Sometimes i feel...

Sometimes i feel...

like theres no differance between a prayer from a holy bible, and a prayer from a wicca enchantment book

chsritians use magic and have no idea they use it, and use it so frerly, using verses as the spell, the cross as the rosary, sage for the church to cleanse, and many other religious dogmas that make me back away and rethink things, so heres a few quotes that i wont live by the fullest truth, but have decided to eat as nutrition anyways, to grow!

Prayer, especially intercessory prayer, requires opening to this possibility of many futures. Magic limits us to only one.

Then i go onto read other similar texts including:

Prayer is the act of asking God to do what he has already promised to do,

And speaks about Divine Magic:

Divine magic is the type that is practiced by Clerics. Clerics are those individuals who are able to commune with their deity through prayer and worship.

But what is the difference between Divine magic, and magic? Can Divine magic be used by non-clerics? Do i have enough Intelligence Points to Cast a Spell?

Probably not, as when i tried looking up the term 'non cleric' and 'divine magic' i had ended up in my search results DnD! Yayyayaya!

Seriously though, on topic of prayer and magic, and why history will tell you that we all pray to the same God, when attempting a spell, i will explain, hold on!

Priests refer to them as divine powers and magic, while wizards call them temple magic and old magic. Commoners simply call them blessings and sorcery.

See also;

Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you.

which is absolutely bonkers! Considering the word 'witchcraft' was later added to the english version of the bible!

So how can i make sense of any of this? I was on /r/AskAChristian

And the same question was answered in honesty ,and without fail, as making sense of this shouldnt be their job, but mine in this post!

I will not state that this is an answer, but it is a VERY good explanation of where i am going with all this!

Statue of Liberty

Ephesians 2:2

2 in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience

Revelation 20:1–3

20:1 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. 2 And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, 3 and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while.

If Satan comes to and fro, walking the Earth, with the limited access to Heaven he once had, how does that mean that when we focus on ourselves, and perfom rituals, even demonic ones, against Satan, that we are not invoking the powers of the ruler of the wind-sphere?

prayer is asking God to have His will be done, to reassure yourself that Heck is upon us, and the evils of the world flourish with that of the very petals in the wind, like a soft spoken breeze, the Demons come a knocking and wanting from you, inviting you to allow them to make room in your company. Not in your home, but in your heart. And to allow the ruler of the wind-sphere to come into thy open heart, makes you a fool. Jesus is meant to forgive, but that doesnt mean place your heart into black magic! "Well, i only burn sage and ask the Goddess of the Moon to come into my home nightly and sweep up the angel dust left to attract angry kittens manifesting into actual real appirations!"


why? Because you may not know it, but to take matters into your own hands, and not trusting the Divine to do what tht wilt, is very folly, as you have no idea what you allow in when you push the Divine away, telling them youll do it on your own! That your magic is intended for Divine/non-divine use! That you gave up on God, on Jesus, or on any other God you may beleive in! Jesus is real, Gods of Myth are not! The zodiac signs are meant to resemble the astrology, but even as we all know, Christians will point out that they are demons! Demons that control us when we allow them to become our souls, our lives, and giving up your soul to a device that is only documented by astrology, is like placing your trust in self-driving 2010 powered ai teslas!

now as for the statue of Liberty, idk how so many people thought it was a woman, but they are androgynous!

is satan camping @ America?

is Satan back right now, what is 1000 years? The bible also depicts days almost as galactic days, but wait.. how on earth in history did anyone know what a glactic day is? And why mention it? If it is beleived that a set number of dsys were creation, then why not place in galactic day? 633.7 Earth Days. Which when doing quick math with a calculator would equal 4,435.9 Earth Days, which placed into years equals 12.4 years. Why do i evem bring it up if what it meant 'galactic day' would say 'galactic day' and not just simply 'day'? Because a lot of people would like an easier explanation of how in 24 hours a planet was formed.. but if the timing was jsut right, couldnt it be more than possible by time and space (also referred to God as many) made Earth in one of our 24 hours span time? Then how was time relevant before the Earth was made, but still considered it an Earth Day if all was Created in that short span? If we are not the humans he created in the beginning of time, but instead at a later time in space and time, then wouldnt that mean that he didnt like us from before we were placed on earth, by nature following its course, over and over until we ARE the CIVILIZATION? i would like to beleive that Gods will be done, that nobody shouldnt feel the compassion granted to us.

  • i will not purposefully beleive every word i ahve spoken here, and i ahve attempted to read thoroughly before laying any quotes in this post!

Sorry this isnt much of a post, but i worked on it all last night and fell asleep.. i was going to work on it more, but to be honest, i cant tell you any answers to anything. I dont hold any answers to questions. I am but a student of life, here to learn, eagerly. And im simply giving you the words that has been passed down, through generations, even if it seems new, none of the words i am using are new, neither to you, nor the world, and its up to you to find answers, no matter if you seek for them to be given to you, you are still fidning answers. Good luck in life, as im far too depressed to care atm, life sucks and you know it, dont blame others for feeling this groove.



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