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/r/bikecommuting is a simple subreddit for users to post biking photos, news discussions, or hot takes about biking.
OP's Complaint
OP, after being confronted taking their bike inside their local Home Depot (a home improvement store), makes the following post, complete with an image for reference:
Home Depot told me I can't bring my bike into the store
I typically bring my bike into the hardware store with me unless there are proper bike racks. I don't see a problem with it as it's no bigger than a cart. The Lowe's by me removed their bike racks for an air compressor so I take it in. This Home Depot is new and I had looked for their bike racks but couldn't see them in the front of the warehouse, so I took it in.
When checking out I was told I can't bring my bike in as it is a safety concern. I gave a rebuttal that it's no bigger than a cart and they said it could fall and block an entire aisle when the carts can't fall over. I didn't continue the questions because they just work there but it seemed ridiculous to me.
Apparently their bike racks are in the back of the warehouse completely isolated, not somewhere i would feel comfortable locking my bike.
I'm going to continue bringing my bike into the store.
[Image of bird's eye view of the Home Depot and parking lot shows the entrance on the northwest side (marked with an arrow by OP), and the outdoor bike racks on the southeast area (circled for our convenience)]
Users debate the bike hike
Bike traffic can be a safety concern around the entrance area with people, trolleys and cars. In some way this is not so bad. At least they have bike racks which is nice! Many stores don't provide that where I live.
When you say bike traffic, are you imagining OP riding their bike into the store?
Of course I'm not. I just mean that the store front is usually a place you don't want bikes parked and the traffic of them. Would be better to have bike parking on the parking lot, but we all know that is unlikely.
Get over it, you are being a whiny ninny. I park mine at the car corral at Lowe's and never had an issue.
OP: Straight to name calling huh, sticks and stones... I would have found a suitable spot to lock it up outside if it had been a problem before, this was the first time I had been told not to bring it in
I intentionally ram carts into bikes at the cart corral.
How would you feel if someone intentionally rammed a cart into your car?
Guess they'd have to decide how much their Cannondale and legs are worth to them
It was more a question about intentionally damaging someone's property than a question of whether you like cyclists or not. I think it's just rude to ruin someone's shit, even if you don't inherently like them. Treat people the way you want to be treated, that's at least how I feel.
Then strap your bike to the bike rack.
"there is no bike rack"
Edit: well, this guy has a bike rack at his place lmao, mine doesn't have it tho rip
Private property, private rules:
You sound like an entitled jerk.
It's private property, they can have a rule that doesn't allow bikes. Just because it isn't convenient for you, doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want. [downkongd]
You'd have a point if they didn't install bike racks on the back side of the building forcing users to walk all the way around. They KNEW what they were doing. Treating us like shit because they can and we have no power.
Okay? So shop somewhere else.
It's a private business, you have to follow their rules.
Oh my god you have to spend a whole extra minute walking around the corner. Life gets much harder, hunny
Be fair, to walk all the way around a super store is more like 3 minutes.
and it's more about the indignation. Like forcing women to breastfeed near the trash bins out of sight.
OP should get trespassing charges:
This is a reasonable rule. I hope OP gets trespassed. [downkongd]
Why? To both.
Bringing a bike into a store is weird, like the people who bring their dogs everywhere. At least dogs are cute.
OP feels like flouting rules on private property.
I get that to some degree, but the part about getting trespassed is extreme to me. It's not as if they shoplifted or hurt anybody.
wtf why would you bring a bike into the store
OP: Because I would be nervous about locking it in a place that, to me, would be ideal for a thief. And I was loading directly into my panniers using it as a cart
That's why people hate bicyclists [downkongd]
OP: Right...
I can bring my dog but you can't bring a bicycle!?
Bicycles shit in the aisles, dogs don't.
I was bitten by a bicycle in lighting.
Did you go to the hospital? I heard bicycles carry rabies
I actually died right there in the lighting aisle. So that why I'm against bikes and pro car now.
Singular takes
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Wait, he was loading goods into his saddlebags like it was a shopping cart and he wonders why they might not be comfortable with that? Might be a little concerned about him loading merchandise onto a road vehicle that could easily just take off? FFS
The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko
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It's extra r-slurred bc saddlebags are obviously removable. Just take them off your bike when you park it, fill them up in the store as you would a backpack (at the checkout), then carry it to your bicycle and put the saddlebags back on it. Easy.
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tbf this wouldn't be a big deal for a white bike nerd to do before the shoplifting- apocololypse
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Shoplifting bipocalypse
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There is no bigger group of entitled strags like cyclist. They want to ride on the road, ignore traffic signs, ride to work and be all smelly n shit. Now they want to ride around store aisles.
Next thing you'll know they'll want want to cycle through women's restrooms and women's shelters.
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Doesn't count when they all self identify as "queer"![:#marseydisagree: :#marseydisagree:](
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All cyclists should![:marseykys2: :marseykys2:](
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When I cycle to work I enjoy feeling a queue of motorists build up behind me. Carcucks are powerless to stop me deliberately riding at 10mph in the middle of the lane.
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If you were right you wouldn't have to lie
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All I said was the truth.
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Hah, that'll get your butt jammed up for attempted shoplifting real quick. You're concealing unpaid merchandise.
The employees already dislike you, they can easily tell police "yeah he was loading shit into the bicycle storage, and looked like he might just ride through the doors and leave without paying
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Cops won't even show up if there is an active murder going on in the shop like frick are they showing up for suspected possible shoplifting
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"The stragcylist like he might do something maybe illegal!!"
"Look kid this is the emergency line, don't prank call us again."
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More realistically:
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They'd prefer if women breastfed inside the trash bins, but the fascists won't allow that.
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Uhhh no, I'd prefer if women breastfeed the trash bins.
I'm inside the bins, btw. No you aren't invited.
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Coon paws wrote this post
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They prefer to inconvenience everyone.
Just like cyclists.
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tf are you getting at home depot on a bicycle? a pair of nuts TO REPLACE THE ONES YOU DON'T HAVE?
lmao gottem
vroom vroom
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Lmao who tf rides a bicycle to a hardware store? There's nothing there small enough to transport on a bicycle. This is bait
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Dumb neighbor couldn't even write out the r-slurred trope right.
To be fair..
TO BE FAIR! fair
Be unfair for once, you fricking twerps!
Anyway, there's a 99.9% chance that your dumb "moment of brilliance" was already stated somewhere else in the thread, which you'd know if you could make it past the first popular comment.
Also, if this fat tub of lard thinks it takes three minutes to walk less than half way around a superstore.
Tjat place is such a brain suck, no wonder they all wanted some wishy-washy b-word to win the presidential election.
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he could just lock it to a tree or a parking corral if he wants to be closer to the entrance.
no bike thief
to even check
that store for bikes anyway. there
are probably 5 people max who have used those bike racks in the past year.
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the answer to both why he can't lock it outside and why he can't bring it inside all comes down to one thing:
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!sd Marsey riding a pennyfarthing bicycle
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Marsey riding a pennyfarthing bicycle
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Okay I love the top right umbrella and gaptooth.
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Pity he's been amputated.
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cycling in renton of all places lol. is he suicidal?
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What really matters is that
@HailVictory1776 has come around and believes that #BlueLivesMatter
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Putting the
spookieturkeymerrynew yeardonkeyJump in the discussion.
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Snapshots: (click to archive)
/r/bikecommuting: (click to archive)
It's a safety concern:: (click to archive)
"Get over it": (click to archive)
Private property, private rules:: (click to archive)
OP should get trespassing charges:: (click to archive)
The audacity of OP:: (click to archive)
What about dogs?: (click to archive)
Too far to walk for your American butt?: (click to archive)
They maybe take a cut of the profit from each bike stolen: (click to archive)
bikers are the most oppressed class: (click to archive)
"I'm going to continue bringing my bike into the store.": (click to archive)
Sounds like a battle of stubbornness is to be had. They're not going to ban you from the store over this so just keep doing what you're doing.: (click to archive)
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If you rely on a child's toy for transportation then you will be treated like the sub human you are.
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