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The mainstream German parties really should implement strict anti-migrant measures to prevent the further rise of the far-right. The far-right Nazis won't be able to "remigrate" any immigrants if we fly all of the immigrants they have a problem with to Rwanda beforehand, so we could prevent the rise of the new Hitler.

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Smh another ChudNarca moment


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"gas the jews so hitler cant"


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Reported for hate speech

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No, they should introduce strict pro-migrant measures to further dilute the AfD vote. We must accelerate.

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Hitler was a leftist chud :marseyindignant:

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Same thing in France. If anyone is wondering the reason so many gay men vote right/far-right, the answer is non-European migration and the rise of Islam.

Basically, we fear mass Muslim migration more than the far-right.

The only thing gays fear are condoms. Wtf are these people talking about


OP, please add to the title that it is a gay dating app. Describing it as LGBT+ gives the wrong impression. Men are more politically right-leaning, this is important context given that the missing information gives a distorted impression of LGBT+ people as a whole. Just switch "LGBT+" out for "gay". It's literally what they call themselves. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details/ROMEO+-+Gay+Dating?id=com.planetromeo.android.app&hl=en-US&pli=1

:#soycry: :!#soycry:

The fact people are puzzled by this shows how fkn dumb Reddit is.

Islam and LGBT don't tend to mix very well. How is this coming as a shock to some of you?

Again the Islam excuse...


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I like how whenever this is brought up, leftists just say, What about Christianity, and expect gays to just fall in line based on that.

Iran could throw one million gay communists off a skyscraper one after another, and I guarantee you each one of them will still be screaming about Karens in Kentucky as they plummet.

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Iran hangs gays if they won't cooperate and become trans. It's Sunni bumpkins out in Iraq and Syria that throw them off rooves.

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There was that :marseytrain: type a couple of days back who was saying Iran was a good example of a country for :marseytrain2:s because who cares about biological s*x or that forcibly transitioning gay men leads to more gender dysphoria, not less, at least no one was rude about it.

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:#marseyhomosupremacist: :#marseyhomofascist:

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Conservative parties always had more support among gay men at least in germany.

Ernst Röhm moment

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Gorkybros! We stay undefeated.

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I picked up on the 'LGBT+ as a word-filter replacement for gay' thing as well. There's the other good (and bad) reasons, but it's like whenever someone tries to talk about men's issues and you get indignant foids furious that they want to worry about men at all. Followed by the simps saying how embarrassing it is that some men think they have problems, I'm a man who thinks my problems are no big deal compared to women's, look how good a feminist I am.

For an increasing number of gay men, not only is that annoying, but the same thing is happening with gay in the LGBT+. Oh you think the LGBs have their own issues? They better be trans-inclusive looks at those issues. You'd better include pooners and gigahons or you're evil and they'll try and ostracise you from the groups and events you created. And god forbid you think things like the higher suicide rates or dangerous drug and s*x practices are G issues, don't you know that :!marseytrain:s don't feel safe?

Disdain beats that scorn.

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Describing it as LGBT+ gives the wrong impression.

I constantly see the "LGBT(A)+" initialism used for topics that are exclusively trans-related. !gay

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Islam and LGBT don't tend to mix very well. How is this coming as a shock to some of you?

this is why i loved the lgbt for Palestine protesters...

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Isn't the head of AfD a white lesbian married to a brown woman? Makes sense that AfD is more the anti Islam party than the murica style chud party

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AfD is the "hey can we take a break on the immigration until they learn to be like us?" and "being German isn't bad (incorrect) and we shouldn't let the Nazis define us forever" party. They support animal rights and the environment and are not really US chuds in the slightest.

Even the chud Spanish party's platform is: "can we stop taking Muslims and just take Latin Americans since they have a similar culture and speak the language?"

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Didn't Hitler also support animal rights? Checkmate chud.

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Also IIRC the AFD is the only relevant party in Germoney that supports nuclear energy, ironic how the radically anti-Putler and "pro-Environment" parties who are so worried about Ruzzia and climate change coincidentally all love to peepeesuck Zigger oligarch oil and shit on nuclear whenever possible. !chuds

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Okay but that would prove Trump right.

I think Germans and Europeans in general have proven they would fain cut off their noses to somehow spite Trump's face.

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>Fission is scary


Sidenote: Always find it funny Germans wasted more money on the V2 which was useless for their overall success than we did on the Manhattan project with our pilfered Jewish science.

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But the US used the V2 research to put their nukes on missiles. :marseymerchant:

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And then we stole their Nazi scientists and made them work with our Jewish scientists to get to the moon.


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To the moon!

:marseymerchanttalking: :!marseyangelamerkeltalking:


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their love for nuclear is probably solely "current thing bad". I doubt they would actually try to build new reactors even if they had a majority.

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>their love for nuclear is probably solely "current thing bad". I doubt they would actually try to build new reactors even if they had a majority.

:#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke: :#marseytruthnuke:

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If Spain tries to steal my mentally ill Colombianas, I will wipe them off the map.

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Yeah like AFD didn't make that AIslop advertisement of blond blue eyed men picking up swarthy immigrants and dropping them into the sea to drown

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She's also has a PhD and lives in Switzerland.

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They're a lolbert party with strong right-wing factions. In practice though, with the electoral goal being to eventually get out of being region-locked to East Germany it's the lolbert faction who tends to win out - at least federally. Their chuddiest opinions tend to be within the state level factions while on a national level their chuddiest actions generally have to do with not subscribing to total Russian death and generally being far less Atlanticist than any of the other German parties.

This is not to say those right-wing factions are nothing burgers or that the lolbert faction is in constant ascendancy - in general, since the party's founding as a nearly totally lolbert party, they've actually taken far more losses than the right-wing groups within the party with most of their saving grace being the German constitution jannies cleaning up the chuds who can't hide their power levels. They've been in charge over this outpour of support and seeming coming electoral success so their fortunes have been buoyed recently.

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That entire comment section is redditors finger waging at minorities (gays) for daring to disagree with the leftist agenda, despite them being one of the groups muslims hate the most. Do you guys thing they managed to convince the gays to vote for them? :marseyhmm:

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Maybe if we tell gays that they are too stupid to act in their own interests that will help

Neo nazis hate gays as much as muslims. They just enjoy the fact that media plays big on islam vs gays. (Which is still a problem) If we remove islam it will eventually be nazis vs gays. Well even if we dont remove islam, reality is that neo nazis rather bash in a gay person skull if given a chance.

Much better

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What a fricking pathetic and defeatist position lmao, "both Musloids and Nazoids want to kill gay folx, so they are going to be genocided anyways :gigachad2:", by this point just admit that it would be more heckin wholesome and diverse for gay folx to be killed by Muslims instead of Huwite Supremacists.

If you want to defeat both Neo-Nazis and Islam, then fricking address the concerns with mass immigration and lack of assimilation that the population and voter base has, instead of perpetually sweeping it under the rug, and sperging out about le heckin Nazis and racist voters, and then proceed to have mental breakdowns on social media when the Chud parties win, because you ignore what voters want, all for corporate CEOs to keep their immigrant slave labor caste under a façade of "diversity". !chuds

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We will jail you for twitter memes

We will jail you for defying lockdowns over a flu

We will import so many BIPOCs you wish you knew somalian

Wait, why are you voting against your BEST interests?! :marseyeyelidpulling:

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I find it funny that leftoids can be completely baffled when presented with evidence that the right has changed somewhat over the last 80 years.

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!germs you always had chuddy gays didn't you?


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Liar. I know for a fact you're a straggot.


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Umm yes?

It's straight if one of us wears a skirt


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>Homos don't like importing people that openly call for their deaths

This bluescreens the redditor brain :marseybsod#:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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>two most popular parties in gay dating app are AfD and Greens

Well yeah, there have to be tops and bottoms to make it work

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>we need a name for our gay app

>let's use one if the most famous heterointercourseual love stories of all time

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Counterpoint: Romeo is a turbostrag.

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Counterpoint: romeo is trans

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Linke > BSW

Lol, lmao.

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I hope so badly that the Linke gets kicked out of the Bundestag and BSW can stay. :pray: It would cause a nuclear meltdown on euro/german reddit. Like, that the AfD is gonna do well is pretty much certain at this point but if the reddit approved lefty party eats shit also it would be very funny :soysnooseethe:

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Why is anyone surprised? I thought it was quite well known by now that right wing circles are full of peepee hungry men

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Uhh, no we send women into the kitchen and exclusively hang out with other men, wearing leather boots and Hugo Boss uniforms, because it's the natural order, okay?


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rightttt.... thats just what you want people to think

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smh woman into the kitchen

ur interrupting bro time


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Hi, I'm Kongothy :marseywave3:

I voted in this poll, guess who I voted for :marseyblush:

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What's the trend with older generations being more left leaning than younger groups. Same with with trump

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Young men are way more right-wing than young men from even like 5 or 10 years ago. And then among that age group centrist parties don't poll as well since the zoomer brain can't comprehend that wingcuckery is r-slurred, so the difference is more pronounced.


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60's counterculture and its consequences

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This is why gay men are the straight white men of the LGBTQIA+ community :marseyindignant:


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Everyone knows gay men are evil unless a) they're 2D anime husbandos or b) they have zippertits. Fujoshis and their fanfics are true gay representation and you're a bigot if you think otherwise.

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This so much this :bigsmilesoyjak:


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Gays are low-key fascist is nothing ground breaking.

But tell me more of this app. Is it the mythical based gay app that lets you filter out transmen and doesn't show you guys labelled as 'straight'?

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Nazis of the Third Reich famously has gays in their ranks and approved homosexuality under their nose. They would only snuff it out in incidents where it threatened optics.

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They literally just need to start placing stricter immigration policy standards based on which country you come from and the groups violent crime rate.

Instead of doing easy or hard immigration, have levels of immigration difficulty based on where somebody is coming from and the past 30 year record of that group.

It is literally that easy.

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Yeah but if they do that then they become pesky alt right chud fascist nazis :marseyshrug:

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Right wing is when not allowed in my house if you keep pissing on the sofa.

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Nice, so a bunch of gays are closeted chuds just like me :marseysunglasseson:

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it's muslims..

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