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Post your suggestions and jannoids will decide which ones to add. Thank you.



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I'm Gen Z and I Think Different.

I'm Gen Z and I love going outside and talking to real people.

I'm Gen Z and I hate virtual reality, I want REAL reality. A GOOD REAL reality.

I don't approve of what adults, officials, and experts have been doing the past 3.5 years.

I'm just a kid and I can tell not enough adults have been fighting for a good future for my generation and the next.

I think something needs to MAJORLY change right now, starting this year even.

Does anyone want to listen to a different perspective?

People keep downvoting and calling us fools.

It's ok, you can call us fools.

You can call us crazy, because...

I believe, we can change the world.

I wanna know what you all think,

I've been looking for honest thoughts and answers to those questions.

Honestly, I'm just looking for any place online or offline to have actual conversation with real people.


What a cute twink. Might be one of our !schizos and !r-slurs

/u/DashGenZ seems to be his account too with his /r/SuperFaith schizo sub.

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I cant wait for this account to be brought up after a mass shooting

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