You all think I'm crazy but mark my words - when Trump gets back in office he's gonna BLOW THE LID OFF this whole alien cover-up that's been going on since Roswell!! He already TRIED to do it before but the deep state blocked him, but this time he's coming back with a VENGEANCE and he's gonna release ALL THE FILES about the reverse-engineered alien tech they've been hiding at Area 51 and the secret treaties with the Greys and the underground bases in Dulce, New Mexico!! He's the only one with the guts to stand up to the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex and their Illuminati puppet masters who've been keeping humanity in the dark about our true cosmic heritage and the REAL origin of human civilization!! Trump knows EVERYTHING about the ancient astronaut program and the hybrid breeding experiments and he's gonna expose it ALL!! The mainstream media won't be able to hide the TRUTH anymore when he wheels out the preserved alien bodies from Wright-Patterson AFB on live TV!!! - 9,000 total betted
no because ufos are sea peoples - 45,000 total betted
!bets !project2025 !bharatiya !goomble
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Heavily regarded. They are obviously American secret aviation projects. Showing the number 2 player that your weapons capabilities are actually an entire century ahead of them is always a really bad idea. Primarily because humans have this weird superpower where just knowing something can be made makes the likelihood of recreating it by another group of humans increase 100x per decade.
Secondly, its really not worth it to send UFOs to another planet with intelligent life on it. Cosmic distances are too vast and if you already have the technology required to recon and seed another planet, then you also have the technology to already begin colonizing the planets around you and build up artificial planetoids within your own solar system. Which would be far easier to pull off.
Humoring the idea that there is already an alien species close to us in terms of cosmic distances, they would end up colonizing so much of their own solar system before they ever try to arrive at ours, that we would have been able to spot the signs of their existence with ease.
Thirdly, non-human intelligent life evolving in the oceans would absolutely be traceable. For them to be untraceable for so long would require that not a single submarine sonar pinged them ever, their civilization releases zero traceable energy signatures, and that even if those two points were true, that they leave no mark on any living being in the ocean that also interacts with humans. For example- we figured out gigantic deep ocean squids exist because you could find their marks on whales. Any intelligent oceanic life would have left similar markings or evidence of their existence on other life around them.
Fourth, inter-dimensional aliens is clearly an r-slured idea. You would have to humor the idea of alternate timelines and somehow we are the ones in the "slow one" where our tech would have to be centuries behind the other guys because we haven't even figured out that the fabric of time can actually be altered to let us move into other realities. Nothing in physics actually suggests that alternate universes even exist.
What we are seeing out there is a mix of government psyop, AI made vids, secret government projects, and civilian drones. No aliens.
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They are sea people. Simple as. There have been billions of years for life to evolve independently, there could be countless industrial-era or higher civilisations buried under the Mariana Trench and the weight of millions of years. They probably laugh at us dumb monkeys for thinking a literal void that takes thousands of years to go from A to B (and going back from B to A time travels you into a different future) is better than just chilling out under the waves.
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Jewish lives matter due too sunk cost fallacy.
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The only Sea Peoples I care about are the Denyen, Peleset, Shekelesh, Sherden, Teresh, Tjekker, Weshesh, and Lukka.
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!commenters, ufos are 100% sea peoples
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Counterpoint; cargo cults. They live on the same planet like us, sometimes spot planes and think they're big birds. Due to their limited understanding of the world, cannot comprehend that humans built huge flying machines. When they saw planes for the first time, they believed they are Gods and couldn't believe that humans built them.
In the same way, humans a the cargo cult to space civilizations; backwards and r-slurred, unable to communicate or spot the existence of other species. We see their craft flying past us and we see signs of them, but don't know what they are. If we try to communicate, it'd be like a single tribesman on a small island shouting at the ocean; nobody hears you and you don't hear anything back. If we try to look at their craft, all we see is a plane flying over our huts at night and shining bright lights, we can't make up a shape and we don't know how it works and will never understand.
UFOs flying past our planet could be probes or debris; most of it flies by, melts into the atmosphere or simply makes a scan and walks away. The aliens don't care to communicate with us. It'd be like you trying to talk to a savage tribe; you can't talk to them and they're likely to kill you. They won't believe the things that contradict their beliefs and you will get nothing from them. So why bother?
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These are a hoax made up by the natives. The idea comes from anthropologists going to the South Pacific, who are notoriously full of shit about everything. Like Margaret Mead writing that women there are all complete sluts and everyone is totally okay with that in their society. They went there listening for what they wanted to hear and wrote that down even if somebody was just joking and pulling their leg. Cargo cults are awfully convenient for mid-20th Century anthropologists who want to tear down religion. You see the same thing with French archaeologists in Egypt in the 1700s conveniently "discovering" that all religion is descended from primitive people's sun worship. Notice how the phenomenon I'm talking about takes place on the other side of the world in a different century. Cargo cults are only found in the South Pacific in the 20th Century for some inexplicable reason.
We're more like Sentinel Islanders.
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I mean, not all, but I see Abrahamic religions starting from there; a lot of stories and traditions are awfully similar. A lot of their traditions take root from pagan European religions too...
Anyway I bring up cargo cults, not because they are stupid and silly, but because their understanding and perception of the world is so limited that, when they see a plane flying over them, they cannot grasp that it is a man made creation. They think it's a bird or, at night, a falling star...
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I think you underestimate these people. Jared Diamond...
...observed that some guy in an extremely remote village in New Guinea was given an airplane ride. His luggage included a big bag of rocks. He explained that it was to drop on the enemy village if they were lucky enough to pass over it.
These people aren't noble savages, they're not all doing sun worship rituals or whatever. They're basically the same as us except they were just born someplace else. Some are smart, some are tarded. Some are devout, some are cynical. The anthropologists want to claim that everyone on some island is both r-slurred and devout because it makes them easier to write a book for upper middle class white women in the 1940s to be titillated by. I guarantee you that if there was a real cargo cult, half the people on the island would laugh and call them r-slurred and they'd give up.
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I've no idea who Jared Diamond is...
Anyway, my point is that they're not stupider, they just have no means to observe these machines, or the education to understand how these machines work.
The same way, for them, crossing the sea to reach a larger landmass is a dangerous and long journey (a journey we could do with modern technologies in 3 hours), to us jumping from planet to planet is unthinkable, while civilizations who are 10000 years ahead of us could easily cross these distances in a few hours...
Also take your ADHD meds; your reading comprehension is off.
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Okay you want to play hardball with reading comprehension?
Tell me, in what island in the South Pacific did they get supplies dropped by parachute from high altitude? You better come up with something really fricking creative because I'm pretty sure this never happened.
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to which you reply
I'm not trying to be rude, my dude, but how do these corelate? No offense, but double your dose of meds for a few days.
I never mentioned supply drops, or planes landing on the island. I was referring to flying over the island, up in the sky, or a bit lower in the case of those small private planes.
In a documentary somewhere, someone interviewed some tribesmen, who said they thought the planes flying over their huts were some sort of bigger birds; they never imagined these things are actually machines put together by people.
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but you do hear the sentenalise shouting on the beach. The invention of satellites made us better at being able to detecting more mundane forms of communication. Not worse.
Same reason we have some tards trying to hang out with lions. Tourism money.
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I don't care, sorry boo
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Some people are able to display their intelligence by going on at length on a subject and never actually saying anything. This ability is most common in trades such as politics, public relations, and law. You have impressed me by being able to best them all, while still coming off as an absolute idiot.
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