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:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED will pay someone to plan a trip to the philippines for me

2 weeks - at least 3 months or more from now. DM me your rates.

Community Note by @lmaoprankt


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Libertarian red flag

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Fr, even as a ricebunny-breeding BWC Chad this is pretty cringe for Pizza, real !BWC BVLLs go to Japan, South Korea, and China to find ricebunnies to mate with, only the :soyjak: beta nu-males who can't find a gf at home, and :muttscooter: divorced obese boomers go to SEA to chase after easy-to-grab foids in poverty who just want a green card or quick hookups :marseyserioushatfact: !truthnuke !whites !asians !enemiesofpizzashill

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738538929SFPw2NE2RJoP8w.webp !commenters

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Taiwanese girls are very underrated. @BWC doesn't even know about the freedom chinese, smdh

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Taiwanese girls are very underrated. :marseyblacked:


8,480 search results for BWC vs. 47,789 search results for BBC....

:#marseynooticeglow: !builtfor !the !BBC !and !the !BWC

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In your extensive research does this also apply to the other types of asian as well?

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:#chadyes: I already wrote about this in detail months ago:


Why yes, I specifically separate pornstars by their country of origin, specific province/city of origin, ethnicity, and political beliefs.

For example, I sure do love Russian foids from the Far Eastern Oblasts who LARP as japs. :marseygeisha: :marseyrussianmutt:

Aisha Sun, the one on the left is from the Altai Republic, a Turkic-speaking republic near Kazakhstan and Mongolia, the one on the right I forgot her name and I am less sure of where she comes from, but she is probably from Yakutia/Sakha Republic, another Turkic republic located in the middle of bumfrick nowhere Siberia, plenty of them in Russian porn who LARP as Japanese foids :fancywithwine:



:#gigachadtalking: !coomers !moidmoment !builtfor !the !BWC !and !the !BBC

There is a whole fricking PMV about this also made by an neurodivergent coomerkang (sadly not me this time) who also makes "Sluts from obscure Central Asian countries" compilation vids :marseyautismcap::marseycoomer2:, in the vid below there are at least 2-3 ricefoids from Yakutia with Japanese-sounding porn names:


So yeah, if you know Russian, there exists a rabbit hole on the Russian internet of Weeaboo Vatnigs who are too broke or sanctioned to properly become a s*x tourist in Japan, China, Korea, or Thailand, so they just look forward to dating the slanty-eyed ethnic minority foids who already live in Russia, who also speak their same language and have a similar culture, furthermore, there are plenty of Sakha/Kalmyk/Buryat/Mongol foids who start to LARP as kawaii UwU Anime/K-Pop waifus, lest they be amalgamated together with the silicone blond bimbo Natashas that frick BBCs in Prague and get shat on by Arabcels in Dubai :marseysaluteussr:


Something similar also occurs in India, where the Sino-Tibetan Sexy Indian dudeas of the Northeastern States (like Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, etc.) nootice how much undesired Curryfoids are, so they take advantage of their East Asian physical appearance and start to Animemaxx/Kawaiimaxx/K-Popmaxx, and the broke Sexy Indian dudecels unable to travel to outside of India instead look forward to dating them :marseydarkxd:, if I did not sperged out on this topic, you probably woudl not believe that these foids below are Indian citizens who were born and raised in India:

:#pepoboner: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e6/83/bc/e683bc1d23577ea6d1e87c2d5fae5047.jpg :!#pepoboner::#marseytunaktunak:

I saw a video interview of some journoids interviewing some random Northeastern Indians on the street, and one of them said that when he traveled to Delhi(?), he got called chink and cannibal :marseydarkxd:, and that Indians themselves are quite unfamiliar with Northeastern India, not knowing that these majority-Christian ricecels are also Indian citizens.

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Cool, but I don't care, slant-eyed women belong to white men.

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>slant-eyed women belong to white men.

:#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: !whites !coomers !truthnuke !builtfor !BWC

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Thank you. This has been very informative


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It's weird how even the horny :horny: guy spits facts, this is a helpful website :marseyliondance:

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We should theoretically be worse than reddit because we can actually do things with our imaginary internet points unlike redditors.

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DO NOT GO NEAR VIET CHICKS (even ones born in the west). THEY ARE ALL PSYCHOS. :marseybackstab:

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!asians !foidmoment on this list, which foids are the least psycho, and which are the most psycho?

Least - Thai and Cambodian?

Most - Chinese and Vietnamese?

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Korean - Actually Unhinged, Mild chance of stabbing, High chance of stalking you, medium chance of hitting you, medium chance of gaslamping you, high levels of talking shit about you

Chinese - Actually Unhinged, High chance of hitting you, Low chance of stabbing, high levels of gaslamping, high levels of talking shit about you

Taiwanese - Medium chance of hitting you, high levels of gas lighting, medium levels of talking shit about you

Japs - Mildly unhinged, low chance of stabbing, high chance of stalking you, low chance of hitting you, such low levels of gaslamping it loops into high level just from the suspicion

Vietnamese - Actually Unhinged, High chance of hitting you, High chance of stalking you, Medium chance of stabbing you, high level of gaslamping you, will stab a hoe talking shit about you

Filipino - Medium chance of hitting you, medium chance of stalking you, medium chance of stabbing you, medium level of gaslamping you

Thai - High chance of stabbing you, high chance of hitting you, low gaslamping, low stalking

Others: Flip a coin.


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So few Jap foid stabbings that what few handful there are remembered because of how few there are neighbor.

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I think this also happened in Tokyo Vice. Which may have been based on a true story. I don't really remember Tokyo Vice. :#marseynerd3:

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I was gonna watch Tokyo Vice but then I found out it was about a journo. :vomit:

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Korean - Actually Unhinged, Mild chance of stabbing, High chance of stalking you, medium chance of hitting you, medium chance of gaslamping you, high levels of talking shit about you

Fake news. My wife would never.


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What spanish colonization does to a mf

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Stay away from Chinese women. We are not ok and soon you won't be, either.

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Hold on a second, I gotta buy a drink first. :#marseywait:

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Korean - Actually Unhinged, Mild chance of stabbing, High chance of stalking you, medium chance of hitting you, medium chance of gaslamping you, high levels of talking shit about you


Chinese - Actually Unhinged, High chance of hitting you, Low chance of stabbing, high levels of gaslamping, high levels of talking shit about you


Taiwanese - Medium chance of hitting you, high levels of gas lighting, medium levels of talking shit about you

Medium would.

Japs - Mildly unhinged, low chance of stabbing, high chance of stalking you, low chance of hitting you, such low levels of gaslamping it loops into high level just from the suspicion

The ones who are just part jap are sooooooooooooo fricking tot tho.

Vietnamese - Actually Unhinged, High chance of hitting you, High chance of stalking you, Medium chance of stabbing you, high level of gaslamping you, will stab a hoe talking shit about you

Okay, I'm ready.

Filipino - Medium chance of hitting you, medium chance of stalking you, medium chance of stabbing you, medium level of gaslamping you

If you only reached a medium chance you're doing something wrong.

Thais - Never been with a Thai but one just decided to volunteer the information that her Swedish fiance is an alcoholic so she beats him up on a daily basis. That was.... well... I've been in less awkward conversations.

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Every unattractive western nerd with any non-1st world woman learns at some point that there's no cheat code to life and you will pay somehow as his cute submissive 2nd/3rd world gf suddenly turns into a possessive controlling psycho as soon as the relationship feels steady. 1st world women are kind of distant and difficult to get but won't murder you in your sleep

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Viet hands made this image

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>Viet hands made this image

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738439028WlD7E83PGRakxQ.webp !soyteens !asians !moidmoment

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:marseycry: Brown foids are so under appreciated.

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Its that Jeetblood that raises its ugly head in them in the weirdest ways.

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I still appreciate them! :marseyembrace:

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Bloggif girls are top tier though

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Can't believe you of all people wouldn't understand the appeal of different Asian phenotypes. Anyway everyone knows the superior race is sino-vietnamese.

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That Cambodian girl is mogging the top row wtf.

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Yeah wtf did they mean by that?

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bottom right is bad af

you have bad taste

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lol Vietnamese in the same tier as Korean and Japanese

say no to swamp Asians

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vietnam is where chinese men get their mail order brides

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Pizza's sexpat arc


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Failson supreme

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Not really, if that was the goal then there's nothing to plan: Just get a nice hotel in Manila near a red light district.

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