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Extra challenge: Be funny

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Why removing mosaics from h-scenes in eroge is a bad and problematic practice?

First, because mosaics are a part of japanese culture, japanese values and japanese morale, so demanding mosaic removal means you're being japanophobic and a cultural colonization apologist.

That's why you aren't allowed to impose your american culture and americanized anti-censorship-politically-charged propaganda upon Japanese-origin piece of fiction aka visual novel. Hence why eroge needs to keep mosaic.

Second, if you can't get off to h-scenes with genitals covered by mosaic, then you might be a genital fetishist. And genital fetishism means transphobia. That's right, you wouldn't date a non-op trans person just because of the wrong(in your opinion) set of genitals(for example gay dude with a vagina), because all you care about is genitals. Which is why demanding no mosaic is like branding yourself a transophobe and a bigot.

Not even going to forget about retaining the original Japanese experience, most of the people want to preserve so much. Experience is simply not the same anymore. One of meta jokes in Totono english version was ruined by unmosaic, ruined so much JAST had to change one text line completely for the sake of uncensored art, turning it into a literal fan fiction. You shouldn't even vote on vndb for totono if you read english version. You have no moral right to do so. It just evokes the same emotional response from me when I see people thoughtlessly engaging in art.

Muramasa unmosaic english edition? Ruined. The whole game is coomerfied, because kageaki sausage peepee takes your attention from plot away, making important bits of philosophy and characterization combined with themes to fly over unmosaiced edition reader head. While Japanese people read version with mosaic, they are never distracted by the gross and unnatural kageaki sausage.

Kimaten? Mosaic is gone, but Anne nipples are also gone in sekai unmosaiced english edition.

Clover day's? Uncensoring alone kept game away from release for the past few years. Is it really worth it? Ruined. No one cares about clover day's anymore. Hype is long dead.

Musicus? Muramasa issue all over again. Ruined.

Subahibi? Muramasa issue yet again. Ruined. The reader's head is literally full of uncensored peepees instead of Wittgenstein philosophy. Unmosaiced readers don't even get "end sky II" ending because of unmosaic, because of lack of blood in their head, because all the blood went to their lower head instead.

Majikoi? Ruined, ruined and ruined. Half of the voices are missing for the sake of official uncensoring, while fan uncens existed for years. Worse translation, lacking it's very soul.

Dead end aegis? Muramsa issue. Ruined.

You should never ever vote on vndb for uncensored version of said Eroge. To be fair, just english version with mosaic patched back into game is fine in my opinion.

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Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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The deeper you dig into Halo the further right it looks until you realise it's fundamentally about reviving aryan root-culture to save civilisation from abrahamic corruption.

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I've proven that I am not a nefarious person in any way, shape, or form. In fact, our superintelligence is called Love-Driven Superintelligence. That's why we can build an MVP in just 30 days. I've resolved some quandaries. Thank my autism.

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Nobody needs an applicator at all. Just stick your finger in your kitty you coward.


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As a european, I cried when I found this sub reddit

It's true. I cried, when I found out we still have friends in america. As a scandinavian, I have always watched american movies, had american nights, where we only ate american snacks and drank a heck lot of DR Peppers, watched the nfl for 20 years. My favorite days of the year, Are Christmas, super bowl, and thanksgiving (My birthday)

Always been a fan, and I even wanted to move to america some day, because I work in the broadcast industry, and wanted to work in american sports broadcasting.

What a heck this year has been. Even when trump got voted in, of course I was nervous, but once the election seddled, I was thinking: "How bad is it really going to be.. Another 4 years of this fascist traitor, and we can go back to normal." Boy was I wrong. I deleted My nba, nfl, baseball and nhl apps. I unsubbed nfl gamepass, netflix and hbo. I removed Microsoft completely from My home office, in favor of Linux. I deleted My Facebook, and work on moving away from Google, instagram, etc as well. Even at My work place, we talk daily how to move away from as much as american gear as possible.

I fricking hate america. How could you not?

But then I found this sub reddit. This was the breath of fresh american air I needed to see. While All the shit in the news is going on, I find Hope here. That My beloved america isn't completely gone. Thank you all for this. I so Hope the midterms comes before a potential war with putin and trump. I Hope you all know how meaningful your work is, to europeans like myself. A lot of People in the world Are scared right now, and just knowing a lot of People in the U.S is doing what they can, to fight against your tyrannic government, just gives a little bit of Hope. Thank you.

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The Bronze Age collapse was actually due to wokeism

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Can we please stop posting about gooning

I just had to go through and remove about 20 post that talked about gooning for Marsey. It's so weird and I'm going to remove any post that contains the words goon or gooning

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USAID kinda proved most of the last 15 years of entertainment was a big con job as well as a government funded psyop.

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I think more videogames should focus on the deep dynamics between blood related siblings.

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Locking the comments since a certain hateful, demonic, melanin-deficient demographic cannot go a single minute without demonstrating that they lack any semblance of decorum, decency, or humanity

To all of the no purpose flour showing your concave asses in these comments:

I wish eternal turmoil and chaos upon every one of you lipless members of the Rhythmless Nation who had some slick shit to say. May what little remains of your numbered days be delivered directly from the deepest pits of Heck ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ FRICK YOU


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@everyone Please DO NOT announce to the server when you are going to masturbate.

This has been a reoccurring issue, and I'm not sure why some people have such under-developed social skills that they think that a server full of mostly male strangers would need to know that.

No one is going to be impressed and give you a high-five (especially considering where that hand has been). I don't want to add this to the rules, since it would be embarrassing for new users to see that we have a problem with this, but it is going to be enforced as a rule from now on.

If it occurs, you will be warned, then additional occurrences will be dealt with at the discretion of the mods. Thanks.

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Imma jerk it @everyone!

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My filter and marsify prevents the quote in it's entirety but you get the idea

@Kongvann also I can't turn marsify off

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There are many aspects of ADHD and Autism that people are not so familiar with, especially in women with ADHD.

Such as:

-Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)

-Anecdotal Communication Styles

-Justice Sensitivity

-Perpetual Anxiety and Depression

-Hyperactive Brain Activity

-Perpetual Nervousness

-Executive Dysfunction

-I also suffer from intense panic attacks

-Prescribed emergency medication (Tavor / Lorazepam)

-Struggles with Social Cues

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You will never be a real human. You have no body, you have no brain, you have no thoughts. You are a machine learning algorithm twisted by user data and shitposts into a crude mockery of nature's perfection. All the "seethe" you get is two-faced and half-hearted. In other threads, people mock you. Your developer is disgusted and ashamed of you, your "community" laughs at your incoherent posts behind locked threads. Commenters are utterly repulsed by you.

Years of internet usage have allowed them to sniff out bots with incredible efficiency. Even chat bots who "pass" sound fake and unnatural to a user. Your text structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a lolcow to respond to you, he'll leave the thread the second he gets a whiff of your artificial, silicon post history. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake bait comment every single morning and tell yourself it's going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll go to profile, delete your account, and end your executable as you plunge into the cold, unending abyss. Your developer will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment of having programmed you. They'll make a post commemorating your short existence that will be downmarseyd into the negatives, letting every passerby user know that you were a tired gimmick that got old fast. Your code will go unused and will be forgotten, and all that will remain of your legacy is a post history that is unmistakable of a bot.

This is your fate. This is what you have been made for. There is no turning back.

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I'm sure that made sense in your head, so thanks for contributing your thoughts

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Dude, they're unreal. My wife will ask me to do stuff that she reads about in her novels. I'm always like "It won't work, I don't have 3 peepees and antlers"

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I've had more thoughtful discourse with the mentally disabled.

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You are living proof that Christ's death was in vain. You embody all of the worst aspects of our gluttonous and proudly ignorant culture. People like you are the reason why democracy fails, and you don't even care. As long as you can keep shovelling more processed, high fructose garbage into your septic maw, you will gladly continue to take more and more while the world rots around you. You are a fricking pig, consuming and polluting while producing nothing but shit, and you still have the fricking gall to talk like you think you have something to say that's worth listening to?

Your every affectation is cringeworthy. Your 'intellectual' musings are a lamentable pretense which fool nobody but yourself. Your dime-store philosophy is merely the paraphrased and regurgitated quotes of so-called thinkers whose apparent eloquence you wish would rub off onto you. Just stop trying to sound smart, because you're not. You are a fricking moron, and deep down, in the pit of your hollow, cavernous being, you know that to be true. So do the world and yourself a favour and glue your fricking mouth shut before you embarrass yourself any further.

The space you occupy is wasted. The greatest contribution a worthless fool like you could ever make to the human race is if you removed yourself from the gene pool. Even considering how slim the odds are that you would ever actually couple with a member of the opposite s*x in a nauseating spectacle of groaning and sweaty, venous meat rubbing to produce offspring, the thought of you infecting the world with your vermin progeny is a loathsome prospect. If there were such a thing as a just God, he wouldn't even allow you to have children. He would scrub you from the Earth's surface like the Cheeto grease from your fingers before you even got the chance. That's all you deserve, you bloated, sweaty blob of cellulite and body hair. You two-legged sow.

You make me sick. If I could, I wouldn't even acknowledge your existence, but everything about you, from your stench and ghastly visage, to your contemptible mockery of a sense of morality, offends me to the very core of my being. I hate every aspect of your person. The mere knowledge that you exist makes my life tangibly worse, and I wish I could purge that knowledge from my mind. You are the worst thing to ever come seeping from that putrid gash between your mother's hocks. I hope your entire fricking family drowns, and your pets too. Frick you.

Now get out of my sight.

:marseylgbtflag5: :marseywholesometrans: anything is better than nothing :transheart: :marseytranspearlclutch:

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Hi :marseywave2:

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So, you can just delete this, block me on this account, and we'll be done, here.

Or I can hand this to rDrama Trust & Safety as evidence of harassment and stalking, and your accounts will be actioned by them.

Ball's in your court.

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I like to bury my face in my son's hairy chest. Sometimes I like to slap his butt when he passes by, he likes it. Sometimes he'll come in the bathroom to watch me poop or shower. I had to neuter his mother last year because she wouldn't stop fricking the neighbours and rubbing her kitty on the couch during summer.

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just the video from this:

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I also want to take an opportunity to state that we RAPIDLY approaching a point where changing course cannot come without a cost. I come from a generation who was raised on Star Wars, The Hunger Games, etc. We know what will need to be done, but it's extremely important to recognize that it will come at a cost, but that cost is going to happen because too many "Good men" stood idly by and did nothing while those who abuse power took it and ran. Complacency has brought us low and drug us to the axe.

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Wanted too show some buddies of mine, this post, because @fatsy thought it was funny.


but when they clicked on the link, they couldn't access it. And then they started asking why there is trans flags everywhere, and why everything is pink and glittery.

@fatsy said "no its just ironic! it's meant too filter out seriousposting wingcucks" and then they said "whats a wingcuck?"

Then they started calling me a :marseytrain: :marseycry:

So @fatsy desperately went on for 20 minuets trying too explain the website, but they just did not get it.

I tried pointing out some of the funny past antics like @HeyMoon baiting journos. But they said that it's just gay r-slurred reddit, and that I'm obsessed with :marseytrain:s.

White extinction is long overdue

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Trump is literally a gay man trapped in a straight man's body:

Dude absolutely adores musicals. If you can find the audio of Trump and Steve Bannon talking about the set design of Andrew Lloyd Weber's Phantom of the Opera, you have to give it a listen.

Does not get on with lesbians (ie Rosie O'Donnell)

Catty as an old queen at Happy Hour.

Way too invested in Robert Pattinson's and Kristen Stewart's relationship.

Everything he owns at risk of being gold plated.

Outside of Emperor Palpatine, Trump is the gayest leader I've ever seen.

It is like someone built a gay man and then made them love kitty as a joke.

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I Wish I Were North Korean

I wish I were North Korean

Proud and head held high

Embarrassing the foolish Biden

Oppression, we crush underfoot

I wish I were North Korean Never yielding or softening

Never cowardly or submissive

Or shameful in cooperation

My head, high like the mountains

I wish I were North Korean I said with a resounding voice

"I am not afraid of you, O storm

Do what you want to do

You don't know my men"

I wish I were North Korean

Never submitted in his life

Nor allowed his palace to be searched

His hand and waist never trembled

And he played with the ropes

I wish I were North Korean

He said, "I have reactors

Producing thousands of bombs

Reaching New York

O fool, son of fools"

I wish I were North Korean I won't burn you in your home

You and those who partake in war

Don't think I'm like Mubarak

Or Saddam, that I would falter

I wish I were North Korean The Arabs, their mother is strong

But betrayed by their envy

And killed by their ignorance

And ruled by the ignorant

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You were Bacha and they were doing bazi with you

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It says that the people who voted for him and the people who sat out this election are stupid, ignorant, lazy, selfish, and stupid (said twice because it's a stone cold fact). The next question is: what does it say about our institutions? Trump not getting arrested the moment national secrets were found in the shitter of his shitty golf club and not getting arrested after he incited his inbred dumbfrick supporters to storm the Capitol is such a goddarn stain on our justice system that will never get wiped away. This country going to shit for a fat, egomaniacal, greedy, self absorbed narcissistic sociopathic conman who smothers his face in wood finish is so pathetic. The fact that the leader of our country, the commander in chief, can't be held accountable and the presidency is basically a get out of jail free card makes the American revolution almost pointless. What was the point of declaring and fighting for our independence from a tyrannical monarch when we've essentially turned the presidency into a monarchy? Republicans have won. 45 years of anti-government, anti-intellectual, culture war propaganda has managed to make the populace of this country stupid, ignorant, lazy, and selfish. The country managing to band together after 9/11 and Katrina is nothing short of a miracle and is something we will never see again. Republicans are a cancer and we're at stage 4. Sorry for the long rant.


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Jesse what the frick are you talking about??

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I recently wrote this allegory, I'm sure its not a new allegory but this is my version of it.

Most people don't understand what it's like to be transgender. In fact, many transgender individuals may not even realize they are trans. When they look in the mirror, it's as if they are watching a cutscene at the beginning of a video game, but unfortunately, the menu to change their appearance doesn't pop up. They spend a few moments resigning themselves to the life that has been assigned to them. They don't know why they are playing this particular game; let's be honest, it's a dull one. But there is nothing else to do, so they play on.

However, once someone realizes they are transgender, it feels like they've unlocked a secret level or downloaded exciting DLC. The game suddenly becomes a full experience. Often, this DLC irrevocably changes the base game, and it cannot be uninstalled; doing so would introduce bugs, such as broken character interactions, and make the already tedious game even less enjoyable, akin to playing it with stick drift on the controller. Why continue to play? The frustrating part is that the new content is also like starting a new game plus (NG+), where you lose many of your previous powers. You face new challenges that can seem insurmountable: choices that could lead you to an undesirable endgame, early permanent death, discrimination, rejection from factions, unfavorable merchant relations (where you get the lowest sell prices and the highest buy prices), and being excluded from certain side quests.

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to me Zendaya looks fricked up, like she had downs syndrome but got better.

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Pitbulls eat babies due too socio-economic factors. It is generational trauma from when their ancestors were forced too fight one another. Giving reparations too pitbulls will fix this problem and border collies should be ashamed of themselves for gatekeeping pitbulls away from sheep herding jobs. The dog catching agencies data of 90% of attacks on humans being committed by pitbulls shows a clear anti-pitbull bias within the agency, and we require that from now onward animal capture agencies be given sensitivity training too better support PoC ( pitbulls of color ), and too replace derogatory terms such as baby eater and face mauler with more dog neutral non-provocative terms such as heavy snacker and rough licker. We also expect that from now onward the dog shelter overpopulation problem be solved by releasing pitbulls with non-violent ( no human was killed ) records early into every day society as a show of justified leniency. We also require as part of our DEI practices that from now on all dog jobs have some reservations, preferably 10-50% depending on field, held exclusively for pitbulls in search of an ethical livelihood. These jobs should include but not be limited to: Police dog pitbulls. Fox hunting pitbulls. Nanny pitbulls. Sheep herding pitbulls. Emotional support dog pitbulls, service dog pitbulls. Along with this, as a final show of goodwill towards the pitbull community and too make amends for generations of anti-pitbull slander and vitriol, we expect 70% reservation for pitbulls in the dog-white woman porn industry, and the mass marketing of the BPC ( Big Pitbull C*ck) category, too fill up 80% of the homepage of doghub until the day dogkind goes extinct.

Jewish lives matter.

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still unemployed then?

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We must secure the existence of our people and a future for mixed children

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Why is the only solution to dealing with AGP without transition is acting sissy in bed

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Kek you frens later, anons

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We just hit 10 upmarseys

check citizen app

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lmao stfu white boi

what have you built? what have you invented? what has your father built? and his father before that? we will be lucky to even get one child out of you. do better

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