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Paraguay, does it suck? :marseypregunta:

My father plans to move to Paraguay.


Not sure how serious he is about this, but serious enough to look for land to buy and get a stay permit (or whateverthefrick it's called), and visit it twice already, with a third visit coming soon. I was wondering if any of local South Africans Americans have anything to say about this country?

I looked it up online, but it was either Redditors trying to escape fascist first world countries into peaceful diverse paradises and patting each other backs, or said first world countries warning that you will be captured by a guerilla :donkeykongwalk: :donkeykongwalk: :donkeykongwalk:, and while they did not specify what that entails, I assume that it's something bad.

Anyhow, !Macacos :marseybrasileiro: any insight?

For anyone wondering why my father wants to move. He is certain that globalist elites will force Poland to attack Russia. And even if there will be no war, he does not want to live here in the future since, according to YouTubers he listens to him, things cannot get better only worse, it will be Sodom and Gomorrah and we all are going to die or be enslaved.

Anyway, I'm just curious what are his chances of survival. :marseychartuptrend:

I will do some independent research later, but I'll use any opportunity to source local Dramanauts for their unique knowledge so at least something comes from browsing this site.

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>And even if there will be no war, he does not want to live here in the future since, according to YouTubers he listens to him, things cannot get better only worse, it will be Sodom and Gomorrah and we all are going to die or be enslaved.

boomers in all countries are getting their brain scambled by internet media. people always thought that young people would get brainwashed online , buts its always middle aged guys with too little friends. :marseyunamused:

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AI slop on Facebook has proven without a doubt, that access to internet should be age restricted on both ends of the axis.

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tbqh, a lot of whites just don't want to see any black people.

I am exploring paraguay rn just like OP father, except I am driving around the south east alone. Its great if you want enough land to live on and profit from for $300k (with small house). Sparsely populated etc. but it seems like the local monkeys cut down all the forests so it doesn't rain as consistently, either drought or flood. just like that the mayans did to themselves. so its a no from me dog. But lol paraguay is whiter than USA now ironically.

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tbqh, a lot of whites just don't want to see any black people.

My father is more against Jews and Ukrainians. Not sure about blacks, there are still to few of them here for him to start stating his opinion on them, and I did not feel like asking.

His racism is fairly complex, and he is ye to make a graph.

but it seems like the local monkeys cut down all the forests

Yeah, I expected more foliage, but I'm not sure if it's people's fault, or the climate is just too harsh for lush forests.

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climate is fine for 'atlantic forest', but there is more money in soy bean farming. check the koppen climate, south east is supposed to be wet continental

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It has a long and glorious history as a refuge for victims of judaeo-bolshevik persecutions.


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Yeah, I heard that my knowledge of German language may come handy if I ever go there.

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the article actually said a crotchety old woman banned it because it made her uncomfortable.

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AsunciΓ³n is okeyish for LATAM standards and safe. Mid city with hellish heat but not much different from any mid sized Brazilian city.

The eastern part is filled with Brazilians.

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He plans to buy some land outside of AsunciΓ³n, <60km from the airport.

The eastern part is filled with Brazilians.

Holy shit, I don't think he knew, that changes everything. I'm going to call him with a warning right now.

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It's all southern Brazilian withoids mostly, not the rowdy ones.

Tell your father to visit and stay in AsunciΓ³n for a month as a visitor to see if he likes it.

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He was there twice, and apparently he likes it. But both visits were less than one month, and with a guy who knew the country. I sincerely doubt he got a good picture.

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Seems pretty guay to me tbh.

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It is the worst guay country afterall.

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:#marseyflaguruguay: :#marseyflaguruguay: :#marseyflaguruguay: :#marseyflaguruguay:

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no, you're gay :marseyindignant:

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Hmm... This may dissuade him from moving.

Noted. :marseynotes:

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I wouldn't recommend it tbh

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Any particular reasons behind that (non) recommendation?

Or it just sucks in general? I'm wondering if I should start preparing myself for the funeral.

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I'm just xenophobic

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So is my father.

Perhaps he should have moved to Brazil to fit in better.

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>Xenophobic Polish man moves to Paraguay

Like the start of a joke tbh

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I haven't been there but macacos often go there to shop. Several of my friends have been there and their opinion is pretty much the same all over.

There's nice looking places for tourists, everywhere else is a huge favela filled with scammers or street sellers peddling shit to foreigners.

It's probably different further away from the border but it honestly doesn't seem like a good place to live.

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As cidades de brasiguaios são iguais a qualquer cidade do interior do ParanÑ. Assunção é 100 vezes melhor que as cidades de fronteira que chocam os BRs.

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Depende do lugar, o brasileiro mΓ©dio vai fazer compras em Ciudad del Este ou pior, pra Pedro Juan perto de Ponta PorΓ£ que sΓ£o feias. A capital nΓ£o Γ© muito diferente de uma cidade BR de tamanho mΓ©dio, mas em geral nΓ£o tem nada a oferecer de interessante.

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It seems fine based on what they post on /int/. It's a poor shithole but relatively peaceful. I know a lot of anti-clotshot chuds from Germany and Koreans wanting to escape the bughive move there so it mustn't be too bad.

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For anyone wondering why my father wants to move. He is certain that globalist elites will force Poland to attack Russia. And even if there will be no war, he does not want to live here in the future since, according to YouTubers he listens to him, things cannot get better only worse, it will be Sodom and Gomorrah and we all are going to die or be enslaved.

I like how often people are super worried about the politics of their own country, to the point where they want to emigrate, but they don't give a shit about the politics of the country they want to move to.

Clearly they don't need to move, the real solution is to just stop thinking about the politics :marseygrilling2: Especially considering that your father seems to be r-slurred, he's not really cut out for this whole "thinking" thing :marseysmug2:

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Especially considering that your father seems to be r-slurred, he's not really cut out for this whole "thinking" thing

That's very rude, only my and my mother can say that about him. And we do so frequently.

But yeah, it's really naive to jump continents for the reason he does, although outside of political bullshit I think there is a desire for a more quieter and out of the way life. Which is more understandable.

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neighbor, i saw a muchacho open carrying a .22 rifle on his motobike.

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Yes, he's thinking or Uruguay that's nice

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Idk but I remember at the Olympics (2012?) there was this really hot chick from Paraguay

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I don't. I only watched the opening ceremony.

But, what you say gives me hope for my potential future visits to my father in Paraguay.

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Love me a spicy latinx. Godspeed king

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Which part though?

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The part where he didn't decide to move to Russia, the last bastion of the free world yet untainted by millionaires, jews, and millionaire jews


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I don't think even he is psy-opped to the point of believing Russia is a livable place for human beings.

Also he stopped drinking, so he wouldn't be able to pass citizenship test.

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:marseyflagpoland: s should fight for their country :marseyindignant: even if your draft dodging father has to escape, why fricking Paraguay, even for dudes who want to go to South America it's overlooked. I think Peru, chile and Argentina are all richer and generally better options, uruguay has some kind of libertarian thing going on, some people choose places like Guyana and Belize since they're easy to get in, very cheap and nice and secluded.

I hope dziadek understands he is trading one short fight against a t-72 for a lifetime of fighting with hordes of 65 IQ hard-working Americans and macacos.

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I'm pretty sure he chose this country because it's so obscure and out of the way. He also found people there he can work with when it comes to moving.

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does your dad speak spanish?

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He is still learning. It's hard for me to judge how much he knows when I didn't even know how to say "hello", until I went to Tenerife last month.

But he is certainly dedicated to learning it.

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