knows how much of their future revenue
This isn't even the reason for the ban, lol though. The ban is because it can warp the most r-slurred young minds with the algorithm. Like start showing more US is Evil videos during a critical time or more protest content. China swears up and down that this doesn't happen but I'm willing to bet it's bullshit
China would never allow us to do that, fwiw
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